The autumnal equinox will occur on September 22, 2021 at 5:20 PM MST in the Northern Hemisphere. This is an astronomical day of balance, where day and night are almost equal. Our beloved star, the Sun, crosses a threshold called the “celestial equator,” after which its power slowly diminishes as night falls. The opposite is true for relations in the Southern Hemisphere, where sunshine is beginning to return and life is beginning anew.
As the water is volatile, the air cools and the wind is encouraged, the forest changes. Shifting a little every day, making every sound clearer. The rustling that was previously unheard echoes. Every vibration can now be felt better. It is the time to listen. To testify. To be aware. No other time is as resonant as autumn. No other is so powerful in releasing and gathering everything you need to survive the silence and the growing darkness.
Fall at the Maroon Bells in Colorado. Photo credit: Then Anderson
There is abundance everywhere in the garden, fields, forests and plains. We collect juniper, hawthorn and elderberries as they dangle frost from the trees. We collect rose hips and goldenrod in the brambles and along the coast. We turn our attention to our Mother and dig into the ground looking for medicines now stored in the roots of Solomon’s Seal, Astragalus, Cotton, Echinacea, Osha, Oregon Grape, Yerba Mansa, Dandelion, Burdock, Wild Yam and Yellow Dock . Across the plains and meadows we fill our baskets with yarrow, marigold, sage, saffron, sunflowers, tobacco and Yerba Santa. Purchasing a cornucopia of apples, cranberries, pumpkins, acorns, corn and pumpkins. To secure another season and year of nourishment, we began collecting and drying seeds from our culinary and medicinal gardens: Calendula, Dill, Lemon Balm, Coriander, Parsley, Oregano, Rosemary, Fennel, Fenugreek, Chervil, Hyssop and Lovage .
Nature always evokes our pregnancy, always calls us home to ourselves, to her. Autumn arrives as its harbinger, pushing us towards the potential that awaits within us and is found outside of us. Take your place in the symphony of change, she calls. This is your signal. The great game is already underway, and the autumnal equinox is your chance to let go and BE your true nature, your greatest potential.
How to Harvest Fall Herbs
“Change now,” Autumn whispers into the swirling breeze. Do not hesitate. Instinct. Action. Vigor. Hurry. Enjoy the last warm rays of the sun. Change. To adjust. Become. Catch the gust of wind and rustle along with the rest. Can you feel your aliveness? You are one with everything. Feel and express your gratitude for the abundance of life. The abundance of all seeds sown is available for harvest.
Collect your seeds
It feels good to slow down enough to be present with what is and answer nature’s call to be ready for change – both metaphorically and in the gardens, fields, forests, mountains, plains and coastal shores. Keep a journal and note what is ripe, what is ready to be composted and what can be saved for new beginnings.
For herbs and plants you want to sow:
- Harvest the entire seed head.
- Allow it to dry completely in a safe, cool and dry area.
- Once dry, thresh the seed heads and compost any dirt.
- Store in a dark, cool and dry place in labeled jars.
For yourself:
- Reflect on the year’s achievements and journey.
- Process your emotions in a safe space, with support from your herbal allies.
- Once processed, thank your lessons.
- Celebrate and share your abundance in soul growth.
Harvest herb: Juniper berry
Juniperus communisCupressaceae (Cyprus) family
Part used: berry
Note: Avoid during pregnancy and with kidney problems.
Juniper is found all over the world, as this relative from Cyprus thrives in wet and dry, hot and cold, and shady and sunny habitats. These small, smooth, dark purple, waxy berries taste similar to pine, with a hint of sweetness. Perhaps you know them best from the Spirit known as Gin.5 They are full of volatile oils that support our body’s ability to maintain a healthy urinary tract. What’s most exciting is that there’s new research suggesting they can support and improve our memory.6
Harvest: Did you know that it typically takes a juniper up to three years to mature before producing berries? Ask the tree for permission and, once you receive it, carefully pick the berries. Make sure you only harvest what you need, no more. Don’t forget to thank Juniper for helping you bring back precious memories and for being your friend in releasing physical waste.
