Green hulls
Healing, purifying, painting
Few know about this
You’ve probably tasted walnuts in salads or cookies. The nut meat is prized for eating and is also pressed to make walnut butter, similar to peanut butter, or walnut oil, which can be used for cooking.
The trees can be tapped in the spring, like maples, to collect sap, which can be boiled to make walnut syrup and sugar.

Although only the nuts and sap are used as food, the hulls and inner bark also contain nutrients. Black walnut hulls contain aluminum, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin (B3), phosphorus, potassium, protein, riboflavin, selenium, silica, sodium, sulfur, thiamine (B1), tin, vitamin A and C, and zinc. The inner bark contains calcium, iodine and silica. The nut contains beta-carotene, riboflavin (B2), vitamin C, manganese and phosphorus.

Medicinally, the leaf, dried inner bark, green hull, rotted hull and nut are all used for medicine.
Energetically, walnut is bitter, astringent, cooling and drying. This applies to the leaf, hull and inner bark, while the nut is sweet, warming and moistening. Black Walnut contains many ingredients.
The leaf contains the naphthquinone juglone, tannin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, flavonoids, inositol and essential oils.
The inner bark contains the naphthquinone juglone, tannins and ellagic acid.
The hulls contain the naphthquinone juglone.
The nut contains the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and linolenic acid and serotonin.

Medicinally, Black Walnut has many benefits.
The leaf is alternative, anthelmintic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent and cleansing.
The inner bark is alternative, anthelmintic, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, purgative, detergent, laxative and purgative.
The hull is anthelmintic, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, detergent, laxative, diaphoretic and vermifuge.
The nut is anti-inflammatory, bronchial dilator and kidney tonic.

Because Black Walnut is high in tannins, it is extremely astringent, making it useful for healing inflammatory conditions of the intestine, including hemorrhoids. Its leaf helps with diarrhea, while its bark helps with constipation. Black walnut can be combined with dandelion to help with mild constipation.
As an anti-parasitic agent, Black Walnut has been found to be effective in removing various parasites such as Giardia and other parasites present in the intestines. Combined with its astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, it soothes the intestines and destroys pathogens.
Externally it can be applied to ringworm, candida, athlete’s foot and other fungal growths on the skin, although walnut can stain so should be used with that in mind.

Others have talked about using Black Walnut topically for shingles outbreaks. I suspect it would also be great to use against chickenpox since they both come from the same virus.
The green hulls, leaves and inner bark are all useful for oxygenating the blood. A tea made from the hulls has been used for deafness, ear pain and tinnitus.
A walnut flower essence supports transitions, from puberty and menopause to moving, changing jobs, going to a new school or a change in relationship status, while protecting against the overstimulation that can come from outside. Walnut flower essence is also supportive for those who are trying to free themselves from bad habits and create new ones in their lives.

It is most common to find powdered walnut shells for commercial use; however, the leaves and twigs can also be used with great success. For goiter and hypothyroidism, use only the rotten black walnut shells (after they have turned black) in tincture form. For everything else, leaves, twigs, greens or peels can be used in tincture, oil or tea form.
Walnut wood is not only edible and medicinal, but is also used to make furniture and decorations in homes, and is also burned for firewood.
The hard black walnut shell is used commercially in abrasives, cosmetics and more.

Many parts of the tree can also be used as a dye. The leaves give off a greener color, while the trunks give different shades, from golden brown to deep brown, depending on when they are harvested and used. The hulls are also boiled in water and the liquid is boiled down to make brown ink.
Black walnut extract recipe
Use the green peels when making this tincture. If you want to make a tincture specifically for hypothyroidism and goiter associated with hypothyroidism, use the rotten walnut shells (if they have turned black and sticky). This tincture is great for topical application on any type of fungus. It can also be taken internally against parasites.
Note: You may want to wear gloves when working with Black Walnut as it can be very staining.
Green Black Walnut hulls
Grain alcohol
Cut the walnut shells into pieces with a knife.
Fill your pot halfway with the chopped hulls.
Fill the jar halfway with the grain alcohol and then top up with water. Label your jar with the name, date and amount of alcohol and plant material.
Let it steep for 4 weeks.
General dosage (3 times a day) |
Adults: |
Children: |
15-30 drops |
2-6 5-10 drops |
7-12 10-15 drops |

Do you want to learn to make Black Walnut Dye with your children? Check out my new Monday Making series. This week’s episode is about making this fun dye!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UlP0h1Nn2I&t=311s

Would you like to listen to “Black Walnut’s Creation”? This story is from the Black Walnut issue of Herbal Roots zine and can be found on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcKuj-qlO3I

Want to know more about Black Walnut? You can find the Black Walnut eBook in my store:
Or become a member of Herb Club and receive all video lessons and additional teaching materials for Black Walnut: