The thought-provoking topics chosen for this article may even challenge your mental stance on the nature of reality. It is never my intention to say it is this or that, but I just want to present quality content for deep contemplation. Ultimately, I want you to use your intuition to find your own truth.
The relationship between human consciousness and physical reality is a mysterious connection that quantum physics has been unraveling since the beginning of the last century. It used to be thought that a ‘Newtonian’ material universe formed the basis of reality. This model became obsolete when scientists began to recognize that everything in the universe is made of energy and is intimately linked to consciousness.
The quantum physics model teaches us that energy and consciousness are interdependent, mixed in a cosmic dance. Similar to the ancient sages who told us that your mind and the world are not separate things.
Physical atoms consist of vortices of energy, constantly spinning and vibrating; human consciousness can influence the vibration, expression and even restructuring of atoms.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, you must think of it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla
The world of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, among others, teaches us that we live in a conscious universe that has a very refined and intelligent force that regulates its appearance. As they have said:
“All matter comes into existence and exists only by the force of a force… We must assume that behind this force there exists a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter” ~ Max Planck
“The universe is not only stranger than we think, it is also stranger than we can imagine” ~ Werner Heisenberg
Happiness is found in the present moment
If you believe that material objects or money will bring you happiness, then your happiness is impermanent because it is subject to change. The outside world cannot bring you true happiness, it is only a temporary experience. Life moves through you, as a river moves through a stream; trying to hold on to the current is like swimming against the current and is one of the main reasons why we suffer.
Your true inner self is the source of true happiness that is always found in the present moment. It is not bound to change, nothing comes or goes
divine space that is unchangeable. Experiences will move through you, that is the flow of life, but true joy is discovered in the presence of your Inner Self, in the now, not in the past or future. This is an extremely important point, as Dudjom Rinpoche, a great Buddhist master, says:
“Since pure awareness of nowness is true Enlightenment, in openness and contentment I found the Truth in my heart.”
In reality, there is only one continuous moment that can be experienced. Peace, love and fulfillment can only be found in the reality of the present moment. That is why meditation is so important: to avoid being distracted by the mind’s projections into the past and future and to see deeply into the reality of the present. present moment and discover the good qualities of your true self.
Time is an illusion
The future moment exists only as an idea. Think about it? In reality you are here and now, your body is always anchored in the present moment, through the breath – the body can only experience the present moment; unlike the mind that can travel through time with its imagination.
“Time is a human perception because: the human body. YOUR human body is in all three “times”; past, present and future. Look at a clock. The person you are now, in the present, will be in the past in a minute. That same person right now is one minute into the future. let me rephrase that: in a minute, the you that you are now will be in the past. The future you becomes the present you and then almost immediately the past you. Therefore, it is the MIND, and not the body, that can only be at one time: the present. It is the mind, or consciousness, or perception that causes us to see things in the present. Nothing else, rocks, cars, even our own bodies are present only once at a time. therefore it is a perception, not a force or dimension…’
The past is gone. . .but where is it?
With every breath the past slips away and forms a memory. The present moment is the only point you have access to in reality, everything is happening right now, in this moment.
Most important points:
• Past and future are just mental constructs.
• Time is a useful measure of steady-flow conditions.
• The only place time exists is in your mind.
• There is only one moment that is like a field that stretches into eternity.
• All experiences take place in the same eternal now moment.
You were born in the now moment, you read these words in the now moment, when you breathe your last breath, it will be the now moment. It’s never not now.
By focusing your attention on the breath in the present moment, you can detach from thoughts and experience for yourself the reality of that one eternal moment. When you can maintain a calm focus; thoughts will not be able to distract you and the space will open up for you to realize your true Self and access profound insights into the nature of reality.
“When the mind is still, the entire universe surrenders.” ~ Lao Tzu
“When you transcend your thinking mind into the realization of your own pure, timeless, ever-present consciousness, then the illusion of time collapses completely and you become completely free from the conditioned cycle of time, change, impermanence and suffering.” ~ Buddhist teachings
You are heaven
You are the big blue sky,
The world of time and change are but passing clouds,
clouds appear,
Clouds disappear,
But the big blue sky remains the same,
Clouds cannot exist independently without the big blue sky, but the big blue sky can exist independently without clouds.
