Skin dryness is normal in winter and may be accompanied by itching. Dry skin is medically known as xerosis. It can be quite annoying, irritating and uncomfortable. The intensity of the dryness and itching varies from case to case. In summer, oil production in the skin is mainly due to the high temperature, which keeps the skin hydrated. During winter, the moisture content of the skin decreases due to a decrease in ambient temperature, resulting in dry skin. The dryness can be aggravated by bathing with warm water in winter. Hot water tends to destroy the skin’s natural oils. Additionally, it can damage the top layer of skin, leading to skin irritation and inflammation. Subsequently, the use of heaters in rooms during winter causes a decrease in humidity, which can aggravate dry skin. In addition, excessive sun exposure can worsen dry skin. Another factor is that we drink less water in winter, which can lead to dehydration, which can worsen dry skin. There is also a chance that skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, will worsen in winter. Atopic dermatitis or endogenous eczema is a skin condition involving skin inflammation and dry, itchy skin. Although it can affect the skin in any part of the body, the most common areas affected are the elbow bends, the area behind the knees, the face and the neck. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease (where the body’s immune cells begin to damage healthy tissues of the body due to a misdirected response) in which there are red, inflamed patches of skin covered in silvery, white scales/flakes .
Dry skin and itching may be accompanied by other signs and symptoms, which may vary from case to case. Along with dry skin, flaking (flaking) on the skin or cracking can accompany it. Scratching the skin can also lead to bleeding from the skin. Dry skin can cause a rash to occur and the affected area may be red, swollen and tender. A burning and stinging sensation can sometimes be accompanied by dry skin. In some cases, eruptions may appear on the skin.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines can prove to be very effective in controlling dry skin and itching during winters. In addition to dryness and itching, these also help manage the associated signs and symptoms, such as flakes on the skin, cracks on the skin, redness, swelling of the skin and any rashes. These medicines are suitable for people of all age groups and the best thing is that these medicines are free from any kind of toxic side effects and thus very safe to use due to their natural origin. Homeopathic medicines for dry, itchy skin are selected individually for each case based on the characteristic symptoms presented after a complete analysis. Although homeopathic medicines are completely safe to use, it is advised to use any medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.
Homeopathic medicines for dry and itchy skin during winters
1. Petroleum – Top recommended drug
Petroleum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of dry skin and itching in winter. In such cases it is often the first choice of a homeopath. It is indicated where the skin is very rough, dry and thickened. In addition, deep cracks form on the skin. These cracks also tend to bleed easily. Itching is present along with the above symptom. There is also a marked sensitivity of the skin to touch. This medicine is very suitable for cases where the hands become rough and cracked and accompanied by marked itching and burning sensation. Petroleum is also one of the most important medications for treating eczema with dryness and skin cracks that worsen in winter.
2. Graphite – For dry, rough skin that is prone to cracking
Graphite is a highly recommended medicine for cases of dry, rough skin with a tendency to crack. In addition, the itching is quite intense on the skin. The itching is constant at night in cases requiring graphite. After scratching, bumps may appear on the skin. The cracks are worse in the skin folds, for example between the fingers and toes, joint bends and behind the ears.
3. Sulfur – with worse itching at night
Sulfur is a very effective medicine to control dry skin and itching that gets worse at night. Itching can be present all over the body. Scratching may be followed by bleeding. It may also be followed by a burning sensation. Sometimes the affected area becomes painful after itching. The itching may keep shifting from one place to another. Sometimes there is formication (a feeling as if insects are crawling on or under the skin) on the skin. A stinging or prickling sensation may be felt on the skin. In some cases, flaking on the skin is noted.
4. Psorinum – For dry, rough skin in folds
This medicine is well indicated when there is dryness and roughness in the skin folds. There may also be scabs in the skin folds. Sometimes eruptions can occur in the skin folds. There is a tendency for eruptions to bleed easily. Sometimes pus is formed during the eruptions. When this medicine is needed, the skin complaints disappear completely in the summer and return in the winter.
5. Aluminum oxide – with intense scratching until the skin bleeds
Alumina is a very beneficial medicine against dryness of the skin and unbearable itching with the urge to scratch until the affected skin bleeds. The skin is dry, rough and cracked and the itching is worse if you get hot in bed. After scratching the skin becomes painful. The feeling of insects crawling on the skin is present. Dry, itchy rashes can also occur in winter.
6. Arsenic album – for dry, flaky skin
This medicine is very useful in treating dry and flaky (flaky) skin. The flakes may fall off the skin. Sometimes dry eruptions appear on the skin along with scales. The skin can also be hypersensitive to touch. There is noticeable itching on the skin and a burning sensation. After scratching, the affected parts become painful. The burning sensation is made worse by scratching. Bleeding may follow scratching.
7. Natrum Mur – For dry skin with itching, stinging, stinging sensation
This medicine is of great use in treating dry skin with itching, stinging and stinging sensation. The crawling sensation is felt all over the body. Natrum Mur is an important medicine for the treatment of dry, crusty eruptions that form in the bends of the limbs (elbow crease and area behind the knee). Deep cracks and crusts may develop. This medicine also works well when fluid-filled eruptions, i.e. blisters, appear on the skin.
8. Lycopodium – For dry, itchy skin with a heated feeling
Lycopodium is a useful medicine for cases of dry, itchy skin with a heated sensation. Itching increases due to heat. Dry skin is visible on the palms. In some cases, fluid- or pus-filled eruptions form on the skin. There may be thickening of the skin. Stinging pain is felt on different parts of the skin. Sometimes dark red spots can be noticed on the skin.
9. Malandrium – For dryness, cracks on hands and feet
Malandrium is a very valuable medicine to treat cases of dry, cracked skin on hands and feet in cold weather. Scaling is also noticed on the skin. In addition, there is obvious itching. Washing worsens the condition.