When it comes to the topic of STD transmission, there is a lot of misinformation. Remember that sexually transmitted diseases are for the most part, hence the name, transmitted sexually. Unlike airborne viruses, you won’t contract gonorrhea or chlamydia from sitting in a crowded elevator or from a sneezing Uber driver. But herpes and herpes symptoms are not like those of other STDs. Granted, you’re not exposing yourself to anything serious risk simply by coming out in public. But what about something as innocent as kissing a family member or significant other? That’s a completely different story. Can you get herpes from kissing? Before we go too far down that road, let’s take a moment to discuss some of the ways herpes isn’t passed on (despite what you might read on a handful of unreliable internet sources).
We’ve certainly heard our fair share of horror stories about herpes transmission shared drinksdoor knobs, toilet seats, swimming pools, elevator buttons and pretty much anything you can think of. And the vast majority of these stories are nothing more than STD myths and urban legends.
But back to the idea that kissing can give you herpes. Unfortunately, this is a claim you can believe. Yes, you can definitely get herpes from kissing. Before you kiss your crush or partner, it is important that you are aware of the risks involved. Something as personal as a kiss should take into account a combination of factors, including your comfort and level of trust.
Oral herpes transmission
The herpes virus, whether it is HSV-1 (the strain most often associated with cold sores or oral herpes) or HSV-2 (the strain most often associated with genital herpes), is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact with an open mouth. ignited. So kissing someone during an active outbreak, or being kissed by someone during this time, is certainly a risky practice, unlike, say, shaking hands or hugging. Even an innocent kiss on the cheek or forehead from dear Aunt Edna can be enough to transmit the herpes virus. But how big is the risk?
According to the World Health Organization, HSV-1 is very common, with an estimated 67% of the world’s population under the age of 50 possibly infected. Although HSV-1 most commonly causes cold sores and cold sores around the mouth, it can also cause genital herpes, especially if a person with HSV-1 has oral sex with another person.
HSV-2 is still considered the main culprit when it comes to causing genital herpes infections. According to the CDC, about 12% of Americans under the age of 50 have HSV-2.
Whether or not a person has HSV-1 or HSV-2, both can be transmitted sexually. Many people transmit this virus unknowingly, because it often shows no symptoms. Herpes also has the unique ability to spread through seemingly uninfected areas such as around the mouth and genitals, by shedding infected skin cells. The risk is also significantly high if the individual has open cold sores. While we don’t have strict statistics on how likely you are to contract herpes from kissing, it is certainly a possibility. But there are medications and methods available to make herpes a more manageable disease.
Herpes and relationships
What does this mean for relationships? Since more than half the world’s population has HSV-1, does this mean the end of kissing? Of course not. But you probably shouldn’t kiss random people on the street either. Intimacy of any kind can come with certain risks, so it’s important to be open and honest with your partner(s). There are several methods that people with herpes can use to reduce the chance of accidentally spreading the disease.
Although herpes is significantly contagious, medical research has found ways to reduce transmission and the severity of symptoms. However, a cure has yet to be discovered.
Antiviral drugs such as Valtrex and Famvir can be used to mediate the frequency and severity of outbreaks. If you tested positive for herpes, you and your healthcare provider would decide whether your case requires an episodic or a more suppressive treatment plan. These medications can also help suppress the virus and reduce the chance of it spreading to your partner(s).
If you or your partner experience an outbreak of herpes sores around the mouth, anus, rectum, or genitals, it is best to avoid skin-to-skin contact until after the outbreak has cleared. Herpes sores are highly contagious and can be easily spread or passed on. You can even spread an existing herpes virus to other parts of the body by spreading infected cells from one area to another. During intercourse, dental dams and condoms may provide some protection, but they will not cover all infectious areas of the skin and therefore cannot be considered risk-free. Taking antiviral medications should help prevent outbreaks and secretions that could put you or your partner at risk.
And remember, as transmissible as this virus is, it can only survive outside a human host for a few seconds. So all those stories you hear about catching the disease on shared surfaces (drinks, toilet seats, swimming pools, etc.) are probably exaggerated, if not outright false. While sharing drinks, utensils, or toothbrushes with someone else may not be the most hygienic practice, the risk of contracting herpes this way is virtually non-existent.
Although herpes is significantly contagious, medical research has found ways to reduce transmission and the severity of symptoms. However, a cure has yet to be discovered.
Antiviral drugs such as Valtrex and Famvir can be used to mediate the frequency and severity of outbreaks. If you tested positive for herpes, you and the healthcare provider would decide whether your case requires an episodic or a more suppressive treatment plan. These medications can also help suppress the virus and reduce the chance of it spreading to your partner(s).
If you or your partner experience an outbreak of herpes sores around the mouth, anus, rectum, or genitals, it is best to avoid skin-to-skin contact. Herpes sores are highly contagious. You can even spread an existing herpes virus to other parts of the body by spreading infected cells from one area to another. During intercourse, dental dams and condoms may provide some protection, but they will not cover all infectious areas of the skin and therefore cannot be considered risk-free. Taking antiviral medications should help prevent outbreaks and secretions that could put you or your partner at risk.
Kissing with herpes
If you or your partner(s) test positive for HSV-1 or HSV-2, the decision is ultimately yours. Although herpes is quite contagious, it is not fatal, it is quite common and there are medications available to suppress it.
Thanks to these amazing scientific achievements, people with the herpes simplex virus can live a normal life and kiss others without much worry. Unfortunately, the social stigma surrounding having the disease gives many the impression that herpes is socially debilitating; however, it doesn’t have to be this way. The key to this is making your partner(s) aware and doing what you can to treat the disease.
If you or your partner are concerned about contracting herpes, it is important to seek treatment herpes test as soon as possible. It is recommended that sexually active individuals undergo STD testing at least every year. This will help you prepare for any necessary treatments and precautions in future intimate endeavors.
Concerns about your sexual health are completely understandable. If you or your partner have any concerns – or even just for a routine check-up – Priority STD offers discreet and professional care STD testing Services. Simply order the test(s) you need and visit one of our more than 4,000 test centers at your leisure. Results are usually available within 24 to 72 hours.