Remedies for Influenza A: A Comprehensive Herbalist’s Guide
The flu, particularly influenza A, can be a challenging experience. As an herbalist, I believe in empowering you with knowledge and tools to support your body’s natural healing processes. Today, we’ll explore how to approach influenza A using herbs, supplements, and other holistic practices.
Join me as we dive into the best remedies for influenza A!
Understanding Influenza A
Influenza A is a viral infection that commonly affects the nose and throat, and it can cause fever, headache, muscle pain, nausea, and vomiting. It is more debilitating than the common cold and often strikes when we are run down or stressed. The influenza virus mutates frequently, making it difficult for the body to develop long-lasting immunity, and therefore, it is a good idea to get a yearly flu shot for compromised individuals, the young, and the elderly.
Influenza A can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to severe, and is known to be the most virulent of the influenza viruses.
It is also capable of mutating, which is why new strains appear frequently.
Symptoms of influenza A can include:
- Fever, sometimes high.
- Chills, sometimes alternating with high fever.
- Muscle aches, occasionally severe.
- Fatigue and weakness, sometimes lingering for weeks.
- Headache, which may be severe.
- Sore throat.
- Nasal congestion.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Cough, which may be dry or with mucus.
- Irritated eyes, nose, and throat.
- Diarrhea and abdominal pain.
- Vomiting.
- Malaise.
- Insomnia.
- Depression.
- Swollen glands in the neck.
- Loss or alteration of smell.
- Shortness of breath.
- Chest pain.
The onset of influenza A is often sudden and rapid. The severity of the illness can range from a mild common cold to fatal pneumonia, particularly in older adults or those with weakened immune systems. True influenza is usually differentiated from other “flu-like” illnesses by its marked systemic symptoms, including high fever, malaise, and muscle pain. Some people may have an asymptomatic infection.
Complications from influenza A can include pneumonia, acute respiratory distress and organ failure, especially in cases of severe infections with the pandemic strains. Some strains can also cause cytokine storms, which can be deadly.
Severe infections can cause damage to lung tissues, such as diffuse alveolar damage, necrotizing bronchiolitis, intense alveolar hemorrhage, and severe fluid accumulation.
It’s important to note that influenza A is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. It can also spread by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching one’s mouth, nose, or eyes.
The virus can also move deeper into the respiratory system, infecting cells in the throat and bronchi, and eventually reaching the lungs.
The key to addressing influenza effectively is to remember that it is not merely about the symptoms; it is a chronic disturbance of the immune system. Treatments that only focus on relieving symptoms will not change the chronic nature of the illness.

Herbal Remedies for Influenza A
Herbs can play a significant role in both preventing and treating influenza A, working to boost the immune system, relieve symptoms, and aid recovery. Here are some key herbs to consider:
- Antiviral Herbs:
- Elderberry: Elderberry syrup is well-known for its immune-boosting properties, and it is considered one of the best herbal medicines for the flu. It is also antiviral, and it can help to reduce mucus production. Learn how to make your own elderberry syrup HERE.
- Echinacea: Echinacea has antiviral effects and can stimulate the immune system, especially when taken at the first sign of illness. I love echinacea tincture.
- Licorice Root: Licorice is an antiviral herb that is often used in combination with other herbs. Tincture or tea.
- Lomatium: Lomatium is another strong antiviral that can be helpful for flu symptoms. Use the tincture.
- Isatis: Isatis is an antiviral that can be beneficial for tonsillitis, mumps, and other infections. Use the tincture.
- Chinese Skullcap: This herb is a potent antiviral.
- Herbs to Address Symptoms:
- Ginger: Ginger is a fantastic herb to have on hand for the flu. It helps to relieve nausea, and it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also stimulating and diffusive, perfect for getting stuck mucus flowing again. It has heating properties which help to lower body temperature during fever. It can also lower high fevers. However, do not use ginger if you are on blood thinners, have gallbladder disease, or have a bleeding disorder. I love using fresh ginger but you can use dried as a tea as well.
- Boneset: Boneset is specific for influenza and can help to interrupt the fever and chill cycles that often occur with the flu. It is also helpful for respiratory infections.
- Yarrow: Yarrow is an antiviral that stimulates sweating, which is helpful for reducing fever, and it also acts as an astringent on the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. It is also known to break fevers. Use the tincture or as a tea.
- Thyme: Thyme is an antiviral herb that is beneficial for the respiratory tract. It is also an expectorant, and it is helpful for coughs. Use as a tincture or as a tea.
- Mullein: Mullein is another good choice for respiratory infections. It can help with swollen glands, coughs, and hoarseness. Use as a tea.
- Garlic: Garlic has antiviral properties and is good for most coughs, particularly those with white to clear phlegm. I like this as a garlic honey.
