Hip pain occurs in or around the hip joint. In many cases, hip pain can occur from sitting for long periods of time. This pain can be the result of problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints or nerves in the hip. The pain can be felt on one side or both sides of the hip. In some cases, pain travels from the lower back to the hip, also called referred pain. The pain varies from mild dull ache to sharp severe pain. The pain can occur occasionally, but can also occur quite often. In addition to pain, some other symptoms can be felt, as well as the cause. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling and a pin-needle sensation. In some cases, the pain can radiate to the thighs and legs.
The reasons behind hip pain from sitting for long periods of time can vary. It can simply be the result of sitting in the wrong position for a long time or sitting cross-legged for a long time, which puts extra strain on the hip. In other cases, it may be related to a medical problem that requires diagnosis and treatment. The first cause of this is hip joint inflammation, medically known as hip arthritis. The first type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis refers to degeneration of the articular cartilage (a rubbery cushion between the two bones of the joint), usually due to age-related wear and tear of the joint, but in some cases can also occur as a result of an injury. It usually involves knee joints, hip joints and joints of the spine and hands. The second is rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease (in an autoimmune disease, the immune cells begin to damage the body’s healthy tissues due to a misdirected response) that leads to inflamed joints with marked pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. It usually starts in the small joints of the hands, especially the fingers, but can later affect any joint in the body, including the hip joint. Another type of arthritis is ankylosing spondylitis.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis that affects the back and starts mainly in the sacroiliac joint (it is a joint formed between the sacrum, a triangular bone at the base of the spine, and the iliac portion of the hip bone), but can also affect other joints, including the joint of the shoulder, hip and feet. It also includes psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that can affect some people who suffer from a skin condition called psoriasis (an autoimmune disease of the skin characterized by red, inflamed patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales). Furthermore, arthritic hip pain from sitting for long periods of time can arise due to compression of the nerve in the lower back. Another cause is piriformis syndrome. It refers to irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve due to spasm (sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles) of the piriformis muscle (located in the buttocks). Tendinitis (inflamed tendons meaning the fibrous connective tissue band that connects the muscles to the bone) or bursitis (inflamed bursa, i.e. a small fluid-filled sac around the joint) are the other reasons behind hip pain due to prolonged sitting.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy has been found to be very effective in treating hip pain due to prolonged sitting. Homeopathic medicines target the root cause of problems and provide long-term improvement in such cases. These medications strengthen the body’s own healing mechanism and ensure self-recovery in the most natural way. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of hip pain. In addition, they also treat any associated symptoms such as stiffness, numbness, tingling and the feeling of a pin-needle. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin and have no side effects and are therefore completely safe to use. The homeopathic prescription varies from case to case, depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Therefore, it is advised that any case of hip pain due to prolonged sitting be assessed and use homeopathic medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic medicines for hip pain due to prolonged sitting
1. Rhus Tox – Top drug
Among the various homeopathic medicines, Rhus Tox tops the list for treating hip pain caused by prolonged sitting. In cases where this is necessary, hip pain becomes worse when standing up after sitting for a long time. In most cases, the pain is relieved by continued movement. A crackling sound is produced from the hip joint, along with pain. There is also marked stiffness in the hip joint along with the above symptoms. The pain may radiate from the hip to the thigh on the right side. The pain is worse at rest and gets better with exercise. Warm application to the hip also relieves pain. Rhus Tox is the best homeopathic medicine to treat cases of pain that occur due to joint inflammation, inflamed tendons, muscle pain and nerve compression.
2. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For right sided hip pain
This medicine is very suitable for pain in the right hip after sitting for a long time. It is an agonizing type of pain where this drug is indicated. When walking, the right hip feels lame and the leg is lame. In addition, pain may also be felt throughout the lower limb. This lower limb makes you feel stiff. It is also painful to touch when getting up to walk.
3. Phosphoric acid – for left sided hip pain
Phosphoric acid is a beneficial medicine for left hip pain due to sitting. The pain may run down the left thigh when this medicine is needed. It could be joint pain or nerve pain. In some cases, the pain can even travel to the calf muscle (this muscle is located at the back of the legs) and the ankle. The pain in the hip joint gets slightly better after walking. Heaviness is also felt in the hip joint. It gets worse when you start walking after sitting and gets better after walking for a while. This medicine is also useful for painful spasms (contractions) in the muscles of the hip joint.
4. Staphisagria – When hip pain radiates to the lower back
This medicine is well indicated if the hip pain worsens when sitting and the pain radiates from the hip to the lower back. Pain in the hip joint occurs both when walking and sitting. If necessary, a pulsating sensation in the hip can also be felt. Stiffness in the hip joints in the morning when getting out of bed is also evident.
5. Causticum – For stitch pain in the hip joint
Causticum is a leading medicine for stitching pain in the hip joint. In some cases that require this, the pain radiates from the sacrum (triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the left hip. There is tension pain in this area, as if the muscles were shortened. When someone takes steps, pain occurs in the hip joints and it feels as if the hip joint has been dislocated. There is pain in the hip and thigh on the side you lie on at night. This leads to you often turning over in bed to find a comfortable position.
6. Arnica – For drawing pain
This medicine is effective in causing pain especially in the left hip joint while sitting. Arnica is also useful in tearing pain in the right hip joint. From here it shifts to other body parts. This pain is worse at night. In the lower extremities, a lame sensation and a sensation of an ant crawling on the skin (formication) may be felt.