Check out G&STC’s Director Jesse Kahn talking with The Between Us Clinic about the best sex positions to improve your sexual experience with erectile dysfunction.
Think about the overall experience
“Most importantly, all positions can be adapted based on what feels most comfortable and pleasurable for all partners. It’s vital to maintain open and clear communication and exploration to find what works best for you.
Focusing on the overall experience, rather than solely or primarily, on penetration can enhance intimacy, reduce pressure, and create an overall better experience for everyone.”
Adjust positioning
“Placing pillows under the hips of the person being penetrated can change the angle of penetration, which may be more stimulating and help maintain an erection. You’ll also have significant control over the depth and pace of penetration.”
Communication + foreplay make a difference
“It’s also important to remember that while some positions can help, communication is important and can help enjoyment and overall experience for everyone, and reduce anxiety. It also shifts erectile functioning difficulties to a joint experience rather than just something you carry and think about solely.
This can also help with the psychological impact of ED. It’s also very important to remember that foreplay (sometimes referred to as “outercourse”) is important, fun, pleasurable, sexy, a turn on, arousing, and can help with ED by increasing arousal and reducing performance pressure.”
Read the full article here.
More from G&STC therapist Jesse Kahn on this topic:
Think about what works for you specifically
When figuring out the best sex positions as you manage erectile dysfunction (ED), it’s important to focus on your specific body, comfort, intimacy, arousal, and confidence. Some positions that may be best suited for one person may not be for you due to your specific body, your specific comfort, how you relate to intimacy, how turned on you feel by the position, and how confident you feel in that position.
Partner on Top
When your partner is on top, you can have some control over depth and speed, but it also reduces the physical effort needed from you, which can be very helpful. Here it can be important to consider and think about what positions, speeds, depth, and how overall exertion impacts your ED.
Doggy Style
This position can be stimulating while allowing the penetrating person a lot of control regarding depth and pace of penetration, and the ability to control the level of closeness of your bodies.