Numbness means loss of sensation or feeling on the skin, and tingling refers to a prickling sensation or sensation of sharp, pointed objects pricking the skin. Numbness accompanied by tingling sensation is medically called paresthesia. Numbness and tingling in the face can have several causes. The main reason behind this is damage, irritation or compression of a nerve in the face. Nerve damage can have a variety of causes, including injury, a deficiency of vitamins such as vitamin B and niacin, some infections such as shingles (an infection of the nerves caused by the varicella zoster virus, which causes fluid-filled small bumps on the skin that go with pain, itching, burning sensation, numbness and tingling on the affected skin), diabetes, etc. Nerve damage can also be caused by an autoimmune disease known as multiple sclerosis. In this condition, the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves due to a misdirected response. It can cause numbness and tingling in the face, along with other symptoms such as numbness and weakness in the extremities, unsteady gait, blurred/double vision, dizziness, fatigue, slurred speech, lack of coordination, mood swings, and urinary bladder and bowel problems. .
Nerve damage is also seen in cases of Bell’s palsy. Bell’s palsy is a condition that occurs due to an inflamed nerve in the face, resulting in a sudden weakness of the unilateral facial muscles, causing the face to droop to one side. Another reason for numbness and tingling in the face can be trigeminal neuralgia. It refers to severe unilateral facial pain along the course of the trigeminal nerve due to irritation, damage, or compression of this nerve. It causes severe facial pain or electric shock, and may be preceded by numbness or tingling in the face. Another cause can be migraines. Migraine refers to one-sided headache, usually of the serene type, which in most cases is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In some cases, headaches are preceded by an aura phase in which numbness and tingling on one side of the face may occur. This type of migraine is known as hemiplegic migraine. In addition, in some cases of epilepsy, numbness or tingling in the face may occur during a seizure (a seizure). Numbness and tingling in the face can also occur with anxiety or panic attacks, or can be a side effect of a medicine. Medicines to treat high blood pressure and fluoroquinolones can cause side effects. Finally, facial numbness and tingling can also indicate a serious condition called a stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Stroke refers to the interruption of oxygen supply (either due to blockage or bursting of a blood vessel) to the brain, resulting in the death of brain cells and loss of brain function.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in controlling numbness and tingling in the face. These medicines are very suitable for people of all age groups. These medications are intended to treat the underlying cause of the health problem and thus bring great relief. In addition, homeopathic medicines can also treat the associated symptoms such as pain, itching, fatigue, headache, dizziness, etc. Homeopathic medicines are purely of natural origin and treat a problem without any side effects. These drugs are selected individually for each case based on the symptom. Therefore, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should not be done under any circumstances. These drugs are only recommended for mild to moderate intensity cases without any underlying serious cause. In case the numbness and tingling in the face is severe or has a serious cause such as stroke, immediate relief through the conventional mode of treatment should be sought as homeopathy has limitations to deal with such severe cases.
Homeopathic medicines for numbness and tingling in the face
1. Zincum Met – Top recommended drug
Zincum Met is a great drug that is well indicated for the treatment of various nerve complaints. It is a leading drug to treat numbness and tingling. It is also well indicated where nerve pain in the face is marked. In cases where this is necessary, a stabbing pain in the face is felt, similar to that of needles, except for numbness and tingling. The nerve pain in the face is made worse by touch. There is an exacerbation of pain in the evening. Moreover, this drug is prominent in controlling facial twitching. Muscle twitches are short, spontaneous muscle contractions. Another nerve-related complaint where this drug proves to be effective is the facial formulation. Formication means the feeling of insects crawling on or under the skin.
2. Agaricus – For facial numbness with a cold, needle-stinging sensation
This medicine works well for facial numbness. A very characteristic feature is the feeling of cold needles piercing the nerves of the face. Muscle contractions can also occur on the face. Needles pricking the chin may also be present. The chin may be covered with fluid-filled small bumps. Then there may be a kind of tearing pain in the face. Further itching, burning and redness of the cheeks may be present. This medicine is also indicated for cases of facial muscle paralysis.
3. Causticum – For numbness and tingling with a burning sensation
Causticum is yet another effective medicine for cases of facial numbness and tingling. There is marked numbness on the side of the face, as if the face is asleep when this medicine is needed. In addition to the above complaints, a burning sensation is also felt in the face. Sometimes itching on the face occurs. When this medicine is needed, one-sided facial paralysis may be felt. Along with the above complaints, tearing pain and muscle twitching can be felt on the left side of the face.
4. Hypericum – against nerve damage and inflammation
Hypericum is very useful for numbness, tingling and burning sensation due to nerve inflammation and damage. Pain originating from the nerves in the face is also felt. The pain mainly occurs on the right side of the face. A heated sensation is felt on the face. There is a tense feeling in the cheeks.
5. Monkshood – along with a feeling of heaviness on the face
This medicine works well for numbness, tingling in the face and heaviness all over the face. There is nerve pain on the left side of the face. Restlessness is felt along with pain. The face is red and warm. A crawling sensation and muscle contractions can be felt in the face.
6. Arsenic album – for tingling and burning, stabbing sensations
This medicine is indicated for facial tingling and burning, prickling sensations. It feels like it is created by red-hot needles. Tearing and needle-like pricking pains are felt in the face. Severe itching can also occur on the face. Fluid-filled eruptions may occur on the face, along with itching and burning sensations.
7. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For tingling on the nose and chin
This medicine is suitable to treat a tingling sensation in the face, especially in the nose and chin area. A heated sensation is felt on the face when necessary. Redness of the cheeks occurs. Eruptions containing fluid may appear in clusters on the face.
8. Belladonna – With redness in the face and burning heat
This medicine may be considered in cases of facial numbness and tingling accompanied by facial redness and burning heat. One feels restless. In addition to the above symptoms, facial muscle contractions may occur.