Eczema is a condition that causes skin inflammation, along with red, rough, dry and itchy skin. Other signs and symptoms may occur such as flaking of the skin, oily skin, thickening of the skin, blistering, itching, pain, burning sensation, darkening of the skin and pain. There are different types of scalp eczema. These mainly include seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and cradle cap. The cause depends on the type of scalp eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition in which red, inflamed skin is covered with greasy scales/flakes that occur mainly on the scalp. Other areas where it can occur are behind the ear, on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and chest. The exact reason behind seborrheic dermatitis is not yet clear. Some factors that can lead to seborrheic eczema are the overgrowth of mallasezia globose (a type of yeast) found on the scalp and weak immunity. Other factors include oily skin, a family history of seborrheic dermatitis and an increase in androgen hormones.
Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema that is believed to arise from immune system dysfunction. Genetic factors are believed to play a role in this type of eczema. Thus, individuals with a family history of eczema or an atopic disease, for example allergic rhinitis and asthma, are at risk. Atopic dermatitis is common in young children, although it can affect people of any age group.
Contact dermatitis refers to a rash that results from direct contact or an allergic reaction upon contact with an allergen (such as hair care products, hair accessories, fragrances). Cradle cap is a skin condition that causes greasy, crusty patches on the baby’s scalp. In addition, white or yellow scales form that are difficult to loosen. Mild inflammation may be associated with it. Usually no itching occurs. It occurs in the baby’s first months after birth and usually disappears before the age of one year. In addition to the scalp, scales can also form on the nose, eyelids, ears and groin. Cradle cap is also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy has been found to be very effective in treating cases of scalp eczema. Homeopathic medicines promote self-healing in the most natural way by addressing the underlying cause. They focus on curing this condition rather than causing its suppression. Homeopathic medicines help in curing the eruptions and prevent new eruptions. In addition, they also manage discharges and other associated symptoms such as itching, burning and pain. Homeopathic medicines are useful in both acute and long-term (chronic) cases of scalp eczema. These medicines are of natural origin and have no side effects. The homeopathic prescription varies from case to case, depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. Therefore, it is advised that any case of scalp eczema be assessed by a homeopathic doctor for the most suitable homeopathic prescription. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.
Homeopathic medicines for scalp eczema
1. Graphites – High-quality medicine
Graphite is a top recommended homeopathic medicine for treating cases of scalp eczema. Firstly, this medicine is indicated when crusty eruptions occur anywhere on the scalp. The eruptions are painful and painful to the touch. Matting of hair happens due to crust formation. The scalp itches. A burning sensation is felt on the scalp, on top of the head. Secondly, this medicine is indicated for flaking or flaking on the head. It is accompanied by itching. Next, this drug is prominent in controlling breakouts on the scalp where moisture oozes. The liquid is sticky. In some cases, pus may ooze from the eruptions.
2. Arsenic album – for eczema with eruptions covered with flakes
This medicine is effective in cases where rashes on the scalp are covered with dry flakes/flakes. Dry scabs or scabs may also form on the scalp. Sometimes the eczema starts from the ear and then spreads to the scalp and face. The eczema can also extend to the neck and forehead. Itching and burning occur on the scalp, especially in the evening. In addition to the above complaints, the scalp can be sensitive to touch.
3. Petroleum – For thick greenish-yellow crusts on the scalp
This medicine is very useful in treating scalp eczema with thick, greenish-yellow crusts. Yellow fluid oozes from the crusty eruptions. The hair is glued together and matted by the secretion. The scalp is red and raw. Itching and burning are felt on the scalp. The scalp is also painful to the touch, especially after scratching. Sometimes cracks appear on the scalp that bleed easily.
4. Mezereum – For eczema with thick crusts and pus underneath
This medicine is useful for cases where thick crusts form on the scalp with pus underneath. The hair becomes sticky and matte due to the discharge. There is severe itching on the scalp. When scratching, the itch shifts to another location. Burning pain is also prominent. Itching eruptions can also extend behind the ears.
5. Natrum Mur – When eruptions ooze fluid that damages hair
Natrum Mur is a suitable medicine when fluid discharge due to eruptions destroys the hair. There is severe itching on the scalp and neck. In some cases, white scales are present on the scalp. This medicine is also indicated if eczema occurs along the edges of the scalp. This is where crusty, dry eruptions occur on the scalp margin.
6. Kali Sulph – For cases with yellow, greasy flakes
This medicine is very useful in cases of yellow, greasy, sticky scales on the scalp. The flakes are moist and cause itching. Sometimes hair loss occurs on the scalp.
7. Sulfur – To control itching on the scalp
This medicine is of great help in controlling itching on the scalp. In most cases, the itching gets worse in the evening. Pimples or pustular (pus-filled) eruptions may be present on the scalp. Fluid-filled eruptions can develop on top of the scalp. Later they become covered with yellowish or brownish crusts. A thick, moist crust may form on the back of the head. Eczema can also occur along the edge of the hairy scalp at the back from one ear to the other. Finally, this medicine is indicated for eruptions on the back of the head and behind the ears. These eruptions can bleed. Combustion takes place during these eruptions.
8. Silicea – With excessive sweating on the scalp
This medicine can be used if eczema is accompanied by increased sweating on the scalp. The sweat is usually profuse at night. It has a sour smell. In most cases that require this, pus-filled eruptions, i.e. pustules, form on the scalp. The pustules can also extend to the neck. There is obvious itching in the pustules.
9. Calcarea Carb – For yellowish white scales or thick crusts on the scalp
This medicine is well indicated for yellowish white flakes on the scalp. The scales can be small or large. These can be dry or moist. They can sometimes be thin and sometimes fat. This medicine works well for thick crusts on the scalp with yellow pus. In some cases it can spread to the face. Another indication for its use is thick scabs on the scalp that bleed when you scratch them. Finally, it is a suitable drug when eruptions with a thick crust appear on the back of the head and then spread to the entire head. It is accompanied by itching, pain and soreness. You may feel a crawling sensation on the head.