With the spring around the corner, many of us are committed to cleaning. Detoxing or cleaning is traditionally done in the spring to remove our body from a winter diet that is often a bit heavier in fats, grains and proteins. There is an abundance of cleansing to choose from and many of them are specifically for certain results that one would like to achieve, whether it is now to lose weight, simply clean up the system or test for food allergies. However, cleaning can be difficult for our body and is not recommended for children. Yet children suffer so much, if no more, if no more than adults of food allergies and seasonal allergies.
Seasonal allergies can be miserable, and many of us who try to lead a natural lifestyle, prefer to stay away from freely available (OTC) allergy medine. There are some natural ways to help minimize seasonal allergies for both adults and children.
Local honey
Eating a teaspoon of local honey a day can help the body get a homeopathic doses of the pollen in their environment. This can sometimes help that the body gets used to them, and most children are happy to take it!
Nettle tea
It has been found that nettles contain natural antihistamine bindings that can calm down common seasonal problems. It makes a mild tea that can be mixed with other teas or drunk alone.
Neti -Potten
These small teapots rinse the nose passages and keep them free of mucus.
Omega 3S
Omega 3S, found in cold water fish, flax and chia seeds, are linked to reducing allergies.
A clean, healthy diet is of course the best way to support the body and natural defense. It is best to prevent processed foods, especially simple carbohydrates (such as white flour and sugars), and too much sugar. Many fruit and vegetables are always recommended.
Food allergies in children have certainly increased in recent years, and although many parents and doctors are catching, they are still often overlooked. Food sensitivity is difficult to discover, but symptoms can include dark circles, recurring earache, chronic sturdyness/mucus retention, abdominal pain, skin rash, bladder (bedding) problems and even hypersensitivity in the emotional empire.
Although one can be tested for this with the doctor, there are also ways to test it at home. With my children I used the elimination diet, where the most common allergenic foods (such as gluten, dairy, corn, sugar, tomatoes, eggs and soy) are removed from the diet for a certain time and are added in one at the same time while monitoring any changes. Fortunately, there are many alternatives available nowadays, so one can supplement crackers, pasta and bread with gluten-free, and there are many non-dialing products and alternative sweetened products. Eliminating foods that cause sensitivities with ourselves and our children can help us feel so much better, both physically and emotionally.
Reviewing our diets is not easy, but so worth it when we see how much more energy we have when we cut out the food that annoys us. With children, who are often picky, it may seem like a whole task, but if we can teach them to listen to their bodies at a young age, we set them up for health and well -being for their entire lives.
Tessa Munson Wood, Children’s Category Manager
Only for educational purposes. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease.
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