Are you the cloud?
Or are you the big blue sky?
The present moment is the motionless big blue sky,
Don’t try to understand it with your intellect, it is beyond your intellect (mind).
You have to feel it with your heart.
Feel it deep within your being: your presence.
Live in the present moment
Ask: What is the analytical mind?
The mind that:
• Analysis
• Judges
• Observes
• Remember
• Compares
• Rationalizes
• Is organizing
The goal of meditation is to use focused attention to move beyond the analytical mind and experience the simplicity of the present moment with pure awareness.
is an element of your being that you have control over.
What exactly is attention?
Psychological answer: concentrated consciousness
Esoteric answer: a stream of consciousness, focused energy.
Meditation for Cultivating Stable Attention:
STEP 1 )
Sit quietly and take control of your focus and channel your attention to the body.
Just as you look at a television screen, begin to observe your thoughts and feelings with detachment and calmness.
Concentrate on the breath and feel the body, feel every muscle and cell in the body with your awareness. The magic lies in the pure feeling and direct experience of your inner world without judgment or labelling.
“The whole purpose of meditation is to take our consciousness beyond the analytical mind and into deeper levels of consciousness.” ~ Joe Dispenza
• Distraction to clarity,
• Fear of loving,
• Someone and someone to be no body and no one,
• Material to spiritual,
• A place that is not a place,
• Be on time, be in no time,
• & from the belief that the outside world is reality accessed through the senses, to the knowledge that consciousness is a reality beyond the senses.
• From survival to creation
• Separation to connection
• From imbalance to balance
• Emergency mode to growth-and-recovery mode
• The limiting emotion of fear, anger and sadness to the expanded emotions of joy, freedom and love
• Hold on to the known and embrace the unknown
Stopping analytical thinking and abandoning reason, logic, intellectualizing predicting, predicting and rationalizing, at least temporarily, AND ENTER. . .THE PRESENT MOMENT!!
By being attentive and aware of the present moment for a long time, a very healing state is created in the body. Feel the vibrancy and start enjoying being in that space.
The story of the beggar
There had been a beggar sitting by the side of the road for thirty years. One day a stranger walked by.
“Save some change?” muttered the beggar.
“I have nothing to give you,” said the stranger. Then he asked, “What are you sitting on?”
“Nothing,” replied the beggar. “Just an old box. I’ve been on it for as long as I can remember.”
“Ever looked inside?” the stranger asked.
“No,” said the beggar. “What’s the point, there’s nothing in it.”
“Look inside,” the stranger urged.
The beggar reluctantly managed to pry open the lid. With amazement, disbelief and elation he saw that the chest was filled with gold.
I am that stranger who has nothing to give you and who tells you to look within. Not in a box, as in the parable, but somewhere even closer: within yourself. ~ Eckhart Tolle from THE POWER OF NOW
Lighting trap:
Enlightenment is not something you understand – “I have it” or something you achieve – “I am finally here”. It is an ever-deepening process, more of a marriage, between consciousness and the present moment. See more about the five main ego traps of meditation
It is the fate of many seekers to try to find enlightenment outside themselves, always looking for a higher purpose or a means to feel more connected to life. Looking outside yourself for the answers that exist within your own being is a never-ending cycle that leads to constant suffering.
This kind of thinking separates you from the inner truth and divinity. Ancient teachings and quantum physics teach us that the universe is within you.
“The story of the universe is in every atom in your body, in every atom. And after 13.7 billion years, 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them have come together, and that’s you. The Universe is within you, just as surely as you are within the Universe.” ~
Science blog
The person and place you are looking for is not real, rather it is a projection or mental construct created by the mind.
We tend to seek enlightenment from a mental position; a thought system that we believe will bring us a level of peace and happiness. This thought system or concept is just a projection; the person seeking enlightenment does not really exist, this makes the foundation of the ego very unstable. The mind or intellect cannot truly experience enlightenment.
The feeling of enlightenment is experienced by the true Self. Only
being to feel enlightened, in essence enlightenment is already within us, all we have to do is learn to expose our consciousness to this beautiful state of being.
There is no person to be enlightened, all thoughts and concepts are perceived by the ‘all-seeing eye’ – your true self. Understand this truth and you will understand life.