How many times have you been in the right place at the right time when something great happened? You may have chalked it up to a chance encounter or a rare event, but what if that good thing was meant to happen, and it was meant to happen to you and for you? What if everything you’ve thought about and acted on in your life set you on the path to creating that moment?
The truth is that there are no accidents. Everything you do contributes to the image of who you are. The energy you put out into the world – in the way you interact and respond to others, and in the connections you form – works to build the story of your life.
If you don’t like the path you’re on, take steps to change it. Make every connection purposeful and every relationship meaningful. Notice how your feet walk on the earth, and the space you leave in your life for yourself and others. Start seeing every action and interaction as an energy exchange. The energy you put into it comes back to you.
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