How many times a day does your mind play tricks on you?
When you realize you haven’t heard from a loved one in a while, your thoughts may wander to the worst.
If you have pain that lasts longer than you would like, you may be creating a terrible scenario in your mind.
As you plan a vacation, you may worry that you or a traveling companion will become ill before or during the trip.
And these worries and fears often translate into a physical response, such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, anxiety and even dizziness.
We’ve all experienced it.
When worry and fear creep in, we don’t trust our natural instincts. Instead of listening to the signals our body sends, we saturate the mind and let our emotions take center stage. But emotions can also work to our advantage. When we listen to the body to understand its messages, we see that we can use our emotions as a vehicle to create balance throughout the body. How?
Emotions are Qi – energy. When we learn to see our emotions not as good or bad, but simply as energy, we can transform that energy and use it for healing.
Begin (or continue) your Qigong practices to learn how to live in the moment – not the mind.
Upcoming opportunities:
Tao of Morning Qigong: Deepen your Qigong practice in traditional form with Grandmaster Lu. The class meets almost every Saturday and Tuesday morning. Learn more!
Qi Thursdays: Experience what it means to truly let go of the mind. Release and extend every Thursday evening in this free, virtual class. Learn more!
Qigong for intensive breast health: Replace fear with a deep knowledge of the body and its energetic functioning. Learn more!
Continue exploring
Gain more insight into emotions and the connection between body and mind.
The body never lies: how fears throw the body out of balance
The role of emotions in health and healing
Emotions: energy transformed
The post The Ever-Wandering Mind appeared first on TCM World.