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“Fake it until you make it,” I repeat for myself for what seems to be the millionth time. “Just keep it down.”
While Yoga teacher training goes into its last phases, it all starts to become very real. Like, We need a real lesson soon Real. It is all overwhelming and I notice that I return to mantras who once served me as a theater boy. Nobody knows that you are scared unless you tell them. Trust is an act. Trust memorization. Things like that.
That said, it is exciting to build this first fundamental step. Yoga is a lifelong chase, one that will continue for me if I choose to teach. But for now? I am green, enthusiastic, a little esoteric and full of fake certainty.
10 thoughts I had during my fifth weekend of Ytt
I feel more at ease with the thoughts that during training around my head Ricochet, even learn to breathe. What a concept.
1. Are these … friends?
Given that our training cohort meets a weekend a month, building relationships is slow, but perhaps all the more authentic. Instead of jumping into a handy understanding based on first impressions, we actually got to know each other through shifting seasons, both from the year and life, at least on a micro king.
My first assumptions around and names of each of these women were total projection, a lesson that I learned time and time again. You don’t know anyone until you know him.
2. We all have to talk about the Gunas.
Naming energy is such a useful approach. Just like identifying our emotions (what they are, where they are in our body, and what they tell us) can help us go through it, energy becomes easier to navigate and manipulate when they are categorized.
That’s why I love the Gunas. The three energetic conditions, Tamas (stability), Rajas (activity) and Sattva (consciousness) are all essential and work best when they are in balance. Whether you assess the quality of your energy during the day to plan a yoga class, the Gunas are a useful tool.
3. Learning is everything.
For me, learning is an essential part of being a person. I chose a profession that is accompanied by constant research, ideas and curiosity. Yet it has been a long time since I was in a real education, one that finds me completely vulnerable and out of my depth. Every time I push myself to really learn something, instead of giving up if I don’t control it right away, it is as if you unlock a new level of yourself.
Retaining my own doubts and becoming more – an I with new knowledge and skills – is fun, empowerment and validating. I plan to keep leveling.
4. My feature problems can be bound to my heart chakra.
The world is the buttons, runest, tightest top trapezius muscles of mine. I have always assumed that this is because I work on a desk all day, but it seems that there might be more going on. From a chakra perspective, my tendency to inspire can be an unconscious protection of my heart chakra, that my other metaphorical heart breaks a bit.
Now, in addition to chesting exercises, external rotation, stretching and massage, I will work on it to let in love.
5. I can be picky about my practice.
Talks around sequencing have opened a completely new (and liberating) conversation: just as you should make the kind of lessons that you like, you would like the lessons you follow.
As discussed earlier, hot yoga is not my practice. I am rarely relaxed by the time we come to Savasana – ego, hot yoga is not for me! And that’s okay! If the gong of your teacher rasens, or if you do not resonate with the playlist, or the vibes are just off, that simply does not mean your class.
From now on I will select lessons with which I have access Mine yoga.
6. The way we are talking about yoga cases.
During a discussion about arm balances, the word ‘fitness’ continues to come up. As in, some poses require more power or fitness than someone who currently has access. At least that is how we interpret it all.
The moment our teacher turns the word into ‘activation’, as in ‘you only need the power you need to activate the muscles in a potentially unknown way,’ all our eyebrows and the poses feel possible.
7. I like sun greetings.
I once tweeted something about compulsory sun greetings, making the world a better place. Because I no longer have access to my Twitter account, I cannot confirm the exact wording, but I stay with sentiment. If I could just do sun roads, aka Surya Namaskar A, time and time again, that would be good to me.
I don’t think I’m an Ashtanga Girly; I like the smooth freedom of Vinyasa. But who knows? Maybe I give the primary series a shot.
8. I can (kind of) series!
Okay, not really. And not good yet. But the fact that sequencing makes sense at all is a victory. Structuring a class that used to seem abstract. Now it is challenging but logical. There is a narrative arch. There are vignettes. We build up for things and then get rid of them, go to parts of the body and then prevent the movements for balance. It is not that mysterious.
9. Micromovements make the difference.
Whether we are talking about yoga poses or daily attitude, micromovations are so powerful. As a teacher says, these small adjustments keep the poses (and our body in general) alive instead of stagnating.
10. It’s all about embodiment.
For that I think my favorite thing about yoga is that it is actually living art. It takes our emotional and spiritual and energetic landscapes and expresses them through movement. It is busy. It is not performance. It is only about how you embody your practice, and that always changes.
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10 thoughts I had during my fourth weekend of Yoga teachers training
10 thoughts I had during my third weekend of Yoga -Leraren training
10 thoughts I had during my second weekend of Yoga -teacher training
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