For those who suffer from constipation, they experience bowel movements that occur less frequently than expected or who pass stools that are difficult, dry and difficult to pass. Usually constipation is not related to a disease or digestive disorder. The problem is generally caused by food, lifestyle, medicines or another factor that paves the stool or the ability of the stool to pass comfortably interferes.
Having less than three bowel movements per week is technically the definition of constipation.
Constipation can be caused or exacerbated by a sitting lifestyle and a diet with little fiber and lots of fat. Exercise improves muscle tension throughout the body, including the digestive tract. Moreover, it cannot respond to the urge to have a intestinal movement ensuring that the stool dries out in the large intestine, resulting in constipation. If you are quickly looking for constipation lighting, there are some ideas here.
Fiber to let you poop.
If your intestinal habits become slow, you don’t have to hurry to buy a laxative. Most people don’t need them for mild constipation. Look at your diet instead. Do you get enough fiber?
Fiber is the part of vegetable food that the body cannot break down. When you eating food That has a lot, the extra bulk helps to keep stools soft and speeds up digestion. All vegetable foods have fibers, including fruit, vegetables, full grains and beans. After the age of 50 we need less fiber – about 21 grams for women and 30 grams for men. Unfortunately, most of us get only about 15 grams a day, which can help explain why so many people become constipated.
Exercise for alleviating constipation
The best Type of exercises to help constipation is AB work. “A part of what our intestines move is our innate muscle system,” says Dr. Nicket Sonpal MD, but the abdominal wall muscles also play a role. “If you train, pull around and also contract those core muscles, what helps the poop push forward.”
Once again for the people in the back: “Core exercises become the best exercises for the belly and of course for the promotion of Poepage,” says Dr. Sonpal. (Yes, “Promotion of Poopage” was a real. Quote.) Combine a Pilates class with a intestinal-healthy breakfast and you will walk to the bathroom in no time.
Hydration and constipation
Water is the most important thing you need to get more if you want to eliminate constipation. That is because the main cause of constipation is dehydration. In fact, many of us go through life in a state of chronic dehydration, which has many symptoms alongside only constipation.
Drinking more water will dilute the stool, making it break up and normally flows more. It will also help with your production of crucial digestive enzymes and will even smear the tubes that your stool needs to go through.
Can constipation toxins cause in the body?
This is usually not the case. Although your colon holds longer when you are constipated and you may feel uncomfortable, it is an expandable container for your waste. It costs a serious disease in your colon for the walls to leak toxins in your body.
However, a recent study by the American Journal of Physiology confirmed that those with constipation have a higher risk of heart disease. Constipation is associated with high blood pressure. Those with both high blood pressure and constipation have a 34 percent higher risk for a large cardiac event. The cause must still be investigated.
Constipation is not fun. Our bowel movements are supposed to be easy, regularly and without much effort on our parts. Constipation can be a temporary situation, a long -term problem or a sign of a more serious condition. Be safe. See your provider, especially if you have noticed a change in your intestinal pattern or if your life is ruled by your intestines. Hopefully these tips will help you if you eat well, and it should not be a problem to have regular bowel movements that pass effortlessly.