Diarrhea refers to the frequent passing of loose, watery stools, that is, three or more times a day. It may be accompanied by pain or cramps in the stomach, urge to urinate and involuntary bowel movements (that is, without your own knowledge). Diarrhea can have various causes. You may have heard of the most common causes, such as a stomach infection, food poisoning, or another stomach problem. What most of us don’t know is that anxiety (refers to a state of fear, nervousness and worry) and stress can also lead to diarrhea. It is very common to experience stomach upset due to stress and anxiety. The restlessness in our minds due to stress and anxiety can affect our intestines. In addition to diarrhea, other symptoms of stress and anxiety include sadness, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, sleep problems, heart palpitations, restlessness and headaches.
Causes of diarrhea due to anxiety and stress
1. There is a relationship between our brain and our stomach system. This is known as the brain-gut axis. Our stomach system contains numerous nerve cells, about 600 million, which is why it is also called the enteric nervous system or the second little brain. Several studies have suggested that the brain in the skull is in constant communication with the gut brain. So any mood problem usually has an effect on the gut, and any gut problem also affects the mood. When a person is anxious or stressed, brain signals and the hormones released into the stomach tract result in a chemical imbalance that hinders the digestive process. This can result in many stomach upsets, including diarrhea.
2. Our body’s fight or flight mechanism also plays a role. It refers to the response our body gives when recognizing a threat or damage that could happen to the body. When sensing a threat, a series of physical changes occur in the body, such as increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and changes in the digestive process (resulting in diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps). To be precise, the function of the small intestine slows down and the motility of the large intestine increases, leading to diarrhea.
3. Other reasons why stress and anxiety can cause diarrhea include increased blood flow to the affected muscle rather than to the gastric system (blood flow is diverted from the stomach organs to cope with a crisis arising from anxiety or stress ), the release of cortisol and adrenaline and changes in intestinal bacteria with an increase in the number of unhealthy bacteria.
4. Research has shown that people with anxiety have increased levels of interleukin-1 beta, which tends to compromise the protective barrier of the intestines and result in pain and poor absorption of water and sodium from the intestines. These can cause diarrhea.
5. There is a very well known, common stomach problem related to anxiety and stress called IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a disorder of the large intestine that results in changes in bowel habits, either diarrhea or constipation, and in some cases an alternation between the two; stomach cramps and bloating. It is known that stress and anxiety can be potential triggers for IBS symptoms. In such cases, stress and anxiety act on the nerves and make the stomach system hyperactive.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines have great potential to treat cases of diarrhea due to anxiety and stress. The use of these drugs is recommended in both acute and chronic cases. They can deal with diarrhea that has developed due to an acute episode of anxiety and stress, and gradually help reduce the tendency to develop diarrhea due to chronic stress and anxiety. These are equally useful in treating cases of IBS-related diarrhea. These medications mainly target the psychological level to treat the root cause of anxiety and stress that causes diarrhea. Once anxiety and stress subside, the diarrhea itself gets better. The best part of using these medications is that they are free from side effects and are not addictive. It is advisable to have any case of diarrhea assessed by a doctor so that the cause of this condition can be correctly diagnosed, as it can have several causes, followed by appropriate treatment. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.
Homeopathic medicines for diarrhea due to anxiety and stress
1. Argentum Nitricum – Best medicine
Argentum Nitricum is the most recommended medicine for treating cases of diarrhea due to anxiety. To be more specific, it is very suitable when diarrhea occurs in case of anticipatory anxiety. It refers to anxiety that arises from a series of thoughts in one’s mind about an event that is going to happen in the near future. Such as a family party, a school exam, a public meeting, a theater performance, a visit to a doctor’s clinic and so on. Here the constant thoughts keep coming one after another about failure causing anxiety. In such cases, a person sometimes suffers from diarrhea and Argentum Nitricum is the best remedy. Diarrhea can worsen quickly after eating or drinking anything, in cases where this medicine is needed. The stool is accompanied by a lot of gas. In addition, people who need this medicine are always in a hurry, impatient and impulsive.
2. Gotherwisemium
Gelsemium is the next prominent drug to tackle cases of diarrhea due to anxiety, stress and anxiety. Individuals who require this medicine have a number of concerns and fears. For example, concerns about the present and future, about health, hearing bad news and the fear of going to public places, of attending a public event. Every anxiety or fear episode brings with it loose stools. The stool is painless. In some cases, involuntary defecation may also occur.
3. Arsenic album
Another well-indicated drug to treat diarrhea due to anxiety is Arsenic Album. In cases where this is necessary, loose stools are passed, along with weakness and a cold feeling in the extremities. There are obvious fears such as concerns about health, about others, about the future, etc. Other accompanying symptoms include restlessness, shaking, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing.
4. Kali-phos
Kali Phos is a leading medicine in homeopathy to manage mind-related stress and resulting complaints. This medicine helps wonderfully in managing stress and controlling the associated diarrhea. It is suitable for people who get stressed by small things, remain sad and worried. This stress affects their stomach system. They suffer from loose stools with a foul odor and excessive gas in the abdomen. Other complaints that may be present in addition to the above symptoms include sleep problems and fatigue.
5. China
China is very useful when there are frequent loose stools with excessive weakness. In addition, there is excessive gas in the abdomen and bloating in the abdomen. The feces have a foul odor. A rumbling sensation may be felt in the pit of the stomach. In cases where this is necessary, there is a tendency to become concerned about small things.
6. Ignatia
It is another natural remedy for controlling diarrhea associated with stress, anxiety, depression and fright. It is indicated for individuals who remain sad, irritable and depressed due to stress. They regularly pass loose stools without pain. Although stools are common, they are scarce. Gas rumbles in the abdomen.
7. Silicea
This medicine is suitable for people who have anxiety problems, are very nervous and are afraid in public. They feel a high level of anxiety when they have to give a speech or perform an act on stage, while they are afraid of speaking in front of a group of people. They have loose stools with abdominal pain and weakness. Rumbling and heat are felt in the abdomen. There is a tendency to sweat profusely, especially on the hands and feet, where this medicine is needed.