Check out G&STC’s Director Jesse Kahn talking with Kelsey Borresen at HuffPost about common behaviors that could be standing between you and the sex life you desire.
Drinking too much alcohol.
Regularly drinking alcohol, especially in larger quantities, can have adverse effects on your sex life, including impairments in sexual performance, like vaginal dryness or difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.
“While drugs and alcohol can lower inhibitions, creating more space to feel adventurous in your desires, drugs and alcohol can also impact our abilities to have and experience orgasms,” sex therapist Jesse Kahn, director of the Gender & Sexuality Therapy Center in New York City, told HuffPost. “While we know sex isn’t only about orgasms, they are a fun part of sex.”
Read the full article here.
More from G&STC Director Jesse Kahn on this topic:
Not enough sleep:
Simply put, lack of sleep can impact your sex life. It can be as simple as you’re just too tired, impacting your experience of desire and sexual functioning.
Not self pleasuring:
Self pleasure gives you an opportunity to engage with your desire, your body, and insight into what feels good. Knowledge and connection to those parts of yourself can enhance your sex life.