Testicles, also called testicles, are a pair of oval-shaped reproductive organs in men. These are enclosed in a skin sac called the scrotum and produce sperm and male hormones. Testicular pain (testicular pain) is the pain felt in or around the testicle. It can be in one (unilateral) or both testicles (bilateral). The pain may be accompanied by swelling and enlargement of the testicle. Sometimes a lump can also be felt in the testicle.
Homeopathic treatment
There are good options to treat cases of mild to moderate testicular pain in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for testicular pain help provide relief by addressing the cause behind it. These medications help in natural and safe recovery without any side effects. Before starting homeopathic treatment, it is very important to rule out the reason behind testicular pain. This is because homeopathy, despite its wide scope, has limitations in treating some serious conditions, such as testicular torsion, which require immediate relief from the conventional treatment method. It should be noted that in case of sudden, severe, unbearable testicular pain or testicular pain accompanied by nausea, chills, fever or blood in the urine, urgent medical attention should be sought as these may be indicative of a serious condition.
Homeopathic medicines for testicular pain
1. Clematis – Top remedy
Clematis is one of the best known medications for treating cases of testicular pain. It is very useful if the pain worsens at the slightest touch. In many cases where this is necessary, the pain from the testicles can extend to the groin and thighs. The testis may also be swollen and inflamed. Testicles may also feel hard to the touch. It is prominently indicated for testicular pain that occurs due to orchitis, hydrocele and epididymitis.
2. Rhododendron – For pain due to hydrocele
Rhododendron is the most recommended medicine for cases of testicular pain due to hydrocele. In cases where this is necessary, the pain from the testicle can sometimes extend to the abdomen and thighs. The testes may also be swollen. They can be very painful to touch. Another indication for using it is pain in the right testicle, which worsens when sitting and gets better when walking.
3. Hamamelis – when related to varicocele
This medicine is well indicated if testicular pain is related to varicocele. This medicine helps improve blood flow in the veins of the scrotum and reduce blood pooling. In cases where this is necessary, the pain may be present day and night, but worsen after midnight. The right testicle may be enlarged, along with heat sensation and pain. The left testicle may be swollen and hard from the pain. In addition to pain in the testicles, pain may be felt in the groin, which may extend to the back.
4. Apis Mellifica – For pain and swelling in the testicles
This is clearly indicated in cases where pain in the testicles is accompanied by swelling. The men who need it complain of worsening testicular pain due to touch. Usually the right-sided testicle is swollen. It is a leading drug for treating cases of hydrocele.
5. Conium – From orchitis
This medicine is well indicated for cases of testicular pain due to orchitis. It is a prominent drug for testicular inflammation with pain in people with gonorrhea. In cases where this is necessary, excessive pain in the testicles is felt especially at night. In addition, it is a good medicine for swollen and hard testicles that develop after a contusion (injury in which blood vessels are damaged by a blow to the skin, but the skin is not broken).
6. Iodum – For painful swollen and hard testicles
This medicine is recommended for cases with painful, swollen and hard testicles. Pressure is also felt in the testicles extending to the abdomen. There is worsening of pain after sexual activity. Its use is also considered if the testicles are swollen without pain.
7. Spongia – For pain due to epididymitis
Spongia is a very useful drug when pain arises due to epididymitis. The testicles are swollen, hard and painful to touch. Another indication for using it is stabbing pain in the testicle that shoots up to the spermatic cord.
8. Arnica – For swollen sensitive testicles due to injuries
This medicine is well indicated for the treatment of cases of swelling and tenderness of the testicles that arise after an injury. It is also indicated if the testicles are hard. Another indication for its use is pain and swelling of the spermatic cord, along with pain in the testicles extending to the abdomen.
9. Staphysagria – For pain in the left testicle
It is a useful medicine to help cases of pain in the left testicle. The pain gets worse when walking. The pain is also worse by touching and rubbing. Sometimes the pain shoots from the testicles into the spermatic cord. Inflammation of the testicles may be present. With inflammation, a burning sensation may be felt in the testicle.
10. Aurum Met – For pain in the right testicle
It is a suitable medicine for pain in the right testicle. The pain tends to be made worse by rubbing or touching. The testicles are swollen and there is pain. Pressure is felt in the testicle. Along with the above symptoms, the testicle may become hard.
11. Pulsatilla – For testicular pain and burning sensation
This medicine is indicated if pain in the testicles is accompanied by a burning sensation. This may be accompanied by swelling of the testicles. In addition, the testicles are also painful. It is mainly indicated for cases of hydrocele, varicocele and orchitis. It is also useful for swelling of the testicles after gonorrhea.
What Causes of testicular pain?
This can happen for several reasons which are listed below:
1. An injury such as trauma, a blow to the testicles.
2. Orchitis (inflamed testicle): It is mainly caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It can cause pain in the testicles, pain in the groin, heaviness in the testicles, painful ejaculation, pain or burning during urination and discharge from the penis.
3. Hydrocele: Swelling in the scrotum due to accumulation of fluid in the covering surrounding the testicles. It causes swelling in the scrotum on one or both sides. A dragging sensation and heaviness is felt in the scrotum. In some cases, pain and redness of the scrotum are present.
4. Varicocele: An abnormal enlargement of the veins in the scrotum.
5. Epididymitis: It is an inflammation of the epididymis (coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores sperm as they mature and then transports it from the testes to the vas deferens). It is mainly caused by sexually transmitted infections (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea) and also by infections of the urinary tract or prostate. The symptoms include pain in the testicles, swelling, redness and tenderness of the testicles, painful urination, painful ejaculation, blood in the semen and discharge from the penis.
6. Diabetic neuropathy: It can damage the nerve that supplies the scrotum.
7. Inguinal hernia: It refers to a condition in which the fatty or intestinal tissue from the abdomen protrudes through the inguinal canal. The protruded intestine can sometimes push into the scrotum, causing pain and swelling in the testicle.
8. Spermatocele (accumulation of fluid in the testicle), testicular tumor, testicular cancer and undescended testicles.
9. Testicular torsion: Rotation of the testicle resulting in twisting of the spermatic cord that brings blood to the scrotum is another cause. It is a serious medical condition that causes severe and sudden pain in the testicle. It requires urgent medical treatment as it causes the blood supply to the testicles to be cut off, which can result in permanent damage to the testicular tissue if not attended to immediately.
10. Urinary tract infection or kidney stones
11. Post-vasectomy pain syndrome: Some men who have had vasectomy (a male contraceptive procedure in which the tubes that carry sperm are cut and closed) may experience testicular pain afterwards.
12. Idiopathic: When no cause behind testicle pain is ruled out, such cases are known as idiopathic cases