- Lemon balm: This herb can be helpful for fevers, and for those who are experiencing a cough, lemon balm helps to relax the body. I love lemon balm tea.
- Coltsfoot: This herb is helpful for hoarseness and cough.
- Immune-Boosting Herbs:
- Astragalus: Astragalus is excellent for strengthening weak lungs and increasing the body’s general resistance to infection. It is a good herb to take preventatively, especially for those who frequently get colds or the flu. It should not be taken when you have a fever. Also great as a tincture or capsule.
- Reishi: This herb can stimulate the fighter cells that can help to avoid getting sick.
- Cordyceps: This is another adaptogenic herb that can help the body to resist stressors, whether microbial or external, and can be particularly beneficial for addressing cytokine cascades initiated by the flu.
- Herbs for Lung Support:
- Mullein: This herb can be helpful in clearing mucus from the lungs.
- Comfrey: Comfrey has also been shown to help with lung issues.
- Marshmallow: Marshmallow root is soothing and can help with coughs.
Formulating Herbal Remedies
Creating an effective herbal formula is an art that requires careful consideration of the individual and their specific condition. It is important to first determine the formula’s major thrust and desired effects.
- Syrups: Syrups are a great way to administer herbs, especially for sore throats and coughs.
- Garlic, Echinacea, and Goldenseal Syrup: This syrup is a potent antiviral blend that helps your body fight the flu naturally. It is made with garlic, echinacea root, and goldenseal root, which are all chopped, combined with water, simmered, strained, and then mixed with honey.
- Angelica and Goldenseal Syrup: This syrup is made with chopped angelica and goldenseal root that is combined with water, simmered, and then strained, with honey added at the end.
- Tinctures: Tinctures can be taken directly or in water, and allow the herbs to be absorbed directly through the tissues.
- Teas: Teas can be a soothing and effective way to get the benefits of herbs.
- Catnip-Hyssop Tea: This tea is great for fighting inflammation and easing symptoms like sore throat and body aches. It can also strengthen the immune system and promote relaxation.
- Immune-Boosting Tea: An immune-boosting tea can be made with yarrow, boneset, and sage, and is a good way to support your body during a cold or flu.
- Antiviral Tea: An antiviral tea can be made with lemon balm, elderberry, lomatium root, usnea, yarrow flower, and ginger root.
- Steam Inhalations: Steam inhalations are a great way to relieve nasal and sinus congestion.
- Chamomile Steam: Chamomile steam can be used to support the sinuses, help them drain, and relieve inflammation.
- Eucalyptus, Mint, or Thyme Steam: A facial steam with these herbs can help to open nasal and sinus passages.
When using herbs for the flu, it is important to understand the energetics of the herbs in relation to the symptoms you are experiencing. For example, if you are feeling cold, herbs like ginger that have warming properties can be helpful.
Other Supportive Measures
In addition to herbs, there are other supportive measures that can help your body recover from influenza A:
- Supplements:
- Nutrition: Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help to boost the immune system. It is important to avoid excessive meat, sugar, dairy, salads, juices, raw foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Chicken broth is a good option when you are feeling unwell.
- Hydration: It is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea. Dehydration can exacerbate symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, fever, nausea, and muscle cramps.
- Rest: It is important to balance rest and activity, and avoid overexertion that could worsen fatigue.
- Essential Oils:
- Thyme, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Sage: The essential oils of these herbs can help with the infection in the lungs, coughing, and mucus flow and secretion. You can create a steam with these oils to help with the symptoms of the flu.
- Rosemary or Lavender: These oils can be rubbed on your hands and chest to help block anything floating around in the air.
- Mindfulness Practices: Stress management techniques like mindfulness and gentle yoga can help with recovery.
- Journaling: Journaling about what is being suppressed in your life or any inner “crying” over something you feel you cannot do anything about can be helpful when dealing with frequent colds and the flu.
- Breathing Exercises: Deep belly breathing has been shown to increase oxygen levels, and it can also help with fatigue, shortness of breath, lymphatic problems, tachycardia, dizziness, and anxiety.
Important Considerations
- Consultation with Professionals: If you have existing health conditions or are taking medication, consult a healthcare professional before starting an herbal regimen.
- Listen to Your Body: Start with small doses of herbs and pay close attention to how your body is responding to any treatment you take.
- When to Seek Medical Care: Herbs can be a good choice for supporting the body through everyday ailments, but they are not a substitute for medical care. Seek a doctor’s advice for serious or chronic conditions. If symptoms worsen or do not improve after a few days, seek medical attention.
- Dosage: The typical dosage for an infusion or decoction is 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb to 1 cup of water, 1-2 times daily. The typical dose of a tincture is 2-5ml (¼-1 tsp) in water 1-3 times daily. However, dosage can vary depending on the herb, the condition, and the individual, so it’s best to consult with a professional herbalist for guidance, if you are unsure.

