Is it a sacred meditation used by the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs in Mesoamerica?
Kakao-Zeremonien is a healing room, in the case of that sacred meditation and the revitalization, which is physiologically and spiritually sin, where you can enjoy in community and not a single bist.
After the Kakao geehrt and geehrt hat, trinkt man in and es können Atemarbeit, Meditation, Klangreisen, Tanz and Music dazugehören – everything, one of the insights you gain and how you connect the spirit of the Kakaopflanze.
We will regain the energy after the Trinken and the Connection with the Spirit of the Kakaos and unseren Herzen in a troubled, soundful Klangbad-Meditation with Kristalllang scales integrated, if zeremonieller Kakao would be connected with Klängen, his empfehlen ist, that we would be affected in this way Zustand in een sehr tive Meditation und Verbundenheit met unserem Herzen fließen können met Hilfe der Klange.
The Kakao-Zeremonie has just returned from the Herzchakra and has convinced us that it is the self and our self that will work here.
Gesundheitliche Vorteile von Kakao:
🍫erhöht the energetic Feld unseres Herzens
🍫Higher Anteil and Antioxidants
🍫 Improve the immune system and cardiovascular health
🍫 Supports the Durchblutung by Theobromin, which is responsible for the impact of the outcome
🍫rich in Magnesium, Kalzium, Eisen, Flavonoids, Potassium, Fiber, Zinc…
🍫senkt den Blutdruck
🍫 Enthält Anandamid – the “Glücks-Peptid”
A bit stranded:
Esse vor der Zeremonie nicht zu vader, damn der Kakao in deinem Körper besser wirken kann! If you have found a empfindlichen Magen, it is ratsam, for the Zeremonie, it was small essential.
Kakao and klang became the disease and pain of antidepressants, which no longer support the development of serotonin hemmen (with SSRIs). Please advise if you work hard, be sure to work well!
Sound Healing and Sound Medizin in Groups do not work for psychoses, cramps or strong personal and spiritual experiences. We advise you about a Mediziner.