Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), also known as Repetitive Stress Injury or Overuse Syndrome, refers to overuse and damage to muscles, tendons and nerves over a period of time. It results from overuse and repetitive movements of a particular body part over a long period of time. These are also known by other names, including cumulative trauma disorders and repetitive movement disorders. These can result from various types of repetitive activities over long periods of time, such as typing, playing a sport such as tennis, using specific tools by construction workers, using vibrating tools, knitting and playing a musical instrument such as piano, violin etc. Not all people who perform the above activities suffer from RSI, but these activities predispose them to developing RSI over time. RSI can also be caused by lifting heavy weights or sitting in the same or wrong position for a long time. In addition, the risk of RSI increases as a person gets older. Women suffer from it more than men. Smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes and obesity are some factors that predispose someone to RSI. Although any part of the body can be affected by RSI, the commonly affected areas are wrist, hands, fingers, thumbs, elbows, shoulders, neck and forearm. RSI results in pain in the affected part, which may be accompanied by stiffness and swelling. The part may also be painful to touch. In some cases, numbness, tingling sensation and weakness of the affected part may also be accompanied. The intensity of the symptoms of RSI varies from mild to severe.
Different types of RSI
There are many types of RSI, of which carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common. It refers to compression of the median nerve, leading to numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and arms. Next is tendinitis (that is, inflammation of the tendons, which are fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones) and bursitis (inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac around a joint that reduces friction between joint structures during joint movement). Another common type is tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), which is caused by overuse of the tendons and muscles of the outer elbow. This causes pain on the outside of the elbow that may be accompanied by stiffness, swelling and reduction in the grip strength of the hands. Other forms of RSI include cubital tunnel syndrome, golfer’s elbow, shin splints, trigger finger and De Quervain’s syndrome. These are all explained further.
Cubital tunnel syndrome is caused by irritation or compression of the ulnar nerve on the inside of the elbow. It causes pain on the inside of the elbow that may be accompanied by numbness and tingling in the fingers and difficulty moving the fingers. Golfer’s elbow ((medial epicondylitis) is a painful condition that affects the inside of the elbow at the junction of the tendons of the inner forearm muscle. The pain is on the inside of the elbow and can extend to the forearm. It can are accompanied by tenderness of the elbow on the inside, accompanied by stiffness, numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms or fingers. Shin splints cause pain on the inside of the shin bone (tibia, a bone in the leg) from repetitive movements. strain on the shin bone. Trigger finger is a condition that causes the finger to become stuck in the bent position. It mainly affects the ring finger and thumb, although any of the fingers can be involved. It occurs due to irritation and swelling of the De Quervain’s tendonitis is a condition that affects the tendons of the wrist on the thumb side due to repetitive hand and wrist movements.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for cases of RSI. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances and therefore have no side effects. These help manage the symptoms of RSI by reducing inflammation in muscles and tendons that result from overuse and strain. They help reduce pain, stiffness, swelling, tenderness and associated numbness, tingling and weakness in these cases. The results vary depending on the duration and intensity of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of RSI are always selected on the basis of individual symptoms. Although it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic doctor before using any homeopathic medicine. Self-medication should be avoided in any case.
Homeopathic Medicines for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
1. Rhus Tox – The best medicine
Rhus Tox is a leading homeopathic medicine to help cases of RSI. It is often the first choice of a homeopathic practitioner when it comes to cases involving inflammation and damage to muscles and tendons due to strain, strain and overuse of a particular body part. This medicine is very effective in controlling pain in the affected part. The pain can tear, stab, shoot. In most cases, the pain is accompanied by stiffness and tenderness. The pain gets worse at night. In general, the pain worsens with rest and gets better with movement. This medicine is very valuable in treating cases of tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis and shin splints.
2. Ruta – To treat tendonitis
Ruta is another important drug to treat cases of inflamed tendons due to overuse. In cases where this is necessary, there is pain in the affected part of the bruised type, accompanied by restlessness. Moreover, there is weakness. This medicine is very suitable for the treatment of tendonitis, tennis elbow, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. Arnica – For controlling pain and tenderness in the affected part
This medicine is very useful in treating cases of strain or strain on body parts. The characteristic feature of using this drug is pain, which means pain when touching the affected part. There is pain in the affected parts as if struck. In cases of tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome, this drug proves to be very useful.
4. Bellis Perennis – To treat tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome
This drug also gives great results when it comes to treating conditions arising from overuse and repetitive strain on body parts. In particular, it is most useful in treating tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. In cases where this medicine is required, there is pain in the elbow and a tight feeling around the wrist, as if an elastic band is tied around the wrist. In addition to the above, this medicine is also useful for treating back pain caused by excessive lifting and straining.
5. Causticum – To manage carpal tunnel syndrome
Besides the above medicines, Causticum is another prominent medicine for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. This medicine is indicated for pain, numbness and weakness in the fingers. In addition, an important symptom is atrophy (loss of muscle mass) of the hand muscles.
6. Bryonia – For dealing with tennis elbow
Bryonia is another prominent drug for tennis elbow cases other than Rhus Tox, Ruta and Arnica. It helps control pain and swelling around the elbow. The pain increases with movement and gets better with rest. In some cases, pain from the elbow can extend to the wrist.
7. Calcarea Carb – For stiff neck due to strain or strain
This medicine is of great help in controlling neck stiffness due to overloading or lifting objects. In cases where this is necessary, headaches may be accompanied by neck stiffness. In some cases, back pain can occur due to lifting objects that are too heavy.