Sinus infection refers to infection of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled spaces in the skull bone) due to infection by bacteria or viruses. A sinus infection (sinusitis) can cause several types of symptoms, including toothache. Sinus infections can cause pain in the upper teeth due to the involvement of the sinuses located near the mouth. The infection can put pressure on the nerves that supply the sinuses, gums, and teeth. Sinus toothache is felt in several teeth at the same time and not just in one tooth. In addition to toothache, other symptoms of a sinus infection include headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, facial pain, post-nasal discharge (PND), coughing, tenderness near the nose, forehead or eyes, earache, and loss of smell and taste. Among the infections of various paranasal sinuses, toothache most often occurs due to an infection in the maxillary sinus.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy has a wide scope in treating cases of toothache resulting from sinus infection. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of this complaint. In addition to controlling toothache, they also work great in controlling any associated signs and symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, post-nasal discharge (PND), headaches and facial pain. These work great in these cases by reducing the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses by combating the infectious agent. The best part of using homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side effects. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for the treatment of these cases is selected after detailed case analysis based on the symptoms of the individual. So it is advisable to always consult a homeopathic doctor before using any homeopathic medicine. In any case, avoid self-medication.
Homeopathic medicines for toothache due to sinus infection
1. Silicea – Top recommended medicine
Silicea is a highly recommended medicine to treat various sinusitis-related complaints. It is also very helpful in controlling toothache in such cases. In cases where this is necessary, the pain in the teeth becomes worse at night, which interferes with sleep. In addition to a toothache, there is also a tearing pain in the head. There is excessive salivation in the mouth. Pain from the teeth spreads to the entire cheek. Other symptoms of sinusitis include headache, nasal congestion, foul-smelling runny nose, usually colored green or yellow, loss of smell and taste.
2. Hepar Sulph – To control throbbing toothache
Hepar Sulph is the next useful drug for the treatment of sinusitis. This medicine is recommended if the person complains of toothache and the pain worsens after eating and drinking cold drinks. It can control throbbing pain in the teeth. Persons requiring this medicine complain of nasal congestion, crusting in the nose, yellow sticky nasal discharge and burning sensation in the nose in the morning. In addition to pain in the nose, one feels pain at the root of the nose. There may be post-nasal discharge that is tinged with blood.
3. Kali Bichrome – For toothache better by pressure
Another medicine to treat sinusitis related problems is Kali Bichrome. It can be used to treat toothache that gets slightly better with short-term pressure. The pain is usually of the stabbing type. It is most suitable for sinus infections to control post-nasal discharge. The discharge is thick, sticky and rope-like. In cases where this medicine is required, there is thick, lumpy, sticky, tortuous discharge from the nose. It is greenish or yellowish colored. The nose feels constricted. A fetid odor comes from the nose due to the accumulation of runny nose. Pain and pressure at the base of the nose are also prominent. Sinus headaches are felt in the forehead above the eyebrows.
4. Merc Sol – For daytime toothache
Merc Sol is useful for treating toothache that is most noticeable during the day. The pain gets better at night. There is increased salivation. The pain from the teeth extends to the side of the head. This medicine is also recommended for the treatment of throbbing pain in the upper jaw, which becomes worse at night. In addition to sneezing, there may be swelling in the face and a profuse runny nose. Nostrils are inflamed and swollen from the inside. Sometimes crusts form in the nose and bleed when cleaning the nose. In addition, there is pain in the forehead, cheeks and ears. This pain is of the tearing type.
5. Belladonna – To control throbbing pain in the teeth
This medicine is a great help for throbbing pain in the teeth. The pain is accompanied by earache. In addition to these complaints, the face is red with a heated feeling. Belladonna is a high-quality drug for treating cases of sinus headaches. Other symptoms include mucus discharge from the nose, tinged with blood, frequent sneezing and a tickling sensation in the nose.
6. Pulsatilla – When toothache is worse when eating
Pulsatilla is an effective medicine to treat toothache that worsens when eating. The pain also increases if you take specific hot food/drinks. A draft of cold air brings relief. The pain manifests itself mainly in the teeth on the right side of the face. The pain gets worse in the evening. The severity of the pain makes it difficult for a person to sit still. The pain may extend to the ears and sides of the head. In addition to toothache, other sinus-related complaints include yellow-green nasal discharge, alternate nasal discharge, nasal congestion and frontal headache. A tearing pain is felt in the maxillary sinus of the cheeks and may extend to the ears.
7. Spigelia – For right-sided toothache
This medicine is recommended if there is pain in the teeth on the right side of the face. The pain is not felt during the day, but begins at night when one rests the head on the pillow. It is useful if the pain is throbbing in nature. Burning pain is felt in the cheekbone. The face may be swollen. There is runny nose, itching in the nose and also post-nasal drip.
8. Lycopodium – For toothache with swollen cheeks
Lycopodium is a beneficial medicine to treat toothache and swelling of the cheek. It is made worse by hot drinks. The pain can increase with the slightest touch. Toothache gets worse at night. This thick, yellow nasal discharge arises from the nose. Headache in the forehead is also prominent. The nose feels blocked and has difficulty breathing at night.
9. Natrum Mur – For pain in teeth extending to the ears
This medicine is great for treating pain in teeth extending to the ears. The cheek is swollen. The pain increases after eating. Pressure is felt in the teeth. There is profuse nasal discharge, alternating with nasal congestion. Sometimes there is clear mucus discharge from the nose. There is excessive sneezing every morning. A burning sensation is felt in the nasal bones and cheek area. There is also pain in the nostrils. Loss of smell and taste is another noticeable feature that requires this medicine. In addition to the above complaints, pressure is felt on the forehead. It gets worse if you bow your head down. Applying pressure to the head relieves this complaint. In some cases there is pain in the eyeballs and forehead.