Flat warts are flat or slightly raised, smooth, noncancerous (benign) growths that appear on the skin. These are small in size compared to other types of warts. The size of these warts varies from 1 mm to 3 mm in diameter. You may confuse flat warts with acne or age spots. Flat warts are also called airplane warts. These usually occur in large clusters (multiple numbers), so make sure you notice them. The number of these warts varies from about a dozen to 200, depending on a case-by-case basis. These can develop on different parts of the body, such as the face, back of the hands, neck, wrists, forearms, arms, legs and knees. These warts are round or oval in shape. The color may vary from case to case. They can be flesh-colored, yellowish, brown, reddish-brown or pinkish. Irritation or itching may occur with these warts. Irritation is usually a result of scratching these warts. There is no pain with these warts. Flat warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Many different types of HPV strains can lead to warts. These types are known to cause flat warts. These four HPV strains include 3, 10, 28, and 49. Flat warts are contagious, meaning they spread through skin-to-skin contact with a person infected with this virus. Although these are contagious, but not highly contagious like many other types of warts. You can also get this infection by touching surfaces that carry this virus. Sharing towels, clothes, razors and other personal items of an infected person also puts you at risk of developing this infection and wart formation. This virus enters the skin through a small cut or tear in the skin. After it penetrates the skin, it causes an infection of the cells in the top layer of the skin (epidermis) and results in rapid multiplication of these cells, causing flat warts. Not everyone with this infection develops warts, as several factors increase the risk of wart formation after exposure to HPV. These factors mainly include low immunity, maintaining poor hygiene, having a cut or break in the skin, chemotherapy treatment and the genetic tendency to do so. A person with flat warts in one spot on the skin can also spread them to his/her other parts of the body. This is known as auto-inoculation. For this reason, flat warts affect children more often than adults. These warts are also called juvenile warts. These usually affect children between 12 and 16 years old.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment to cure flat warts. It proves effective in treating warts by strengthening the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight the infectious agent that causes warts and removing it from the body in a very natural and safe way. The use of homeopathic medicines stops the formation of new warts. Furthermore, these medications work in getting rid of the warts that are already present on the skin. Homeopathic medicines to treat these cases are of natural origin. These medications are suitable for people of all age groups and treat this condition without any side effects. Prescribing homeopathic medicines for flat warts requires a detailed case evaluation based on the symptom picture in each individual case. So, it is advisable to always consult a homeopathic doctor for prescription of medicines, dosage and repetition. One should avoid homeopathic self-medication.
Homeopathic medicines for flat warts
1. Dulcamara – Top recommended medicine
Dulcamara is the number one medicine in homeopathy and manages cases of flat warts quite well. This drug provides excellent results if the warts are flesh-colored. These warts feel smooth. Although the warts can appear anywhere on the body, in those who require this medication, the warts are clearly visible on the face and the backs of the hands and fingers. The warts are present in groups or crops, that is, in multiples in one place. In general, the skin is dry and warm. Itchy spots can appear in different places on the body.
2. Thuja – For warts on the neck, back of hand, chin and forehead
Another highly recommended medicine to treat flat warts is Thuja. This medicine not only helps flat warts but also helps in treating different types of warts. Thuja is the best medicine for treating warts on the neck and hands. There are several warts on the neck and back of the hands. The warts on the hands are as small as small seeds and have smooth surfaces. This medicine can also help with the formation of warts on the chin and forehead.
3. Sepia – For warts on face, hands and fingers
The homeopathic medicine Sepia is of great use in the treatment of warts, especially those that form on the face and hands. The warts on the face keep forming one after another. The warts are small in size and have a flat top. These can also itch. The warts are mainly located around the mouth and chin. It is also possible for the warts to appear on the face even after treatment. The warts can also appear on the sides of the fingers where this medicine is needed.
4. Causticum – For warts near the eyebrows, on the nose and fingers
Causticum is an effective medicine for treating small warts that form on various parts of the body. First, it is useful in combating warts that grow near the eyebrows and on the nose. Secondly, this medicine is useful for treating warts that develop on the arms. This medication is then administered against warts on the fingers. The warts can also be present on the fingertips. The warts can also be present on the backs of the fingers, especially near the nails.
5. Calcarea Carb – For treating skin-colored warts
Calcarea Carb is another medicine that manages flat warts well in the list of homeopathic medicines. This medicine is indicated for the treatment of cases of skin-colored warts. The warts are round and soft at the base. The warts are numerous in number and appear in different places. Although they can be present on any part of the body, they usually appear mainly on the hands and arms, in those who require Calcarea Carb. For those who require this medication, itching in the warts is reported.
6. Natrum Carb – For warts on arms and backs of hands
This medicine is suitable for the treatment of warts that form on the arms and the back of the hands. For those who need this medicine: the skin is generally dry and rough. There may be cracks in the skin in some places. The patient may feel like insects are crawling on the skin.
7. Natrum Sulph – For red colored warts
This medicine may be considered if the warts are reddish in color. The warts can be present on any skin surface, but the warts are mainly located on the arms.
8. Berberis Vulgaris – For warts on fingers
This medicine is of great value in the treatment of warts that form on the fingers. The warts are small and flat in appearance. There may be itchy skin that is worsened by scratching.