Of the various ear problems, fullness and closed feeling in the ears are an important one. This feeling appears on its own or may be accompanied by some other signs and symptoms. This may include hearing sounds in the ear without an external source (e.g. tinnitus), hearing problems, ear discharge, ear pain, itching of the ears, dizziness and lightheadedness. A feeling of fullness and a closed feeling can have different causes. This can be due to the accumulation of earwax or a foreign object in the ears, traveling in an airplane, traveling through mountains, etc. The next major medical reason behind this is the blockage of the Eustachian tube, which can have several causes, like a cold. (viral infection of the nose and throat), sinus infection (infection in the paranasal sinuses, i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull) and allergic rhinitis (an overreaction of the immune system to allergens, resulting in runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy , watery, red eyes). The second cause is Meniere’s disease (a condition of the inner ear that causes tinnitus, i.e. noises in the ears, difficulty hearing, dizziness and fullness or pressure in the ear). Another cause is ear infections that cause fluid to build up in the ears. Other reasons include labyrinthitis, cholesteatoma and acoustic neuroma. Labyrinthitis refers to inflammation of the labyrinth, a part of the inner ear involved in the function of hearing and the sense of balance. Cholesteatoma refers to non-cancerous skin growths in the middle part of the ear, behind the eardrum. Acoustic neuroma is a noncancerous tumor that forms on the eighth cranial nerve, the vestibulocochlear nerve. This nerve is responsible for sending signals from the inner ear to the brain for hearing and sense of balance.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy is a very effective and safe treatment option to treat cases of fullness and closed feeling in the ears. Homeopathic medicines provide relief naturally by healing the underlying cause that causes ear fullness and blocked feeling. These medications, along with ear fullness, also focus on controlling the associated symptoms. Such symptoms include noises in the ears, hearing problems, ear discharge, earache and dizziness. Homeopathy is a symptom-based science where the medicine is determined after evaluating the symptoms given by the patient in each case. So in any case of ear fullness, self-medication should not be done and a homeopathic doctor should be consulted for the right prescription of homeopathic medicines to get the best results.
Homeopathic medicines for fullness and closed feeling in the ears
1. Kali Mur – Leading homeopathic medicine for fullness and blocked feeling in the ears
Among the list of homeopathic medicines for controlling the feeling of fullness in the ears, Kali Mur tops the list. This medicine is prominently indicated for cases where ear infections are present and the ear is full. White-colored ear discharge occurs. Hearing problems can occur because the ear is blocked by fluid buildup in the ear and also by swelling in the middle ear or Eustachian tube. The ears feel clogged. Sounds such as popping or crackling noises are heard. Noises are produced while blowing the nose and also when swallowing food.
2. Silicea – for fullness in the ears with reduced hearing ability
This medicine is indicated for a blocked feeling in the ears with dull hearing. Hearing dullness is caused by swelling and fluid in the Eustachian tube. Sounds in the ears can be felt. Ringing or roaring sounds are heard. There may be itching in the ears. In some cases, a stabbing or shooting pain is felt in the ear. There may be ear discharge that is thin, watery, or curly. The discharge smells offensive. This medicine is also indicated for Meniere’s disease.
3. Pulsatilla – For blocked sensation in ears with ear noises (tinnitus)
This medicine is effective in treating blocked sensation in the ears with noises in the ear. The sounds are mainly roaring, but can be buzzing or ringing or resemble the sound of wind or running water. There is reduced hearing ability. There is also discharge from the ear. The discharges are yellow or yellowish green. It is accompanied by pain in the ear. The nature of the pain varies from case to case. It can be a tearing, pulsating, shooting or shooting type. The pain gets worse at night. Ear infection may be present. The Eustachian tube is inflamed.
4. Chininum Sulph – For ear fullness in Meniere’s disease
This medicine is beneficial for a blocked feeling in the ears in cases of Meniere’s disease. In cases where this is necessary, tinnitus, i.e. noises in the ears, are prominent. Sounds can be of the ringing, roaring or buzzing type. Someone can become temporarily hearing impaired. Vertigo spells also appear along with the above complaints.
5. Conium – For ear congestion felt when blowing the nose
Conium is a suitable medicine if the ears feel blocked when blowing the nose. Ringing, roaring sounds can be heard in the ears. There is hearing loss. Tearing and stabbing pain appears in the ears. There may be excessive earwax buildup in the ears. In addition to the above symptoms, attacks of vertigo may also occur.
6. Merc Sol – For blocked sensations and inflamed ears
Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine when the ears feel clogged and there is inflammation in the ears, both internally and externally. The ears are red, warm and swollen. Ringing and roaring sounds may be felt. Hearing is affected. In addition to the above complaints, you may also feel a tearing, shooting, stabbing or burning pain in the ear. Green-colored pus discharge with a foul odor comes from the ears.
7. Manganum Aceticum – For ear fullness and hearing problems
This medicine is of great use when there is fullness of ears and hearing problems. Cracking sounds may occur when blowing your nose or swallowing. Stitching pain also appears in the ears. This pain is worse when swallowing or talking. There is also a burning sensation in the ears. The ear is painful to touch. Lying on the painful side of the ear is also difficult.
8. Cannabis Indica – For full ears and a throbbing sensation
This medicine is indicated for fullness in both ears and a throbbing sensation. Pain is also felt in the ears. In addition, noises are heard that may be of the buzzing or ringing type. In some cases, sounds of boiling water may be heard. In addition to the above complaints, an increased sensitivity to sounds can be felt.
9. Glonoine – For heavy feeling, stopped feeling in the ears and difficulty hearing
Another medication to control ear fullness is Glonoine. In cases where this medicine is required, there is a heavy and blocked feeling in the ears, along with difficulty in hearing. Ear fullness is felt in and around the ears. Ringing sounds are heard in the ears. There is a stabbing pain in the ears. A throbbing sensation can be felt in the back of the head and reaches up to the ears.
10. Phosphorus – For ear congestion and intense itching in the ears
Phosphorus is a suitable medicine for a blocked feeling and severe itching in the ears. Hearing is difficult. The ear feels blocked with pain and throbbing. Shooting pain occurs in the ears. It gets worse at night. There may be an ear infection with bloody discharge from the ear.