Sore throat refers to an irritation, scratchy feeling or pain in the throat that in most cases usually worsens with swallowing. Sore throat can have various causes. These can be both infectious and non-infectious causes. The infectious cause mainly includes infections which can be viral or bacterial infections. Common viral infections include colds and flu. Bacterial infections can also lead to sore throats, such as strep throat. Strep throat is a throat infection caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. In such cases, white spots or pus appear on the tonsils. Strep throat needs immediate medical treatment because it carries a risk of complications if left untreated. These complications include an abscess (collection of pus) around the tonsils, called a quinsy or peritonsillar abscess, inflammation of the kidneys, joint pain and damage to the heart valve.
Non-infectious causes include allergies, shouting, prolonged singing, GERD, irritation from chemicals or smoking. In case of infection, fever may occur along with other signs and symptoms including sore throat, throat irritation, dryness, burning sensation in the throat, redness and swelling in the throat. Other accompanying symptoms may include coughing, hoarseness of voice, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, body aches, weakness, headache and loss of appetite. Sore throat is called pharyngitis when swelling appears in the throat, tonsillitis when swelling appears in the tonsils and laryngitis when there is swelling in the larynx i.e. voice box.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy is very effective in controlling fever and sore throat using natural remedies. These medications are completely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances. They have no side effects. Homeopathic medicines are great in managing this problem by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanism to fight the infection and promote natural recovery. Besides fever, other associated symptoms such as sore throat, irritation/dryness in throat, body aches, runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing can be excellently managed with these medications. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for each individual case after a detailed case evaluation. So one should take homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate fever. In case of high fever, help from conventional treatment should be taken. Also in cases of strep throat, help from the conventional method of treatment should be taken. In such cases, homeopathy can be taken along with conventional treatment, but in case of strep throat, individual use of homeopathic medicines should be avoided.
Homeopathic medicines for fever with sore throat
1. Belladonna – High-quality medicine
Belladonna is one of the most recommended medications to treat fever and sore throat. In cases where this is necessary, as a result of fever, an intense burning heat develops over the entire body, which is most pronounced on the face and head. The face looks red. There is fear and anxiety. The heat phase is followed by a cold phase, which in most cases requires Belladonna. The throat looks bright red and is very dry. The almonds are also bright red. There is marked pain in the throat that becomes worse when swallowing, especially when consuming liquids, compared to solid food. A heated sensation is felt in the throat. A constriction is also felt in the throat. A dry, short and scratchy cough can contribute to this. Cough is worse at night. Belladonna is indicated for all types of sore throats, including pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis.
2. Hepar Sulph – For fever with chills and chills
This medicine is indicated for fever with sore throat accompanied by chills. At the slightest flow of air, the chill is felt with a desire to be covered. During chills, pain is felt in all limbs. There is also weakness. Chills alternate with the heat phase. In the heat phase one feels a headache and becomes increasingly thirsty. Dry heat occurs at night with sweating on the hands. There is redness in the throat with enlarged red follicles on it. The tonsils are also red and swollen. There is pain in the throat when swallowing. Choking pain occurs in the throat and tends to extend to the ears. A feeling of mucus plug or a splinter (a small sharp piece of glass or wood broken from a large piece) is felt in the throat. Hawking of yellow mucus may be present. In addition to the above complaints, there may be a loose cough with thick yellow phlegm and phlegm.
3. Ferrum Phos – For the initial stages of fever
This medicine is very suitable for the initial phase of fever with sore throat. General heat is felt in the body with a little thirst. Heat is accompanied by sweating on the palms. The cheeks are red. There is a sore throat and a cold. There is dryness and redness of the pharynx, tonsils and palate, accompanied by pain. The tonsils are red, swollen and especially red on the right side. Ulcers may be present in the throat. There is a smelly breath in addition to the above complaints. Excessive mucus is also felt in the throat.
4. Monkshood – when the cold stage of fever predominates
Monkshood is of great help when the cold phase predominates during all stages of fever. A clear chill is felt, sending shivers down the spine. Excessive restlessness is felt along with fever. Cold alternates with heat. The heated sensation is marked in the mouth, nose, eyelids, throat and palms. The face is red. There is excessive thirst during fever. The throat and tonsils look dark red. Burning and stabbing pain is felt in the throat. Sometimes a prickling sensation is felt in the throat. There is a dry throat with a feeling as if something is stuck in the throat. There is difficulty swallowing. The voice becomes hoarse. There is pain in the throat while talking. The throat feels constricted, leading to hawking and sometimes vomiting.
5. Merc Sol – With alternating heat and chills and excessive sweating
This drug is useful when heat alternates with chills and excessive sweating. The hands and feet are constantly cold. Weakness is present along with coldness. There is profuse sweating with an unpleasant odor. Excessive sweating does not relieve suffering. On examination of the throat, the tonsils appear red, swollen and enlarged. Ulcers or whitish spots are visible on the tonsils. The uvula is enlarged and swollen. There is a feeling of something hanging in the throat. There is pain in the throat that radiates to the ears during swallowing. The above complaints involve excessive salivation in the mouth. An unpleasant odor comes from the mouth.
6. Arsenic album – For fever with anxiety and restlessness
Arsenic Album is an effective medicine to control fever, anxiety and restlessness. Internal cold is felt with external heat or vice versa, when this drug is needed. Fever usually occurs at night. Intense exhaustion is felt, along with fever. There is sore throat which is relieved by consuming hot drinks. The throat is sore and dry and burning. There can also be cold. In such cases, watery discharge flows from the nose. Nose feels stuffed. A burning sensation and itching are felt in the nose. Sneezing is accompanied by the above complaints.