Vomiting refers to forceful vomiting of stomach contents, and diarrhea refers to passing loose, watery stools more often than normal in a day. Vomiting and diarrhea can occur together in some cases. It can have various causes. The first reason behind this is food poisoning. It refers to a gastrointestinal infection caused by consuming contaminated food or drinks. Another reason can be a food allergy, which refers to an overreaction of the immune system to eating a certain type of food such as milk, wheat, eggs, etc. Stress, anxiety and excessive alcohol consumption can also be some other causes of vomiting and nausea . diarrhea. Traveler’s diarrhea can also be a reason in some cases. Traveler’s diarrhea is a form of diarrhea that mainly affects international travelers and refers to the passage of loose, watery stools caused by eating contaminated food or drink. Another reason may be cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS). Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a type of stomach disorder characterized by severe nausea and vomiting. It may be accompanied by other symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, headache and dizziness. Taking certain medications can also lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Some examples include the use of antibiotics and antacids containing magnesium. The other cause may be Crohn’s disease. It is an autoimmune disease in which there can be inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. In addition to the above, the other reasons include abdominal migraine (a type of migraine that affects the stomach mainly in children). Its symptoms include abdominal pain around the navel, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and lactose intolerance (a condition in which there is an inability to digest lactose). in milk due to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase). Depending on the cause, vomiting and diarrhea may be accompanied by some other signs and symptoms, including nausea, abdominal pain/cramps, mucus or blood in the stool, weakness, fever, and weight. loss.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines are found to be very useful in vomiting and diarrhea. These drugs are of natural origin and help in these cases very harmlessly and without side effects. Homeopathic medicines target the cause of this complaint and provide great relief. These medications can effectively relieve loose stools, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. The homeopathic prescription for such cases varies from case to case, based on individual symptoms. Therefore, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should be avoided. Homeopathy is recommended in cases of vomiting and diarrhea of mild to moderate intensity. In severe cases along with dehydration, one should immediately seek help from the conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating severe cases.
Homeopathic medicines for vomiting and diarrhea
1. Arsenic Album – Best Medicine
Arsenic Album is the leading homeopathic medicine for treating cases of vomiting and diarrhea. In cases where this is necessary, the stool is loose, watery, foul-smelling and may contain green mucus. Sometimes the stool passes involuntarily on its own. The above complaints are accompanied by excessive weakness. Nausea and vomiting are well marked. This happens after eating or drinking something. The vomit may be of clear water or may contain thick greenish mucus. The smell and sight of food are unbearable in persons requiring this medicine. A burning sensation may occur in the stomach. Arsenic album is the most prominently indicated drug for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections and food poisoning along with vomiting and diarrhea.
2. China – For vomiting, diarrhea with weakness
This medicine is very effective in treating vomiting and diarrhea accompanied by marked weakness. There is vomiting of acidic water or mucus. There may be vomiting of undigested food. There is excessive gas in the stomach, which feels bloated with gas. A feeling of weight is felt in the stomach after eating even a small amount of food. In addition to the above symptoms, there is a bitter taste. There is diarrhea with loose, brownish stools and excessive gas. The stool may be foamy and have a very foul odor. The passage of loose stools in most cases becomes worse at night if necessary. This medicine is well indicated for treating stomach problems that occur due to excessive consumption of tea, fruits, milk or fish.
3. Veratrum album – For vomiting after eating or drinking along with diarrhea
Veratrum Album is another prominent drug for controlling vomiting and diarrhea. In cases where this is necessary, vomiting occurs shortly after eating or drinking. The vomit is bitter in taste and may come from clear water, a yellow-green liquid, or from food that has just been eaten. Vomiting is profuse with nausea and marked weakness. Vomiting may also occur with the slightest movement that requires this medicine. There is loose stool with mucus in it. A burning sensation is felt around the umbilical region before and during the passage of stool. The above complaints may cause sharp pain in the abdomen.
4. Ipecac – For vomiting, diarrhea and constant nausea
This medicine is very helpful in controlling vomiting, diarrhea and constant nausea. Vomiting may consist of acidic substances, watery substances or greenish mucus. The nausea is persistent and does not go away even after vomiting. Cramps occur in the stomach. Belching also occurs with a rumbling feeling in the abdomen. There is loss of appetite. The stool is loose, frothy and yellowish green. The stool disappears with the expulsion of excessive gas. The feces have a very unpleasant odor. Together with the above complaints, the tongue is absolutely clean.
5. Croton Tiglium – For loose stools that flow and vomit
Croton Tiglium is an important homeopathic medicine for cases of copious, watery stools that suddenly disappear in a rush with intense force in one go. The stool may contain whitish flakes or undigested food particles. There is pain in the abdomen before passing stool. There is vomiting shortly after drinking. The vomit may contain food that has just been eaten or a yellowish-white frothy fluid.
6. Colchicum – For diarrhea with slimy substance/mucus, blood and vomiting
This medicine is of great help when loose stools are accompanied by slimy substance or jelly-like mucus and blood. There may be cutting pain around the navel. Pain may be felt at the anus. Intense nausea occurs in cases that require it. Nausea worsened by the smell while the food is cooking. Vomiting may worsen with any movement. There is relief from vomiting by taking complete rest.
7. Gambogia – For stools with great force and vomiting
This medicine is very useful in treating cases where vomiting occurs in association with diarrhea, in which the stool suddenly disappears with great force. There may be mucus in the stool that is yellow or green in color. The feces have a very unpleasant odor. A burning sensation at the anus is felt along with the passage of stool. There is rumbling, gurgling, rolling in the abdomen. After passing stool, there is pain and distension of the abdomen due to gas. There is vomiting and nausea after ingestion of food or drink. There is excessive belching along with the above complaints.