Herbal medicine. You probably have a rough idea of what it is. The study of herbs? Botany anything? An event that people do at 4:20 p.m.? Chances are there’s a hint of mystery and a handful of questions about this simple yet complex term – and so on precisely is herbal medicine?
What is herbal medicine?
Herbal medicine is the study and practice of using plants to support healing and promote health.* There are countless naturally occurring remedies all around us; Herbal medicine utilizes and benefits from these profound natural resources.
What is a herbalist?
An herbalist is someone who studies medicinal plants and is experts in the powerful benefits they have to offer. Herbalists are trained to safely transform plants into powerful, effective remedies for our body, mind and spirit. Herbalists may work with clients in a clinical setting, focus on education, or work in plant conservation.
With so many options for health and wellness, why should you choose herbal remedies?
Herbal medicines are the most compatible natural remedy for the human body. Plants work with our bodies and strengthen our natural, built-in body systems that are designed to help us thrive. In other words, herbal remedies strengthen, guide, balance, process what you already have going on. They are pure, safe and their effectiveness has been proven by thousands of years of use. Shall we continue?
How can herbal medicine fit into my daily life?
Drinking water. Eat vegetables. Go to sleep. These are all things we (try to) do to live our best lives. Think of Herbalism as another tool in your box. Herbs can provide proactive support, immediate relief or long-term relief for almost any discomfort or event. Whether you’re boosting your energy, boosting immunity, improving sleep, or balancing hormones, there’s an herb ready to make it happen.
Do you have a question?
We employ herbalists and teachers who are ready to answer all your questions. Herbal medicine can be intimidating and supplements are often overwhelming. We are here for you! With decades of herbal medicine under our belt, we hope to be your go-to herbal expert and we’ll keep it real and relatable so you can feel comfortable adding herbs to your health and wellness toolbox.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or to sell any product.
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