Interactions and Contraindications of Herbs Used for Treating Influenza A
When using the herbs discussed in the previous blog post, it is important to be aware of potential drug interactions. Here’s a breakdown of the interactions to consider:
General Considerations
- Herbs are not always safe just because they are natural: Some herbs can produce unwanted side effects, especially when taken in excess. It’s crucial to use herbs wisely and with respect.
- Always inform your doctor: It is crucial to tell your doctor about any herbs you are considering, as they can interfere with medications for various conditions.
- Quality matters: Choose reputable brands and avoid bargain supplements, as they may contain little of the actual herb.
- Dosage is key: Follow dosage guidelines and start with a lower dose to see how your body reacts.
- Be aware of contraindications: Some herbs may interact with medications or be unsuitable for certain conditions.
Specific Herb-Drug Interactions
- St. John’s Wort: This herb is a “notorious culprit” when it comes to drug interactions. It can speed up the rate at which the liver breaks down a range of drugs.
- It can reduce the effectiveness of some drugs, such as digoxin.
- It can also lower the blood levels of AIDS drugs and cyclosporine.
- It should not be taken with other antidepressants, or with fexofenadine, except under medical supervision.
- It can also increase the breakdown of indinavir, which is a drug used to treat HIV.
- Digitalis: This refers to a family of plants that contain digitalis glycosides.
- Digitalis should be avoided with albuterol, and also with azithromycin, erythromycin, and clarithromycin, unless under a doctor’s supervision, as these drugs can affect serum levels of digitalis glycosides.
- Low serum potassium increases the risk of digitalis toxicity, so potassium levels should be monitored by a healthcare professional.
- Sarsaparilla may increase the absorption of digitalis, increasing the chance of toxicity.
- Buckthorn and Alder Buckthorn can cause a loss of potassium, which can increase the toxicity of digitalis.
- Kava:
- It can increase the actions of tranquilizers and antidepressants.
- It should not be combined with alprazolam or other benzodiazepines unless supervised by a doctor, as this can lead to lethargy and disorientation.
- It can interact with buspirone.
- Ephedra (Ma Huang):
- Should never be taken while on MAO inhibitors, as this can cause blood pressure to skyrocket.
- It probably should not be used with other pharmaceuticals that have similar effects.
- Licorice:
- It may interact with digoxin.
- It should not be combined with diuretics.
- It can interact with oral and topical corticosteroids, and with aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like etodolac, ibuprofen, nabumetone, naproxen, and oxaprozin.
- It can also interact with isoniazid and risperidone.
- Herbs containing coumarin: These herbs should be avoided if you are taking blood-thinning medications or undergoing surgery, as they may increase the risk of internal or external bleeding.
- Examples of herbs containing coumarin include: angelica, prickly ash, red clover, and western licorice.
- Other herbs with coumarin derivatives include: dong quai, fenugreek, horse chestnut, red clover, sweet clover, sweet woodruff, angelica root, arnica flower, anise, asafoetida, celery, chamomile, corn silk, lovage root, parsley, passion flower herb, quassia, and rue.
- Garlic:
- It should be avoided if you are taking blood thinners.
- It can interact with chlorzoxazone.
- Ginkgo:
- It should be avoided if you are taking blood thinners.
- It may be associated with intracerebral hemorrhage.
- Herbs with MAO Inhibitors: Any herb with MAO inhibitors can interfere with certain antidepressants.
- Herbs that affect thyroid function:
- Herbs like bugleweed, lemon balm, and myrrh should be used with caution if on hypothyroid medication.
- Herbs with diuretic effects: These should be avoided when taking diuretic medications, as they may enhance the effect of these drugs and lead to possible cardiovascular side effects.
- Examples of diuretic herbs include: dandelion, uva ursi, juniper, buchu, cleavers, horsetail, and gravel root.
- Tannin-containing herbs: These herbs may interfere with the absorption of some drugs taken by mouth, such as atropine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine and lomotil/lonox.
- Examples of herbs high in tannins include: green tea, black tea, uva ursi, black walnut, red raspberry, oak, and witch hazel.
- Pleurisy root should be avoided with heart medications, including beta-blockers such as bisoprolol and nadolol, and calcium channel blockers.
- Sarsaparilla may increase the absorption of bismuth subsalicylate, increasing the chance of toxicity.
- Willow: People taking celecoxib should avoid willow, as it contains salicin, which is related to aspirin. It may also interact with many other drugs including diclofenac, etodolac, flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, ketorolac, nabumetone, naproxen, oxaprozin, piroxicam, repaglinide, salsalate, sulindac, and zafirlukast.
- Pleurisy root should be avoided with heart medications such as beta-blockers.
- Sida may affect medications for diabetes because it is hypoglycemic.
- Chinese skullcap can have many interactions due to its strong antiviral properties and synergistic nature.
