A few months ago I had the privilege of caring for a kitten. I had never cared for a young cat before, so I was surprised to discover how attentive cats are.
Unlike humans, cats don’t have any kind of mental chatter in their heads. This allows an intense presence to flow out of the animal and into what they do.
This presence comes from Source and is inherent in Life.
Whether you are religious or not, I now ask you kindly to read these words with full awareness and feel – and not think about – the energy within you and ultimately the Being that you are.
Have you seen how a cat stares out the window for a long time and watches the movements of living creatures and objects without the slightest irritation or impatience?
Most people would have difficulty with this simple activity. But why is this? It just has to do with judgment.
“This is boring,” says the ghost. ‘I have more important things to do. I don’t have time for this.”
You might say that a cat doesn’t have to go to work, pay bills, or say… arrange a family reunion. However, if you can see beyond the stress in your life experience, you will be able to feel an energy beyond what the mind can comprehend.
This is the energy that a cat resides in – and fundamentally merges with.
I’m not talking about an abstract idea that we can conceive of, but about that infinite Being that you are – a Being that can easily be hidden by layers of mind-related stress, a conditioned past and a fictional future.
I ask you now to look beyond your conditioning and let your true self – the essence of who you really are – shine through.
You are divine and infinite. Know that the same essence that is within us is within everything – especially cats. In humans, however, this essence is clouded by thoughts and therefore out of alignment with life itself. Now do you see how our inner states are a reflection of our outer world, and vice versa?
Cats see with their soul, not their mind.
These fascinating beings are truly aligned with Life. The nature of life exists in all beings, but is more obscured in some beings than in others.
What is death to the infinite, timeless and formless Being that you are? Nothing.
A ‘nothing’ cannot be destroyed. Only things – outer forms – die.
Our outward form may age and our bodies will eventually fail, but ultimately we can view death the same way we view the ego.
Once the ego is destroyed, life flourishes. Ego implies identification with everything that you are not. And so as the ego shrinks, what we think of as loss is really just the destruction of a socially constructed false self.
In the same way, when the body dies, behind that ‘lifelessness’ there still exists an eternal aliveness that gracefully returns to the Source – the Universe.
You’re probably thinking, “How do you know this?” Very simple: I don’t.
I choose not to get lost in thoughts and instead be thankful and thankful for every moment I have.
Yet I am sure that our perceptions have a major influence. If our minds (forms) suffer before we realize our true self (formless), who is to say that all is lost when our bodies (forms) die?
In this sense, death does not really exist and is merely an event in time.
Realize how your mind creates resistance to life and how it avoids the natural flow of life by projecting into the future or dwelling on the past.
Notice how the mind repeatedly imagines scenarios that have not yet come into being, and how it constructs stories that have not actually happened.
This is not to say that we should never use our minds productively, or learn from our past, or use our imaginations in exciting and creative ways. We should do all these things, but know that compulsive thinking is destructive.
It is an addiction that affects most people. It denies us access to the moment. Know that what has happened and what may happen is not important compared to what is in the moment, in the Now.
When we free ourselves from past and future and live only in the present, we actually create a better future – a future that arrives as a present. That said, let it go, whatever you’re holding on to, and whatever you want to do, do it now instead of waiting and saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Remember that tomorrow will arrive as the present moment. In the words of Alan Watts: “The future is just a concept, it doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as tomorrow. That will never happen, because the time is always now.”
Lao Tzu said, “By letting go, everything is done.”
This is true. Clinging to nothing.
Letting go means choosing to let go of negativity, making you fully present and therefore able to do what is needed at that moment.
Buddha said, “The root of suffering is attachment.”
If we are identified by our mind, we will suffer greatly. To achieve detachment, we must first know that our minds do not define who we are. We are much deeper than that.
A useful analogy to keep in mind (yes, you can still use your mind for practical purposes) is to think of the mind as waves and our being as the vast, silent ocean beneath the waves.
The deep ocean lets the waves rise and fall, without feeling threatened by the ripples they create.
So why do you feel threatened by thoughts, feelings and emotions? Have you, the ocean, not yet realized your wholeness? Why are you experiencing these waves of feelings, thoughts and emotions that rise and fall?
This moment offers joy, grace and peace. So why not blend in by diving into the depths of your Being – which does not live in time (past or future) – rather than trying to control the size of the waves and the frequency at which they arrive?
Essentially, the Now is life unfolding moment by moment – a continuum of events – and as such the concept cannot be interpreted or labeled by the mind. It must be felt by the soul.
If you try to label this moment, you might miss this moment. And when you try to understand this moment, you become lost in thoughts due to compulsive thinking.
The Now will only greet those who welcome it. And my, what gifts it has to offer. Don’t run away from this moment, even if there are overwhelming feelings and emotions – such as fear and sadness. If you resist the fear or sadness and just let it happen, these feelings and emotions will be transformed into grace and peace.
When you live in acceptance, your vision becomes clearer, and what you once experienced as an enemy will be revealed as something that only threatens your ego, not your being.
Beneath the feelings and emotions lies a gift. A gift that will not only solve pain, but also improve your vision. So when adverse circumstances arise, you can actually choose not to suffer.
Merging with life itself. Live in the moment.
Be quiet. Observe. Be at peace and one with the moment and the universe itself. Be as content as a cat.