Your sangha is your spiritual community
Sangha refers to the community of people on the spiritual journey. Traditionally it was used to denote a community of ordained monks or nuns. But more recently the term has been used to describe a broader spectrum of spiritual practitioners.
So we can find Sangha in encounters with advanced or enlightened teachers. But we can also find it by spending time with other fellow spiritual seekers.
Paramahansa Yogananda once said, “The environment is stronger than willpower.” You may have enough willpower on the path, but you are in a negative environment, or around people who hold you back. If this is the case, it is difficult to reach your highest potential. Most of us are unable to grow much beyond the energy we are surrounded with.
While there is nothing wrong with that, you will probably come to a point where you realize that you need to be around other spiritual seekers if you really want to evolve.
So if you want to deepen your spiritual life, it is important to spend time with like-minded people. Here are a few reasons why:
Improved practice
More advanced meditators can give you advice, demonstrate techniques and answer your questions. This helps you refine your process and improve it over time. It helps you stay on the right track.
Raise awareness
This helps raise your consciousness to higher thinking and spiritual ideals. It also takes your mind away from the trivial concerns of everyday life.
Good business
When you go to meditation meetings, you will probably meet people with whom you have a relationship. You can share your experiences and enjoy each other’s company. It gives you the feeling of being part of something bigger. Moreover, it is nice to have like-minded people around you.
Greater responsibility
Some people even join for accountability. You can view each other’s practice and talk about how things are going. This way you will have a greater drive to form the habit and become a daily practitioner.
Deeper inner peace
So your meditation becomes more consistent and disciplined. You will notice that your practice becomes deeper because you understand better what you need to do. You may also spend more time thinking about higher ideals, love, and joy. As a result, you will notice that your daily sense of inner peace grows. You are calmer during your days, less worried and less stressed.
Shared energy
You share in the vibrations they have cultivated through years of practice. So when you are in the midst of this spiritual energy, you become magnetized along the spiritual path.
How to find a spiritual community
So this is all great, but how do you actually find spiritual people? What actions can you take to help you network and find support? Here is a list of 9 ways to do this:
1. Go to meditation and yoga classes
to find something that looks good.
It can be a little scary the first time, which might put some people off. But you might make great friends and get the support you need. So it’s worth facing those fears.
2. Join a Facebook community
is one of the best out there. It is an uplifting place where you can socialize with other people who meditate for long periods of time. Go there to join the group.
3. Contact people you know
Ask them if they would like to meet each other or if they are going to a fun group you can join. This is a quick and easy way to make a spiritual friend.
4. Attend an online group meditation
Live classes can take place on Facebook Live. If they are on Zoom or another webinar platform, you may need to enter your email address. But it’s a small price to pay for attending a live meditation. Some may also ask for donations or payment.
5. Take an online course
Everything of
The course of the path of meditation have interactive forums to ask questions and leave comments. But some courses do have a community aspect online.
Taking a course tends to put you in the ‘inner circle’ of a meditation teacher and help you connect with other practitioners. This is a great way to deepen your practice and means you have a direct link to ask them questions and seek help.
6. Go on a retreat
For me, this is perhaps the most powerful and effective way to find spiritual community. It’s throwing yourself into the deep end.
When you go on retreat, you will be with many spiritual seekers, some of whom will be much more advanced than you. You will have the opportunity to spend time with professional spiritual teachers who will help you on your path.
Moreover, meditating for a whole week or more will not do any harm. Try to make some friends and keep in touch. Checking out
Chad Foreman’s regular one-day meditation retreats on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
7. Go on a pilgrimage
can be a powerful way to meet people. You will spend a lot of time with others, as a pilgrimage can last several weeks.
This is a unique opportunity to connect with spiritual devotees. The purpose of the journey is spiritual connection, so the atmosphere is high and the energy is beautiful. Again, stay in touch with the people who stand out.
8. Start your own spiritual group or meeting
This is how I actually started on the path. My friend Ryan and I used to meditate together in Thailand, and often a few other people would join us. Then we talked about the spiritual path. There is powerful energy in people coming together to grow spiritually. You could even advertise if you’re feeling brave.
A few tips about spiritual community
Finally, here are some tips before you get started.
Get involved
Be respectful and kind
There’s nothing worse than when someone’s comment turns into a nasty, heated debate. It helps no one and only serves to boost the ego. Let other people have their say and be polite and respectful. You may not agree, but that doesn’t mean you have to be unkind. If you need to correct someone, do it kindly.
Don’t be afraid to invest
and go from there.
When the student is ready…
There is an old saying in India that I am sure many of you have heard: “When the student is ready, the teacher comes.” The same goes for spiritual community. When you are ready to take the spiritual path seriously, the right people will come your way. They will find you. Everything is unfolding as it should, and all things will fall into place at just the right time. Trust the divine plan.