Introduction to rose hydrosol
I absolutely love the rose bushes I grow on my small farm. I have a lot of different varieties – some wild and some nice cultivated varieties. Every summer, when they are all blooming and beautiful, I think of new ways to use them. I put those rose petals to work in so many ways! From adding it to delicious dessert recipes like these amazing rose cardamom shortbread cookies, to simmering in fragrant potpourri on the stove, to mixing into herbal tea blends for a floral twist.
One of my favorite things to do is make my own rose hydrosol. This stuff has been loved for centuries because of how soothing it is and how good it is for your skin. Making it myself gives me a completely pure, chemical-free product, but it’s also just a really fun DIY project that connects me to nature.
There is something very special about going to my garden, picking every delicate petal and turning it into this beautiful floral water. It’s a conscious little ritual! As I do this, I can’t help but be grateful for these amazing roses and all the herbal wisdom behind using them in this way.
I’ll show you step by step how I do it. I’m sharing all my tips for capturing that pink essence and reaping all the skin-loving benefits. It’s such a treat!