In this fast-paced life full of modern amenities, it may seem on the surface that we have everything we need to thrive; however, we must go beyond what is easily visible and go deeper.
In this blog post we will take a look the healing power of sound And how to start your journey to healthy healing!
How sound healing works
Trauma and chronic stress are the underlying cause of most physical and mental health problems. In 2019, The World Health Organization identified that 1 in 8 people worldwide have a mental illness, including anxiety disorders (301 million) and depression (280 million). And those numbers increased by about 28% in 2020.
Sound healing offers a non-invasive solution to not only address the symptoms of anxiety and depression, but also focuses on transformation to new levels of peace and well-being.
Integral sound healing uses a variety of instruments and frequencies Clients can actively participate in their healing process. Sound healing integrates ancient wisdom, modern science, art, music and alchemy of healing while treating the whole person rather than focusing on individual symptoms.
The power of sound healing also comes from the ability to work on the body and outside the bodywhere deep, physical vibrations at specific points of the body are combined with transforming the energy around the body.
Both on-body and off-body techniques allow us to develop treatment plans to help clients achieve mental and physical healing. As a result, we can use the healing power of sound to facilitate a healing outcome as we support individuals on their journey.
The 10-step process of our integral sound healing method
Bee The Sound Healing Academywe have developed a unique process of 10 steps which allows our practitioners to guide clients through intention setting, letting go and transformative healing.
We recently spoke with Lesley Turski, a member of our support team and SHA Sound Healing practitioner the benefits of using our integrated sound healing process with her clients.
One of Lesley’s clients was dealing with anxiety and stress due to work and relationship issues. That’s why she developed a treatment plan for her client using our 10-step process.
“After my initial assessment, I decided to work with the Tibetan Singing Bowls to break through stuck energy and with my Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls to replenish and provide harmony and balance.”
After running several sessions with this client, Lesley saw significant healing results.
“The client was in a deep state of relaxation, deep peace, and a deep sense that everything was going to be okay, and realized the importance of making time for small acts of self-care every day. I also gave her some good activities to incorporate into her daily self-care activities.”
Using the 10-step healing process was critical to Lesley as she worked with her client on her journey to healing.
“The method made it possible for the customer breaking free from external pressures and reconnecting with oneself. Leaving her in a state of peace, harmony and balance and providing her with resources to support her daily.”
Lesley also applied this 10-step process to a client who was experiencing hip and knee pain.
“Immediately after and for several days after her treatment, she experienced significant improvement in her level of discomfort and her ability to walk without a limp. She continues to receive regular treatments to support her pain relief. The method made a holistic approach possible, supports the release of stuck energy and pain and replenishes the treated areas with harmonizing intervals, providing harmony, balance and equilibrium. Following this method results in successful customer outcomes every time!”
Check out our interview with Lesley on YouTube for more!
Begin your sound healing journey
Whether you have a background in sound healing, music, alternative medicine or no experience at all, you can learn to use healing sounds to make a difference in people’s lives.
Starting with ours Level 1 Certified Sound Healing Coursescan you get one insight into the use of different sound healing instruments for positive transformation. The level 1 certified course provides a solid foundation for healthy healingand a great way to work with friends and family.
To further your studies, or to become a professional sound healer, you can continue to our Level 2 Diploma Sound Healing courses. If you pass the assessment of a Level 2 course and receive your Sound Healing Practitioner diploma, give you the confidence you need to operate professionallythe tools to grow your business and the insurance qualifications.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]and our team is happy to answer any questions you may have to help you start your journey with the healing power of sound!
PS: During the entire month of October 2023 we offer you UP TO 50% DISCOUNT Selected online courses so you can learn to work with the healing power of sound!
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Then visit the COURSES page on our website and join our mission to heal ♥ transform ♥ evolve!
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