Energetic cleansing
In addition to physical care, the energetic cleansing of your singing bowl is also of great importance. Singing bowls are not only musical instruments, but also tools for energy work. Here are some methods for energetic cleansing:
Sun exposure:
Place your singing bowl in the sun for a few hours, but avoid too bright midday sun. The energy of the sun can remove negative energy from the singing bowl and charge it with fresh, positive energy.
Another way to energetically cleanse your singing bowl is to place it under moonlight. The moon has a calming and cleansing energy that can have a positive effect on your singing bowl.
Salt bath:
You can carefully place your singing bowl in a container of salt water. The salt helps absorb and neutralize negative energies. After the salt bath you can rinse and dry the singing bowl again.
Playing the singing bowl:
Energetically the bowls purify themselves through the sound they play. When you play your singing bowls, they are purified and recharged.
You can also charge your bowl by taking it out into nature and placing it directly on the ground. The experience of hearing the sounds of your singing bowl in harmony with the sounds of nature can be an inspiring and transformative experience. So why not take a trip to nature and combine your singing bowl with new sounds?
Frankincense is traditionally used for spiritual purification and creating a sacred atmosphere. This simple incense ceremony can help clear your singing bowl of negative energies and perfectly prepare it for future sound healing sessions. Light a stick or incense grains. Let the flame burn briefly and then blow it out so that the smoke rises. Hold the burning incense above the singing bowl and let the smoke float over it. Focus on positive intentions, such as cleansing negative energies.
Palosanto and white sage:
Both palosanto (“sacred wood”) and white sage are popular tools for energetic cleansing and promoting positive, clear vibrations. That is why they are ideal to integrate into the cleaning of your singing bowl.
How often should you clean your singing bowl?
The frequency depends on how you use your singing bowl. If you use it regularly during sound healing sessions, it may be useful to at least cleanse it energetically after each session. Physical cleaning should be performed approximately once a month or whenever the surface is visibly dirty.
Lovingly caring for your singing bowl, both physically and energetically, plays a crucial role in ensuring that it not only shines on the outside, but also maintains its sonic brilliance and spiritual impact.
Would you like to learn more about how to combine sound with other healing methods or learn more about sound healing, crystal singing bowls and sound meditation in general? Then discover one of my certified Sound Healing training courses at the Sound Medicine Institute Germany. It offers online and face-to-face training around the world.