- Astragalus can increase the effect of interferon and acyclovir, but it may decrease the effectiveness of cyclophosphamide.
- Huperzine A should not be used with tacrine, as they both prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine.
- Herbs containing cardiac glycosides, including pleurisy root, should be avoided when using heart medications.
- Herbs to Avoid with Heart Medications: Some herbs should be avoided if you have heart disease and take prescription drugs. Examples include: alfalfa, aloe vera, bilberry, black cohosh, echinacea, garlic, ginkgo biloba, hawthorn, licorice root, saw palmetto, St. John’s wort, and yohimbe.
- Herbs to Avoid With Medical Conditions: Certain herbs may not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions and others are restricted for use at the same time as prescription medications.
Important Actions
- Take herbs and medications separately: Take them 3-4 hours apart.
- Monitor your body: Pay attention to any changes after starting an herb.
- Consult a professional: If you have any questions, consult a professional herbalist.
- Start with low doses: Begin with small doses and increase gradually.
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new herbal regimen, especially if you are taking prescription medications.
A Note on Self-Sufficiency
As you become more familiar with herbs, you may find yourself drawn to growing and gathering your own herbs. This can be a very rewarding part of the journey. When gathering herbs, consider the ecological impact of using certain herbs, and opt for sustainably sourced herbs to protect biodiversity. It is also important to respect the cultural origins of herbal practices, and to avoid misrepresenting traditional knowledge.
Frequently Asked Questions About Natural Remedies for Influenza A
What is the fastest way to get rid of influenza A?
- The fastest way to address influenza A is to treat it immediately at the first sign of symptoms.
- This can include using a homeopathic remedy like Oscillococcinum, and herbal remedies.
- Early intervention is key to shortening the duration of the illness.
- Rest and hydration are also essential.
- Gargle with salt water frequently.
- Use nasal irrigation to your advantage.
- Try to have homemade chicken soup.
- Top up on Vitamin C and Zinc.
- Take over the counter medication as needed like tylenol, advil, or motrin (these can absolutely be necessary!).
What heals influenza A?
- Influenza A is a viral infection, and there is no cure, but the body’s immune system can fight it off.
- Herbal remedies can support the immune system and relieve symptoms, aiding in recovery.
- The body can be supported with proper nutrition and rest to help it heal.
- Antiviral herbs can inhibit viral penetration of host cells and replication.
What is the best treatment for influenza type A?
- The best treatment involves a multi-faceted approach to address the infection and support the body’s natural defenses.This includes:
- Antiviral herbs like Chinese skullcap, isatis, licorice, houttuynia, and lomatium.
- Immune-boosting herbs like elderberry and echinacea.
- Herbal formulations designed to address the specific symptoms and stages of the illness.
- Ginger to relieve nausea and inflammation, and honey to soothe a sore throat.
- Rest, hydration, and proper nutrition.
- Sweating therapies, if appropriate, as well as steam inhalation.
- Zinc supplements, which may reduce the severity of symptoms if taken early.
- Addressing a cytokine storm, if one develops.
- For severe infections, a combination of antiviral tinctures, ginger juice tea, and immune complex tinctures are recommended..
- For mild infections, a combination of ginger juice, lime, honey, and cayenne may be sufficient..
What kills influenza a virus?
- Antiviral herbs can interfere with viral entry into cells.
- The body’s immune system produces antibodies and other immune responses to fight the virus.
- Pharmaceuticals like neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir) and adamantanes (amantadine and rimantadine) inhibit viral penetration and replication but do not kill the virus directly.
- Certain plants have hemagglutinin inhibitors such as Chinese skullcap and ginger.
- The body’s interferons can also inhibit the virus, though the virus has ways of blocking the body’s type 1 interferons.
- Lomatium is an M2 inhibitor that can prevent the virus from replicating.
What kills influenza A virus?
- The immune system, with the help of treatments like antiviral herbs, can clear the virus from the body.
- The body may use several strategies to eliminate the virus including:
- interferons
- cytokines
- antibodies
- immune cells
- Specific herbs like licorice, elder, red root, and zinc can help increase T cell counts.
What kills the flu virus in the body?
- The body’s immune system is the primary mechanism for eliminating the flu virus.
- Herbal remedies can support the immune system and have antiviral effects.
- Antiviral pharmaceutical medications interfere with viral processes, reducing the viral load and allowing the immune system to clear the virus, though they do not directly kill the virus.
It’s important to remember that influenza viruses are constantly mutating, so the most effective approach involves a combination of immune support, symptom management, and antiviral treatments.
Influenza A can be a difficult illness to navigate, but it is possible to support your body through this experience with the help of herbs, supplements, and other healing modalities.
By understanding the underlying causes of the flu and how herbs and other practices can work with the body, you can create a customized plan to help you heal and strengthen your overall well-being.