Harvesting juniper berries. Photo credit: Dawn Amber Miller
Harvest herb: Solomon’s sealroot
Polygonatum multiflorumAsparagaceae (asparagus) family
Part used: root/rhizome
Please note: Except for the root and young shoots, all parts of the mature plant, especially the berries, are poisonous and should not be consumed. The berries are said to induce vomiting and the leaves can cause nausea.
This powerful herb is known as King Solomon’s Seal because the scar left on the rootstock after the stem dies resembles the seal King Solomon used for his magical endeavors. It has been recognized that it can communicate directly with our cells using exosomes (small vesicles secreted by plant and animal cells that participate in intercellular communication). Solomon’s Seal exosomes have the ability to make adjustments to muscles, tendons and bones as needed, supporting muscles, tendons and bones that are too tight or too loose. It can also affect our fascia (the web of connective tissue that keeps everything in its right place) by nourishing it and ensuring its fluid levels are correct, allowing the movement of bones, tendons and muscles where they belong in the body. body is fully supported.
Harvest: Please gather with wisdom and intention, and do not harm the native stands. I think this excerpt from herbalist Jim McDonald is appropriate:
Find a plant and trace the stem until you feel the root in the ground. Very often the roots are quite close to the surface, and if this is the case, and there is not much clay to deal with, you can harvest with your fingers. If not, hope you have a small trowel… The front of the root has the bud of next year’s growth, while the back can extend up to a foot behind the stem. Pull back two to three inches of the stem and separate the back portion of the rhizome with a knife or trowel (or break it with your fingers) and pull that portion out of the soil. I find that if I run a finger under the roots while pulling it up, I can gather it more effectively. It will be a creamy white color and appear to have knobbly knuckles indicating the previous year’s stems (I have collected plants older than 13 years).
Because the growing part of the plant is never removed from the ground, plants harvested in this way show no signs of impact or discomfort, and will continue to grow unhindered through the harvest. Very often new shoots will grow where the root has been cut, which means more above-ground plants, more flowers, more berries and therefore more seeds. Additionally, any bits of the back of the root that break off will likely continue to grow into new plants as well. Collected
This way you will grow more plants where you harvest than when you started, and that is a good feeling indeed. We as herbalists often talk about asking permission, making an offering, and thanking the plants we collect for their medicine. These are all important actions. But a pinch of tobacco or a “thank you” doesn’t mean nearly as much to a plant as when it is collected in a respectful and sustainable way that allows it and its children to continue to thrive in its habitat. If you take the time and extra effort to harvest in this way, you show the plant how deeply you respect it, and it will return this kindness not only through its continued growth, but also by offering the sweetest medicines.3
Culinary pick: DIY herb butter
As the coolness and darkness deepen, savory dishes prepared with our herbal allies bring the fullness of the sun back into our lives. Here’s a simple recipe that delivers robust flavor!
Photo credit: Good Thyme Kitchen
- ½ cup grass-fed, local, organic unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped rosemary leaves
- 12 juniper berries, crushed in a mortar
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- Sea salt and peppercorns to taste
- Cream the butter until soft.
- Stir in the herbs.
- Enjoy and share with loved ones!
*Replace rosemary and juniper with equal parts sage and thyme; Basil & Oregano; or Dill & Coriander.
- Cech, Richo. Making plant medicine. Williams, Oregon: Horizon Herbs Publication, 2000.
- Hofman, David. Medical herbalism: the science and practice of herbal medicine. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 2003.
- McDonald, Jim. “Solomon’s Seal.” Herbcraft ~ Solomon’s Seal (polygonatum biflorum)2012
- Wood, Matthew. The practice of traditional western herbal medicine: basic doctrine, energetics, and Classification. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2004.
- Leung AY, Foster S, ed. Eencyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, medicine and cosmetics. 2nd edition. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 1996.
- Sowndhararajan, K., and Kim, S. (2016). Influence of odors on human psychophysiological activity: with special reference to human electroencephalographic response. Scientia pharmaceutical products84(4), 724–751.
Dawn Amber Miller has apprenticed and studied in the United States of America and has received certifications in traditional and medical herbalism from the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism, the Commonwealth Center for Holistic Herbalism, and the Hawthorn Institute. She is a passionate steward of the sacred realm of nature and moves with the wildflowers, providing the rituals of wild crafting with heart and hand. She is currently a customer journey representative at WishGarden Herbs.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or to sell any product.
Main image: František Dvořák
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