Psoriasis is a skin condition characterized by red patches on the skin covered with flakes/scales. It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune cells begin to damage healthy skin due to a misdirected response. Psoriasis can affect any part of the skin, including the hands. Palms, backs of hands, fingers, knuckles and nails can be affected by hand psoriasis. The skin patches may itch, be painful and accompanied by swelling.
There may also be dryness and cracks on the hands that can sometimes bleed. Skin peeling or skin thickening may also be noticed. In some cases, fluid-filled bumps (blisters) or pus-filled bumps (pustules) may form on the hands. As a result of these signs and symptoms, discomfort may occur when using the hands. When nails are affected, discoloration of the nails occurs. Nails become dark in color: yellowish brown or yellowish red. The other signs can be thickening of the nails, pitting of the nails, crumbling of the nails and loosening of the nail from the nail bed. Individuals with psoriasis are also at risk for arthritis (joint inflammation), known as psoriatic arthritis. The exact cause behind psoriasis is not yet fully understood. However, it is considered an autoimmune disease in which healthy skin is accidentally damaged by immune cells. Here the skin cells start to divide and grow faster than normal. This causes the immature skin cells to appear on the skin’s surface faster than what the skin can remove. This leads to a build-up of skin cells, resulting in the thickening of the skin covered in scales. Individuals with a family history of psoriasis are at risk for hand psoriasis. In addition, various environmental factors can cause this. Some of these factors include skin injuries, extreme weather (both cold and hot), stress, skin infection and use of certain medications such as antidepressants, excessive smoking and alcohol consumption, and infections such as strep throat.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines can treat cases of hand psoriasis naturally. These medicines aim to moderate the immune system to achieve natural recovery. They treat hand psoriasis safely and effectively without side effects. Homeopathic medicines help control the signs and symptoms of hand psoriasis such as dry patches with scales, cracked skin, rashes, itching, pain, oozing/bleeding from eruptions. They are also useful in treating nail psoriasis. They also work great for psoriatic arthritis. There are numerous medicines for the treatment of hand psoriasis in homeopathy and in each case, after a detailed analysis of the case, the most suitable medicine should be excluded. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consultation with a homeopathic doctor and in any case avoid self-medication.
Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hand Psoriasis
1. Petroleum – best solution
Among the various homeopathic medicines for hand psoriasis, petroleum tops the list. The main symptom when using it is rough skin with cuts and cracks on the palms. The cuts and cracks can be quite deep. They sometimes have a tendency to bleed. Severe itching and burning occurs in the hand, which hinders work with the hands. Roughness and cracks are also marked on the fingertips. In addition, it is also indicated when thick crusts form on the hands. This medicine is also the best medicine for psoriasis that gets worse in winter.
2. Graphites – For skin or nail psoriasis
Graphite is the second most beneficial drug for psoriasis on hands and nails. It is indicated primarily for cases where there is hard and cracked skin on the palms. Secondly, it helps enormously when small, fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles) form on the skin. These blisters tend to ooze a sticky, glue-like discharge. Moreover, it can be used when it comes to nails. It is indicated when the nails become thick, rough and blackish. These can become brittle and crumble (break into small pieces). The nails become deformed. Nails are also painful and sensitive to the touch.
3. Arsenic album – with scale formation
This medicine is well indicated for scale psoriasis. Dry, rough spots covered with scales appear on the hands. Itching and burning sensation are felt in these places. Cold tends to aggravate the itching and warm applications help relieve the itching. It is also useful if the nails are discolored. Affected nails are blackish and tend to crumble.
4. Rhus Tox – When the back of the hand is affected
Rhus Tox is a very suitable medicine for psoriasis on the back of the hand. The affected skin is hard and rough. It is also cracked. There may be peeling of the skin on the left hand. Psoriasis can also spread most commonly to the left arm. The hands have a warm feeling at the back. Intense itching is felt on the affected area on the hands. This medicine may also be considered if there is joint inflammation and pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints.
5. Sulfur – With marked itching and burning
Sulfur is an important drug for treating psoriasis cases with marked itching and burning. In cases where this is necessary, the skin of the hands is dry and hard. Cuts and cracks occur in the palms, joints and between the fingers. These are painful to touch. Excessive itching is felt, especially when the hands become warm. Scratching makes the itching better, but it is followed by a burning sensation. Sometimes bleeding occurs. It is also useful in cases where dry, scaly eruptions or vesicular (fluid-filled) eruptions form on the back of the hand. Excessive sweating on the palms may be noticed.
6. Mezereum – For eruptions that leak sticky fluid
This medicine can be used in cases where eruptions occur where sticky fluid oozes out. The eruptions may be covered with crusts. In some cases, pus may seep from under the scabs. Severe itching can be felt during the eruptions. Crusted eruptions may also form that may bleed when touched. Finally, this medicine is indicated for blisters (fluid-filled bumps) with a red dot in the center on the sides of the fingers. There is a distinct burning sensation in these blisters.
7. Malandrium – For cracks in the hands that are worse in winter
Like medicinepetroleum, malandrium is indicated when cracks appear on the hands that worsen in winter. Hands become dry. Scaling occurs and itching may be felt in the cracks. Washing hands increases the problem.
8. Sarsaparilla – For cracks, especially on the sides of the fingers
This medicine helps heal cracks in the hands, especially on the sides of the fingers. The cracks can be deep and burning can be felt in these cracks. The cracks are painful. The skin of the hand becomes hard. In some cases that require it, itchy, flaky spots appear on the skin.
9. Anagallis – For vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) that ooze yellow-brown fluid
Anagallis is a useful drug for cases with small blisters (fluid-filled bumps) that secrete yellow-brown fluid when scratched. The blisters appear in a group and itch. The skin of the hands is very dry. It is also useful for dry outbreaks on the hands and fingers.
10. Antimonium Crudum – When nails are affected
This medicine is effective if the nails are affected. In cases where this is necessary, the nails become discolored and brittle (tend to break easily). They are cracked, deformed and out of shape. The skin under the nails is painful. In addition, this medicine is of great use for inflammation in the finger joints.