During early spring, we gardeners get excited about growing somethingbut we often jump the line and start growing seeds a little too early. Forget what it says on the package, knowing that you microclimate is essential for starting and placing plants in the ground.
One way to make it a little easier to have more variety in your herb garden (even for those of us in shorter seasons) is to vary your plantings by using seeds and plants together. This shortens the time it takes for some plants to be ready for harvest, and also means you get rewarded sooner if you plant it right.
Buy your plant and start the seeds at the same time. Then you have the first harvest early and the second harvest right after with little extra work. I start (or buy) many of my herbs as plants because it skips the fragile seedling stage and is less of a concern than trying to combat the wet/dry madness of spring. Buying plants also means you may be able to get an extra harvest even if the season isn’t officially long enough.
Every year I grow patchouli and lemongrass from plants (plugs), and I’m never near the zone 10 they need to survive. Gardeners also like to experiment, and I have transplanted the herbs that don’t like to be moved, such as dandelion, burdock and comfrey – and had great luck.
If you want to give it a try, here are a few tips:
- Fill a container that is sturdy enough to hold together, but not so sturdy that you have to wrestle the plant out. The plant does not like its roots to be disturbed and if you handle it carefully you will prevent this. I recommend newspaper pots. They can be planted directly in the ground, break down quickly and earthworms love them.
- Fill with the desired starting mix and plant your seed at the correct depth.
- Keep the seedling lightly watered.
Transplant the plant directly into the garden when the soil is the right temperature. If you are using a biodegradable pot, plant the pot directly in the ground to avoid disturbing the roots.
TIP: I would encourage you to be a little rebellious this gardening year and plant some herbs that you like, even if you are not in the ideal location. With a little creativity, you’ll be rewarded with a bigger bounty by the time fall arrives.
Amy Jeanroy is a garden writer living on the Bay of Fundy in Northern Maine. She harvests herbs from the forest and coast where possible, and grows the rest in her gardens.
For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or to sell any product.
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