Osha -root (Ligusticum Poteri) offers a distinctive deep healing power that is connected to the unique conditions of his home at a great height in the Rocky Mountains. OSHA is found in Sub Alpine Zones (7,000 to 10,000 feet) from British Colombia South to New Mexico. Being medicine, Colorado cough root and mountain ginseng, this is a root with many applications and a long line of respect for local healers in the growing area.
Esha -root
Only the scent of Osha is an indication of its incredible potential. The aromas of Osha roots that cook on your stove will always let a house guest stop and wonder what that wanted but trusted scent could be. The well -known quality is probably due to the fact that it is a member of the Parsley family, just like celery. Herbalist Michael Moore refers to Osha’s characteristic strong aroma and taste as ‘celery from hell’. I agree with the “hell” section because it wears underworld quality. And it actually grows in the darkest depths of damp, rich, organic soils!
The wild part is also true. The majority of Osha root that is found on the market is from Wild Harvest. This is because medicinal viable OSHA plants are not easily cultivated; They grow best in their high rocky mountain conditions that are difficult to close to a farm.
Brown Bears likes Osha Roots!
People are not the only fans of Osha Medicine. Van Beren is known to dig Osha roots, especially in the spring when waking up from their sleep mode. Northern Indians and the Aztecs both named “Bear Medicine” Ligusticum porteri Because bears grew up and consumed, probably because of his blood heating potential to start digestion. Bears also drip and squirt the juices of chewed Osha over their fur coats and faces!
Modern herbs and folk medicine lovers nowadays use OSHA to calm cough and main cold, to support a healthy respiratory function, to encourage healthy height adjustment, to promote perspiration when cooling a happy Talisman, an air purifier and as a food -inspection stony. The list of ways to use Osha is very long.
And luckily, because the roots are so full of healing potential, you can boil them in water 50 times on average! This is an economic and ecological profit to prevent him from harvesting or buying 50 more roots than necessary.
Herbalist Ann Drucker
Herbalist and teacher Ann Drucker has a lot of use for Osha. One that she has been enthusiastic about sharing lately is Osha sharpening after you have cooked it 50 times and used it in your kitchen. A coffee/spice mill does the trick to pulverize the Osha. This offers a unique herb for salmon, baked onions, honey, even brownies! Ann strongly encourages the full use of the factory. She says, “If you’re done, if you don’t grind it and eat it, bring it back to his house in the earth where you found it.”
The formulas of Wishgarden Herbs that contain Osha:
Writer Christina Bertelli, CCH, is a certified clinical herbal and female ecology -educator
Only for educational purposes. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease or to sell a product.
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