A healthy diet requires that you eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Brussels sprouts are not often preferred, but they should be because they are rich in nutrients. They can be cooked in the most diverse ways, giving us the necessary daily intake of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. One of the favorite ways in which I like to eat them is to roast. Continue to read in the sections below and discover various reasons why you should consider eating them every day. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised with the versatility of these small vegetables, including them in as many meals as possible.
Twelve reasons to add sprouts to your diet
#1 Cancer control power
Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants (1) and offer the body protection against the damage caused by free radicals. This means that they can protect against different types of cancer on a regular basis. They contain a high amount of sulforaphane, which offers protection against prostate, pancreas, esophagus and skin cancer.
#2 Bot health support by eating Brussels sprouts
When a person suffers from vitamin K deficiency, the risk of bone fractures increases considerably due to the low intake of the daily diet. They are rich in vitamin K (2), with a cup over the Dra. By consuming these small vegetables daily, you will make your bones stronger; The absorption of calcium will also be improved. Remember that they are rich in calcium, where one cup is sufficient to cover your daily needs. They are often recommended for vitamin D&Bone Health.
#3 Management Arthritis pain with sprout
Suffering from a condition such as arthritis can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you are dealing with symptoms such as pain, inflammation and stiffness. Brussels sprouts can help you to deal with the signs and symptoms of joint pain in an efficient way. Again, this has to do with their rich content in sulphoraphrum, which can delay the progress of joint damage. The relationship between arthritis and the anti -inflammatory diet (3) is confirmed by various studies, including one that has been published in Nutritionwise.
#4 Diabetes management
Green vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which can lower the total glucose levels and therefore ensure the efficient management of a chronic condition such as diabetes. Countless scientific articles and studies, including an online informative brochure published online, have confirmed the beneficial effects of Brussels sprouts on diabetes.
#5 Brussels sprouts for better eyesight
If you If you want to maintain healthy eyesight, you should definitely consider eating more vegetables. They are rich in vitamin C, which protects against the damage caused by harmful UV rays. Moreover, they are rich in antioxidants that prevent macular degeneration at eye level. Numerous online sources, including an article about food and macular degeneration, have presented the protective role with regard to the health of the eye.
#6 Thu Brussel Sprouts Impact Brain Health
Yes, they can help you maintain your brain in a healthy state, thanks to their rich content of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and A. By adding it to your diet, you no longer have to wonder how you can improve the memory. The favorable properties of Brussels with regard to brain health are confirmed in an online scientific article published online.
#7 Eat Brussels sprouts to stimulate your immune system
Because they contain generous amounts of vitamin C, Brussels sprouts can increase the correct functioning of the immune system and protect against a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Numerous articles have confirmed these properties, including one that focuses on the connection between antioxidants and the immune system.
#8 Brussels Spruiten Impact digestive health
Brussels sprouts are rich in substances that are known as glucosinates (4), which can protect the mucous membrane cladding of the GI channel and reduce the risk of digestive disorders. Moreover, they contain sulforaphane, which works to support a healthy microflora at the level of the intestine. Brussels sprouts are recommended to be consumed by those suffering from chronic digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, as demonstrated in an informative brochure developed by the by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (5).
#9 Nerve function
The consumption of Brussels sprouts on a regular basis can ensure the correct nerve function, because these small vegetables are also rich in potassium. This electrolyte can also retain the correct functioning of the muscles and the nervous system in general. They have been added to the potassium food list, published online.
#10 Healthy pregnancy
Eating Brussels sprouts during pregnancy is strongly recommended because they are rich in folic acid, a substance that is essential for the development of a healthy baby (6). By consuming sufficient folic acid, you protect the growing baby against neural tube defects, including Spina Bifida. Brussels Spruiten are part of the good food recommendations, as shown in a patient hand -out published by The female patient.
#11 Eat Brussels sprouts to look younger
It is a well -known fact that Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants that protect the skin against oxidative damage. Regularly consumed, it can improve the overall texture and prevent further damage. When it comes to food for the skin, they are at the top of the list.
#12 Low Calorie -Inalat
If you are planning to lose weight, consider including Brussels sprouts in your diet more often. They have a low calorie, but they are packed with vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients. They represent the ideal choice for those who want to return to a healthy figure; They are also known as superfoods, as a scientific article published on Heal with food shows.
These are some of the reasons why you should consider eating more Brussels sprouts. As you have seen, they have many benefits, including protecting the health of vital organs, guaranteeing the right nerve functioning and stimulating the immune system.
(1) Brussels sprouts The food source
(2) Naturopathic cuisine: Brussels sprouts
(3) Anti -inflammatory diet do’s and don’ts
(4) Bio -availability of glucosinolates and their breakdown products: impact of processing
(5) Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
(6) Love them or hates them, there are advantages to eating Brussels sprouts during pregnancy