Burning Mouth Syndrome refers to a condition in which there is burning in the mouth. Burning mainly occurs on the tongue, but can also occur on the lips, gums, palate or cheeks or in some cases the entire mouth. The burning can occur immediately after waking up in the morning and last all day. In some cases, the burning sensation may not be felt in the morning, but begins and continues to worsen later in the day. This syndrome can occur suddenly or gradually over time. The intensity of symptoms can range from mild to severe. Symptoms may remain constant or may come and go. Some other symptoms may be present with the burning. These include taste changes such as bitter taste, metallic taste or sometimes loss of taste, dryness in the mouth and tingling/stinging sensation in the mouth.
Causes of burning mouth syndrome
Burning Mouth Syndrome can be primary or secondary. If there is no obvious reason for the burning sensation, it is called primary burning mouth syndrome. In this case, damage to the nerves of the tongue is considered the reason. In cases where an underlying medical condition or reason leads to it, it is called secondary burning mouth syndrome. Some examples of such underlying causes are oral lichen planus, yeast infection in the mouth, dry mouth and geographic tongue.
Oral lichen planus is an autoimmune disease that tends to cause white, lacy-patterned lesions in the mouth (on the inside of the cheeks, gums, lips, tongue, or palate). In some cases, red swollen spots form in the mouth. The lesions are painful, may have a burning sensation and may sometimes bleed.
Fungal infection in the mouth is known as thrush. It causes white or creamy lesions in the mouth. These can develop on the tongue, the inside of the cheeks, on the gums and the palate. Burning and pain may be felt in these lesions.
Geographic language refers to the inflammatory condition of the tongue characterized by the formation of smooth, red bald patches on the tongue giving the tongue a map-like or geographical appearance. The acid from the stomach entering the mouth (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) or an allergy to a certain food or a product used for oral care can lead to geographic tongue.
Apart from the above reasons, other causes can include biting the tip of the tongue, brushing the tongue harshly, excessive use of mouthwash, dental surgery, eating excessively acidic food/drink and lack of nutrients like zinc, iron and vitamin B12. . Taking certain medications such as clonazepam, captopril, fluoxetine, hormone replacement therapies, and psychological problems such as stress, anxiety and depression can also cause a burning sensation in the mouth. People who are over 50 years old and people who smoke are at risk of suffering from burning mouth syndrome. Women are at greater risk than men, especially around menopause or after menopause.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy has a wide scope in treating cases of burning mouth. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the burning sensation gradually. Additionally, they work great in controlling any associated symptoms such as change in taste, dry mouth, pain, and a stinging sensation in the mouth. They work great in reducing burning sensation in the mouth and other symptoms by addressing the cause behind it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for the treatment of these cases is selected after detailed analysis of each individual case. The best thing about homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition and there are no side effects of these medicines.
Homeopathic medicines for burning mouth syndrome
1. Arsenic album – Top solution
Arsenic Album is the most recommended medicine to treat cases of burning in the mouth. Those who need it feel a burning sensation, especially on the tongue. It is accompanied by a bitter or sour taste in the mouth. The tongue feels dry with excessive thirst. The tongue appears white as chalk.
2. Merc Sol – With bitter or metallic taste
Merc Sol is an effective medicine against burning in the mouth and a bitter or metallic taste. In addition to the burning sensation, the tongue is dry and red with dark spots. The tongue is also swollen and there is pain. Stinging pain is felt on the tongue. Applying pressure to the tongue with the fingers is painful. Ulcers or cracks may be present on the tongue. In some cases there may be loss of taste. There is bad breath. There may be a fungal infection in the mouth.
3. Iris Versicolor – Burning like fire
This medicine is of great use in cases where a burning in the mouth is felt as if through fire. Loss of taste may occur. The tongue turns white, as if covered with a greasy substance. The mouth may be inflamed, along with a burning sensation and pain. Ulcers may be present in the cheeks. Salivary secretion may occur. This drug is also a leading drug for treating cases of acid reflux, where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus and mouth.
4. Arum Triphyllum – For burning sensation in pain
Arum Triphyllum is useful for burning mouth with marked pain (pain on touch). A burning sensation may also be felt in the throat. The tongue is cracked and painful, along with a burning sensation. The tongue is very dry and rough. Bleeding from the tongue may occur. A discharge of thick mucus may appear from the mouth. A bad odor usually comes from the mouth.
5. Belladonna – with a dry mouth
Belladonna is a very valuable medicine to treat cases of burning and pronounced dry mouth. Dryness is visible on the tongue, lips, inner cheeks and palate. Excessive thirst is felt. The mouth is red, swollen and inflamed. The taste in the mouth may be sour, bitter or bad. The tongue is white in the center with red edges. The tongue is painful to the touch.
6. Apis Mellifica – For burning tongue with intense redness
This medicine can be used for burning sensation on the tongue and intense redness. The tongue is dry. There may be swelling on the tongue. Shooting pain may occur. In some cases, a stinging sensation is felt on the tongue. Sometimes there are blisters (small fluid-filled bumps) on the tongue with burning and stabbing pain. Sticky, foamy saliva is present in the mouth.
7. Nitric Acid – Along with stabbing pain
This medicine is useful in relieving a burning sensation in the mouth accompanied by stabbing pain. The mouth is bright red and may be swollen. After eating, a bitter taste remains in the mouth. The tongue is dry with cracks. It is even sensitive to soft foods. Ulcers can be quite prominent on the lips, edges of the tongue and in the cheeks. There may be increased salivation.
8. Sulfur – With metallic taste
Sulfur is well indicated if, in addition to a burn, a metallic taste is present in the mouth. The mouth and palate are dry. There is excessive thirst. Blisters may appear in the mouth. The tongue is white with redness on the tip and edges.
9. Natrum Mur – With loss of taste
This medicine is considered when burning in the mouth is accompanied by loss of taste. The burning occurs in the mouth, but is most pronounced on the tip of the tongue. There may be a map/geographical language. Tongue is white covered with red spots. A sensation of hair on the tongue is felt. Mouth, lips and tongue are dry. The mouth is sore and sensitive, even to liquid food. Ulcers may be present on the tongue, on the inside of the cheeks or on the gums with a burning sensation.