Herbal colon cleansers are becoming increasingly popular and many people believe that botanical herbs are both harmless and extremely useful for supporting colon health. In some cases this is completely correct. Many herbs are healthy for the body. Unfortunately, some herbs are not. The National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine has reported a number of dangerous, life-threatening consequences that result from using laxatives that contain herbal ingredients. Three common herbal colon cleansers and laxative ingredients, specifically psyllium, cascaras sagrada and senna, can pose very serious health risks and serious medical complications, such as hepatitis and liver failure.

Herbal colon cleansers
Duration: 5 minutes
Common Herbal Colon Cleanser Ingredients
Senna is a herbal stimulant laxative with serious risks, especially for the liver. Using senna to treat chronic constipation can lead to hepatitis, an extremely damaging condition for the liver that can lead to death. [1] [2] The Nephrology Department of the Université Catholique de Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, reported a case of a woman who had developed liver failure due to ingestion of herbal tea containing senna. Her liver damage was so severe that transplantation was considered. Researchers warned that liver damage is a risk when using laxatives containing senna, especially in excess. [3]
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada is an herbal stimulant laxative and, like senna, can lead to hepatitis. Several cases have been reported of patients developing severe hepatitis and liver failure after ingesting herbal products containing cascara sagrada. [4] The Division of Gastroenterology at Texas Tech University Health Science Center warns that cascara sagrada is linked to hepatitis because it contains a compound called anthracene glycoside, which has long been known to cause hepatitis. [5]
Perhaps the most common plant-based laxative ingredient is psyllium. Psyllium is the seed of Plantago ovata and psyllium husk is the main ingredient in bulk laxatives. When psyllium husk comes into contact with water, it swells like a sponge and stimulates intestinal contractions. However, studies and documented cases of medical emergencies have shown that psyllium is NOT a harmless or benign ingredient.
Like peanuts, psyllium is a food allergen and allergic reactions to handling psyllium have been reported since 1970. Particularly anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a serious condition in which the airways become irritated and swollen to the point where we can no longer breathe. This is incredibly scary because anaphylaxis can go from bad to worse in a matter of seconds. If you are not prepared for an attack, you may not be able to breathe and be in real danger. The Oregon Health and Sciences University in Portland reported an incidence of psyllium sensitivity resulting in death from anaphylactic shock. [6]
The Department of Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported a separate case of a patient who suffered from rhinitis and asthma due to exposure to psyllium. The severity of her symptoms progressed to a life-threatening confrontation with anaphylaxis. The doctors warned that psyllium allergies are more common than most people realize. In other words, don’t think it can’t happen to you. [7]
The safe alternative to dangerous herbal colon cleansers
There’s no need to risk your health with dangerous herbal laxatives when there are much gentler and safer options available. If you need relief from constipation, or a body cleanse in general, I recommend one oxygen-based colon cleanser such as Oxy-Powder. Oxy-Powder does NOT have the side effects associated with toxic herbal laxatives.
†Results may vary. The information and explanations provided are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a serious medical condition or health problem, consult your doctor.