In addition to your individual decoration, you can also use natural instruments such as rainmakers, ocean drums, sound gets stuck or rattles and sounds in your setup too. The Kenari reads are an absolute favorite of our students! We have linked you examples. Use the code SOUNDBYALIZZ10 to get 10% off all Meinl Sonic instruments!
Natural sounds from natural materials bring nature into the room and support a deeper connection with nature, giving you and your clients peace and quiet.
Likewise, mood lighting and pleasant room design can help create a relaxing atmosphere. Scents such as lavender or incense can support relaxation and sound meditation.
A cup of tea or ceremony cocoa can also complement the atmosphere and help you and your clients travel even deeper into yourself with the sounds. You can order ceremony cocoa with code ALIZZ10 for a 10% discount here!
There are no limits – use your creativity and discover which of these elements you resonate with most. They can be used individually or in combination to create a unique and magical Sound Healing Set-up.
Would you like to learn more about how to combine sound with other healing methods or learn more about sound healing, crystal singing bowls and sound meditation in general? Then discover one of my certified Sound Healing training courses at the Sound Medicine Institute Germany. It offers online and face-to-face training around the world.