Urinary infection or urinary tract infection (UTI) can bother many women. Although men also get urinary tract infections, women are four times more likely to develop a urinary tract infection than men. Urinary infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the urinary bladder. The most common bacteria that causes urinary infections is Escherichia coli (E.coli). A urinary tract infection can occur anywhere in the urinary tract. When an infection occurs in the urethra and bladder, it is called a lower urinary tract infection. An infection involving the ureters and kidneys is called an upper urinary tract infection.
Why are women more at risk for urinary tract infections? The first of many reasons is that the opening of the urethra in women is very close to the anus. This allows bacteria around the anus to easily travel to the urethra. Secondly, the urethra in women is short compared to men. The bacteria therefore have to travel less distance to get from the urethra into the bladder. Subsequently, the use of diaphragms (for contraception) or spermicides (contraceptives that destroy sperm) also increases the risk. Sexual activity can also be the cause in young sexually active women. Some women are prone to frequent urinary tract infections initially after marriage. This is called honeymoon cystitis. In addition, these women are also more susceptible to a urinary tract infection around menopause. The reason is a reduction in estrogen levels that leads to certain changes in the urinary tract that increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Symptoms include pain/burning during urination, frequent urge to urinate, urge to urinate, pelvic pain, strong odor of urine, and cloudy or bloody urine. In the case of an upper tract infection, the symptoms include fever, chills, pain in the upper back and sides, nausea and vomiting.
Homeopathic treatment
The homeopathic method of treatment has a wide scope in treating cases of urinary tract infection in women. Homeopathic medicines help fight urinary tract infections naturally by stimulating the body’s self-healing mechanism. These medicines keep the symptoms of a urinary tract infection well under control. These medications help control symptoms. Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of urinary tract infections are made from natural substances and are therefore very safe to use without any toxic side effects. The homeopathic prescription for the treatment of urinary tract infections varies from case to case, depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of urinary tract infections should be taken under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.
Homeopathic medicines for UTI in women
1. Sepia – Best solution
Sepia is one of the most recommended medications to treat urinary infections in women. This medicine gives wonderful results in controlling pain and burning sensation that occurs during urination. There is often an urge to urinate. A constant pressure is felt on the bladder. There is an urgency to urinate, with the need to urinate hastily and without any delay. If the desire to urinate is not recognized immediately, urine flows involuntarily. There is pelvic pain or pressure in the pelvis and tension in the lower abdomen, along with the above symptoms. Urine may have an unpleasant odor. It can also be dark in color and cloudy. Urine may be scanty and sometimes only a few drops of urine pass.
2. Cantharis – For obvious burning and pain
This medicine is the next prominent medicine for treating urinary tract infections in women. It is useful if you feel a burning sensation or pain during urination, but also before and after urination. The urine excreted may be sparse and sometimes in drops. In some cases, drops of blood may appear in the urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate. Even the smallest amount of urine in the bladder leads to an urge to urinate. The urge to urinate increases while standing and walking and gets better while sitting. Heaviness is felt in the bladder.
3. Apis Mellifica – For burning when urinating the last drops of urine
This medicine works best when there is a burning sensation, especially when passing the last drops of urine. There is a frequent urge to urinate in cases that require it. There is an urge to urinate almost every half hour, but only a small amount of urine is passed at a time. A stabbing pain may also be felt when urinating.
4. Staphysagria – For urinary infection in young married women
This medicine is highly recommended for the treatment of urinary tract infections in young, married women. This condition is called honeymoon cystitis. Females who need it feel a burning sensation while urinating. Urinary frequency increases and urine flows in a thin stream or drop by drop. Urine is yellowish red. The pressure in the bladder persists as if it were not emptying. There is a feeling as if a drop of urine is constantly rolling through the urethra. A needle-like stitching pain is also felt in the urethra.
5. Pulsatilla – For burning during and after urination
This medicine is very useful in controlling burning during and after urination. In addition, a desire to urinate often occurs, as the pressure in the bladder increases. It seems as if the bladder is too full. There is an urgency to urinate and it is impossible to delay urination. Mucous sediments pass through the urine. It is also indicated for cutting and stabbing pain during urination.
6. Merc Cor – For intense burning in the urethra
This medicine is suitable for cases where there is intense burning in the urethra. There is often an urge to urinate. But despite urinating several times, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Urine may pass into drops with pain. Urine is hot. In some cases, blood may be present in the urine.
7. Sarsaparilla – For burning when passing the last part of the urine
This medicine is well indicated for controlling burning during urination. Urine is scanty and flows in a thin stream. Urine may contain pus and blood. The bladder may be sensitive to the touch. There is often an ineffective urge to urinate with reduced urine secretion.
8. Lycopodium – For frequent urination and reducing bladder pain
This medicine is useful in controlling frequent urination and relieving pain in the bladder area. The urine contains yellow or red sediments and has a foul odor. The pain gets worse especially at night when you lie down. Bladder feels heavy. Dull, pressing pain in the bladder and abdomen may also be felt. In some cases there may be choking pain. Urine is pale or dark colored. Itching in the urethra may be present.
9. Equisetum – For pain after urination
This medicine works well in cases where severe pain is felt immediately after passing urine. The bladder area and lower abdomen may be sensitive to pressure. There is also a dull pain in the bladder that does not go away after urination. There is a constant desire to urinate, but only a small amount of urine is excreted each time.