It can be difficult to withdraw from the concept of understanding that the self is not separated from the environment, and that with one step deeper the self is not separated from all causes and invisible or unknown forces that support this apparent environment, and that we can go further into the mystery. in a bizarre world that surpasses even the mystery of the imagination. This allows the mind to expand beyond its concepts, beyond its fears, beyond its knowledge, and connect with all of reality to form one.
The faded material world in which even the most enlightened soul can exist still holds us. But the journey of one foot in this world and the other foot in the vastness of the unknown gives us a perspective that can sometimes be very special.
Colors and flavors explode. The scents become transcendental highways. Humor becomes a ball thrown through a window; necessary yet mischievous. Nightmares become shocking. Dreams wake up. The sounds of birds and the wind playfully compete with the finest strings of musical mastery. Nature becomes a loving deception with teeth that bite and fruits that sweeten the breeze. Passions become conflict and attachment. Passions are set free and free. Pain becomes ever-present and always strange, like an alien world that is so disturbingly real and lonely.
Blasphemy finds creative and entertaining angles to poke holes of light in the darkness and remind us of the fallen stars. Moments become more than they ever were. Anger rushes by like a howling train in the night whose horn blows louder and farther, only to fade away into the silence.
The joke is on us, yet we are often not amused, and the jokes become funnier and more frequent, so that we can laugh again. All the while, the chains of anger must be loosed. Love becomes so clear and accurate that it makes us smile because we are so blind. And sunsets are finally becoming sunsets after all these years of reflection in our scanning eyes.
As is said in the great parable of reality, the world sits on top of a turtle, which with a shell of hollow strength can support the unimaginable weight of the world, and that turtle sits on top of another turtle, and another, and another . and another. It’s turtles all the way down.
With yoga (union) as a unity of self-reality (Atman-Brahman) extending into deeper and sublime mysteries, this yoga, or union, can reach far beyond knowledge or answers. Mysteries can be infinitely connected to supporting mysteries. It’s yoga down to the last detail.
Then we see that the big question is a silly, unanswerable inquiry, intended purely as a joke. Joy creeps into our windows like the soft rays of dawn bringing a new day with new adventures, new love and new pain. It then disappears into the night as reassurance from the temporary; waiting for a new dawn to repeat the new humor and horror.
Orgasms erupt like meteors cutting through the night sky, and the new dawn wakes us up once again. The light of the fire settles into a smoldering reminder of the morning dew that the dark night has failed again. Life and light continued through it all. Horus and Set continue their predictable battle, the wheel of samsara turns gently in the rippling reflections of the sunlit creek, and the yin yang swirls perpetually in an eternal haze. But is the new day a repeating cycle or an entirely new reality? Has it gone beyond our understanding or has it bound us to our illusions?
Or is it just turtles all the way down?