“The Schumann Resonance (SR) is a Reihe von Spektrumspitzen in extreme lower frequencies (ELF) part of the electromagnetic field spectrums of the Earth. Schumann Resonance is a global electromagnetic Resonance, which is created by Blitzentladungen in the von der Erdoberfläche and der Ionosphäre gebildeten Hohlraum and became righteous.” (Wikipedia)
That is the definition, which was found on Wikipedia and find its abstract! With others Worten: The Schumann resonance frequency is the Hauptschwingung, auf der die Erde swingt. These can be located in the Wetterlaag, being an unobstructed moment of the active electromagnetic fields, while the Blitzent charges are being executed.
A number of things could create a tremendous amount of energy during a period of heightened energy festivities, and most people would benefit from them. So on September 11th and the global brand unity, that war focused on this war and most of the emotional responses to people, it is related to the enormous frequency of the erde itself stehen. It has never been so, but the fact is that it is possible to work and interest the scientist.
Is it possible that this Schuhmann frequency applies to the klangmedizin or the klang therapy with klang scales?
There is a Grundfrequenz von 7.38 Hz hat.
All things considered, if the frequency and frequency of life are changed, it will be more likely that it will often happen that there are no more Gehirnwells, when Alpha- in Theta-Gehirnwellen accumulates. Theta and Alpha both die at a high frequency, dying in meditation and meditation. When the care is fulfilled, it is possible to do a recharge, tension, restoration, balancing and switching of things, in the case of an overview of our higher levels, no longer seeing, no longer recovering or anyone else is wollen, erhalten können.
If we also find ourselves in this situation, we will automatically go to the frequency of the frequency. Letztendlich everything comes out of the Quelle zurück. We have been there for a while and will continue to do so! Durch erstaunliche Hilfsmittel wie Meditation, Naturspaziergänge, Naturbäder, Erdung, Erdung, Thai Chi AND natural Klangheilung!
Klangmedizin and Klangtherapie are much easier, a treatment with a treatment that you cannot undergo – if you are not draußen in nature. When we grow up in nature, our own lives automatically change into a lower environment – an entrainment state has been found that accompanies the sounds of Crystal Long Scales and other Sound Instruments of the Fall.
These can be protected, because part of nature and the instruments are launched, the natural material is restored and a natural flow is created, part of nature, the Erde, Pachamama and life, of all tribes.
While doing the job you can connect a few things and then start, on a horn of your choice and on the Quelle, which is part of us all.
If you would like to explore more of your complaint topics, you can take one of the many healthcare studies and courses at the Sound Medicine Institute Germany. Here it is said that a simple and harmonious sounding bowl set is put together with the sounding bowl equipment and that these are used with the sounding bowls sets. Of course, it is possible to erase the background of frequency and sound therapy.