In fact, this meditation system claimed that you didn’t even have to be a Buddhist to get the incredible results, and it stands alone as a complete system leading to enlightenment. So it was controversial, to say the least, for the Buddhist establishment when it emerged in the 14th century. It makes perfect sense to me and it was something you could experience for yourself, which didn’t require any beliefs and was mostly dependent on your own efforts.
The system is called Mahamudra and comes from the Kagyu tradition
of Tibetan Buddhism and is known as the lineage of practice that focuses primarily on the practice of meditation rather than study or ritual; reducing everything to the essence. It’s mostly about resting in the nature of your own mind.
I didn’t know it at the time, but this meditation system was the inspiration for what I call now The way of meditation
which has since encouraged and helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world to start meditating and deepening their practice. However, I do not claim to be a Tibetan Buddhist teacher. I have translated and adapted everything to my own needs and adapted it to meet the needs of a modern secular audience.
The first stage is to stabilize your attention through mindfulness meditation, focusing on a specific object, such as the breath. This helps to overcome distractions, calm the mind and aids in the ability to control your own attention. The second stage is broadening that conscious awareness to include more and more of the present moment, and developing the flexibility to focus on what you want to focus on, again without distraction. Next is to turn inward to explore the nature of consciousness itself and finally we learn to rest naturally in the nature of mind that you have discovered through the direct experience of inquiry.
1. Mindfulness with an object
sit still.
In short, mindfulness is necessary for everyone. After all, at its core, it’s simply about paying attention to the present moment, with the ability not to be distracted by judgment or overthinking. In other words, it is the practice of a stable, clear mind.
Mindfulness meditation enables detachment from the thinking mind, which is judgmental and disturbing by nature. Once released from the restlessness of the thinking mind, mindfulness allows our consciousness to settle into a naturally calm state of stillness and clarity.
Then, once you have focused your attention on the object in a calm and focused manner, simply notice when you are distracted and caught up in your thoughts and gently guide your attention back to the object. You will need to do this several times per session. You don’t fail if you get distracted, you fail if you don’t notice that you are distracted and remain lost in thought for a long time.
meaning that you remain in a calm and even-tempered manner.
Ultimately, attentional stability is achieved, which provides the solid foundation for success in subsequent meditations .
For more instructions on mindfulness meditation CLICK HERE
2. Open monitoring mindfulness
After you have gained some experience focusing your attention on one particular object, you can expand your attention further and further until it becomes aware of the totality of the present moment. It may sound like a paradox, but the essential instructions at this stage are:
Once you tame your mind with mindfulness using an object, you can let it go and stop wandering. Instead of focusing attention on one object, we keep it open and attend to all aspects of our experience, without judgment or attachment.
At this stage we are the silent witness to the content of our current experience. From the thoughts that pass through our mind, the feelings of heat or cold, the inner feelings of joy or sadness and the objects we can see and hear etc.
In the next phase we turn our attention inward to recognize exactly what the silent witnessing does, we focus the consciousness on itself.
3. Research into the nature of consciousness
When we look within with a clear, steady focus, the mind we see is transparent, spacious and open.
This union of transparent emptiness and conscious awareness is what the Dalai Lama means when he says that the core of all meditation practice is deepest consciousness. This union of emptiness and clarity is the fundamental basis of all our experiences and a universal refuge for all people in the midst of an ever-changing world.
This ground of existence is not only empty, clear and open, but also conscious, conscious and intelligent. That unity is the essential nature of who you are. The union of emptiness and clarity.
4. Resting in the nature of consciousness
The true nature of consciousness and the conditions of the world are not actually separate at all. It is only language and concepts that separate the seamless wholeness from reality. So trying to integrate the nature of consciousness and the conditions of the world is just a conceptual reference to the pre-existing non-dual reality. Therefore, to rest in your nature is simply to rest in the ultimate truth. You are not separated from the beautiful mystery of existence; it’s you.
It is because the nature of consciousness already exists and the fundamental truth of our being is sometimes simply called the natural state. All my meditations these days focus on resting in the natural state and it has yielded incredible benefits; a sense of ease and flow and the ability to spontaneously show loving kindness.
This nature is your true unchanging identity and yet it cannot be pinned down or understood intellectually. It is especially important not to be satisfied with a conceptual understanding, but to remain mindful, look within and continually deepen your direct experience of this essence of consciousness. In fact, if you think you ‘have it’, let that go too and just continue to rest in a non-conceptual way in your own nature.
Resting is the nature of consciousness and is enhanced by the non-conceptual knowledge discovered through inquiry. The air-like space discovered through research is intuitively known to be unchanging and therefore uncreated. Since you can’t do anything to create it, you just have to be it.
Simply rest in your own nature of consciousness and you will soon discover its qualities of deep peace, creative energy, bliss and an radiance of love to all in your/his presence.
Meditation is resting in a natural state.
Do nothing.
I’m not getting anywhere.
I become familiar with remaining calm in my own nature.
I discover that there is nothing to be found.
And nothing stops me.
I’m just here.
Already free.