When you are in a state of fear, fight or flight…a very simple concept that almost no one understands. When we are in a state of real or imagined fear, to varying degrees, we go into fight or flight mode. We are alert, the critical mind is largely on hold, we are in an emotional mode… ready to express emotions.
The media has threatened the world with disease, theft and murder, loss of face, war, income, the list is enormous, so how can we heal ourselves? Most do not come into contact with the realization that most of their fears are created by their own imagination, by what they read and indulge in on a daily basis. Their faith is now becoming GOLD, the right and only way…..the vegetarian now thinks that non-vegetarians are a threat, the religious believe that the non-religious are a threat. The proponent of war feels that the pacifist is a threat to patriotism, and so it goes on. Each attacks the other as if the other is the source of the threat.
The fear response is FIGHT… so we start attacking what we think is the opposite of what we think and believe is the RIGHT way. And thus we have a world of fear, stress, hatred, attack and the like… in fact a world similar to what we have.
Attacking what we think is the source won’t work. It’s like the war on drugs and so many other emotional responses based on our sense of personal feelings of threat to body and being or to our personal belief systems.
The way to solve the threat is AWARENESS. Consciousness expands as we stop pointing fingers and discover that the threat and fear exists within us and we project it onto the world… and the world is now reflecting this back, just as it currently does.
The world is merely a reflection of our current personal and collective beliefs.
Unmaking the world. Over time, meditation will override this conditioned automatic response of fight or flight by increasing awareness. Bodywork and exercise will convince you that the threat is within and that you do not need to fear the fears. The accepted fears allow us to use a broader awareness to discover the source of the threat. We grow in common sense and in that sense enlightenment.
Enlightenment or expanded consciousness is not a given, but is earned through personal insight.