This year’s cough is particularly bad because it is quite convulsive and intense. Here are the best remedies I’ve seen that help with 2024 cough, obviously not the only ones available; it always comes down to the individual symptom picture.
Each remedy has a slightly different picture, because each individual experiences the cough differently and is at a different stage.
Ant pie – wheezing, chest rattling, coughing to the point of gagging or vomiting, spasmodic coughing, usually dry but trying to bring up mucus. Pain in the larynx when coughing, shortness of breath,
Byronia – dry cough, spasmodic, hurts the chest when coughing, can cause headache from coughing. Dry throat and a general feeling of dehydration. Cough worse for cold air and cold drinks, talking. Must sit up to cough. painful cough.
Fos-loose cough/may be dry with a tickle that irritates and makes the person cough; the cough is spasmodic. Worse in the evening or after hot drinks. May also be associated with nasal obstruction. painful hoarseness and irritation in the larynx.
Cocci Cactuses and tickling in the throat, worse warmth of bed at night.
Coughing due to irritation or tickling in the throat or chest. Coughing due to brushing teeth or mouth rinse. Coughing improves with cold drinks or cold air.
Coughing with gagging, vomiting or choking.
Painful cough ending in vomiting of clear mucus.
Silica – Often the remedy needed as the cough reaches its final stages
stuffy nose and runny nose, shortness of breath at the slightest discharge, cough worse from rapid eating or drinking, cold drinks, deep sounding cough from the throat, worse in the morning and may have green mucus. coughing due to irritation in the larynx.
Pulsatilla – Much expectoration green or yellow, runny nose, watery, copious amounts, wing-like and weepy, dry throat, loose cough with expectoration, worse in the morning and evening, disturbing sleep, worse in a warm room, better to be outside .
For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important that you are assessed or examined by your healthcare provider or specialist. In case of emergency you should always seek medical advice. The information contained in this message is for informational purposes only. Always seek professional advice before starting any medication.