Each herb is unique and the doses vary accordingly, but there are some general guidelines and conversions that can be very useful.
Extract dosages can be measured in drops, drops, milliliters (ML), teaspoons (TSP) and “pumps” or “sprays”.
- A drop contains approximately 30 drops or 1 ml.
- 4 Dropperful’s form 3 ml, a common dosage of Wishgarden tinctures.
- 7 pumps from our pump tops are equal to 3 ml.
- One teaspoon (TSP) is approximately equal to 5 ml.
The most used dose for tinctures is 30-60 drops or 1-2 drops. Generally, the more acute A state, the more often the doses. Safe dosing ranges are quite wide with most, but not all herbs.
We recommend that you use a good herbal reference and become familiar with the individual characteristics of the herbs that you use.
At Wishgarden we offer a recommended use on each of our tincture bottles.
Only for educational purposes. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease or to sell a product.
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