Start today!
Take a week to support your stomach energy. We will practice Qigong, lighten our diets and gradually nurture the Earth element.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the beginning of autumn is generally associated with the beginning of the influence of the Metal Element. This transition is typically observed around the autumnal equinox, but the invisible shift is already beginning. Within these shifts, the Spleen/Stomach pair also supports the transition, making now a good time for deep self-care.
DAY 1: Set your intention
In order to receive you have to let go. There are levels of digestion: materialized and non-materialized. Which level do you want to challenge this week?
- Digested/materialized: Look at your daily life. What things are you willing to let go of? Everything you let go makes room to receive. If you have ‘stuff’ you can’t let go of, work on it little by little.
- Digested/non-materialized: Think about your emotions. If you can let go of angry feelings, you will receive love. If you let go of your worries, you will receive happiness. Is this the area you want to work on?
Take a day to think about this. Letting go is a gradual process, so keep it simple and goal-oriented. Then make a commitment to follow your immediate feelings.
Think about what we do: as a group of 150, 200 or more, the energy field expands exponentially. So tap and enjoy the energy boost.
Day 2 -5: Minimize energy waste
Get into nature as much as possible. Observe what is happening around you.
Lighten your diet: Reduce your daily intake by 20-25% of what you normally eat. Eat only 3 meals a day. Drinking lemon water between meals is fine.
- Limits: No meat, dairy or alcohol (1 glass per day if under a lot of stress)
- Watermelon and Peanuts: Eat watermelon or drink watermelon juice with every meal or as a meal. Also add peanuts.
- Chinese barley and mung beans: We like these two foods to help detox the stomach and liver. Make a batch and eat some of it every day.
- Additional foods: Try adding red dates, cucumbers, bamboo, leafy greens (steamed or lightly fried), berries, honey and mint.
Remember to keep it light, but don’t worry about what to eat. Follow your intuition.
Qigong exercise: Follow this routine as best you can. Try to do a full exercise twice a day.
- Marching: Marching is the basis for all our practices. As you march, lower your foot so that it is flat on the ground. Once you get the feeling, place your hands in a prayer position and continue marching for 10 minutes. Use your imagination and feel your feet gently falling deep into the earth.
- Circle exercise: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Raise your left hand, palm facing outward and thumb extended as you point toward the ground. Slowly make circles going outward. Remember to keep your palm facing outwards. Practice 10 minutes on each side. Feel the unity in this form.
- Standing meditation: Delay The dragon stands between heaven and earth for 30 minutes while standing to accumulate Qi. Gradually your mind will become peaceful.
DAYS 5-7: Deepen your practice
Log in to yourself: Note your changes. Do you feel lighter? Less complicated? Have you noticed that your Qigong form becomes smoother, your mind relaxes, and your body feels lighter? That is the ultimate goal.
Continue your Qigong practice: Can you increase the amount of time you spend practicing the Circle routine? Try 15-20 minutes per hand. Then practice marching and end with the standing meditation.
Make it even lighter: Make a mix of coconut water and watermelon juice to refresh the digestive system. If you’re on a light schedule, consider eating even less for a day or two.
To remind:
Join me for a short conversation Tuesday, August 6 at 12:00 PM EST. I will further explain the purpose and answer questions. We will do a short exercise to repeat the Qigong forms.
If you already subscribe to the TCM newsletter, you will automatically receive a Zoom link to the call. If you are not subscribed, you can sign up here. A repeat will be posted in a future blog post.
Answers lie within (Facebook): Post your thoughts, questions and experiences on this forum. We have many Dragon’s Way Qigong® instructors to encourage you throughout the week.
Thanks for participating!
Elaine – Director of the TCM World Foundation