Meditation mistakes
But even among those who regularly dedicate their time and effort to learning meditation, it is common to admit that they face challenges in their practice and that they are not completely satisfied with the results. This can obviously lead to frustration and disappointment, especially if you don’t know how to resolve the situation.
1. Lack of clarity
. You tell yourself you’re going to save those 10 minutes and “try to meditate,” but your real focus is elsewhere. Your mind responds to given commands with absolute certainty and conviction. Before you start meditating, first bring your attention to your goal. Tell yourself that for the next 10 or 20 minutes you want to focus on meditation and nothing else, and avoid the temptation to “maximize time” and try to plan or think about anything else during your practice.
Our physical condition has a strong influence on everything you do. If you fall asleep during meditation, it is a sign that your body needs more rest at that moment than anything else. Respect his needs and schedule your exercise at a time when you are not tired and sleepy. Also avoid meditation immediately after eating a heavy meal or drinking alcohol. Don’t schedule an urgent appointment or a phone call right afterward, because that will ruin your focus.
3. Unsupportive environment.
Building mental strength is a lot like growing a physical muscle – it’s normal to look forward to the time when you can run long distances or lift heavy weights – but you can’t expect this to happen from the start. With some experience, you can meditate on the top of a snowy mountain or in a noisy city center – but if you’re just starting to learn, don’t make it harder than it needs to be. Make sure the environment is not too hot, cold or noisy.
4. Wrong posture
. It is important to keep your back straight and not round your shoulders while exercising. If you find it difficult to maintain this posture while sitting, you can meditate lying on your back. You can learn more about how to achieve perfect posture HERE.
5. Lack of consistency.
You have to train your mind to become disciplined. Choose a time slot during the day and make sure it is not taken over by other activities. By consistently starting your meditation practice at the same time and in the same place, you will see results faster. Your mind will get used to this routine and enter ‘meditation mode’ more easily.
I’m sure you know that different people have different personalities: some are outgoing and outgoing while others are shy and lonely, some like to take risks while others prefer to play it safe, some like public attention while others fear it, and so on. It is normal for these people to choose different jobs and other hobbies and go on vacation to different places. However, when it comes to meditation, we often think that ‘one size fits all’ suddenly applies here. This is not true. When choosing your meditation routine, it’s a good idea to make sure you choose one that resonates with you the most. There are different types of meditation to suit everyone’s needs and you are certainly not limited in your choice. If you’re not sure what’s best for you, it can help to understand the four basic personality principles, or the four elements. Knowing your Element will save you a huge amount of time that you would otherwise have to spend discovering it through trial and error.
7. Confusing expectations
. Our society has conditioned us to be competitive in almost everything we do. Whenever we start a new activity, especially if we are learning independently, it is very normal to have doubts: “Am I doing it right?”, “Am I making any progress at all?”, “Can I make this work?” and similar. Remember, when learning meditation, you are not competing with anyone. You get to know yourself better and gain control over your own mind. While you may follow the same techniques as your friends or partners, don’t be surprised if you get different results; your mind is unique. The measure of your success is simply the ability to maintain a steady focus for longer and longer periods of time. You can measure it with a watch and keep a diary to track your progress.