Joint pain and swelling can occur in any joint of the body, including small joints. Small joints include joints of hands, fingers, feet, toes, wrist and ankle. Hand and foot joints include – MCP (metacarpophalangeal) joints, interphalangeal joints and MTP (metatarsophalangeal) joints. MCP joints are the joints where the bones of the hands meet the bones of the fingers and thumbs, also called knuckles. MTP joints are the joints that connect the long bones of the foot to the toes. Interphalangeal joints refer to joints between the bones of the fingers (phalanges) that connect them together. The main reason behind minor joint pain and swelling is arthritis. Arthritis means inflammation of the joints that causes pain, swelling, redness, heat and stiffness of a joint.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathic medicines are very effective in controlling minor joint pain and swelling. These medications are 100% natural remedies that reduce joint inflammation, prevent further joint damage and relieve symptoms such as pain, swelling and stiffness. The homeopathic medicines are useful in both cases of recent origin and long-term chronic cases. These medications are free from toxic side effects. In any case, homeopathic medicines for the treatment of joint pain are selected based on individual symptoms. Although it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor before taking any homeopathic medicine for the treatment of joint pain.
Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of pain in small joints
1.Actaea Spicata – Top Recommended Medicine
Actaea Spicata is the leading homeopathic medicine for the treatment of pain and swelling in small joints. This drug proves effective when joints of fingers, wrists, ankles and toes are affected. Of all these joints, the most prominent involvement is the wrist joint. In cases where this is necessary, the affected joints are painful, red and swollen. The pain is drawing or tearing in nature. The complaint increases by touching and moving the affected joint. Even a little fatigue causes swelling in these joints.
2. Caulophyllum – When the pain shifts from one joint to another
Caulophyllum is the most important medicine to tackle cases where the pain keeps moving between different small joints. The joints affected include those of the hands, fingers, feet, toes, wrists and ankles. In addition to pain, the joints also exhibit stiffness. The pain shifts quite quickly from one joint to another every few minutes.
3. Antimonium Crudum – For pain in the finger joints
Antimonium Crudum is one of the best medicines to treat inflammation of finger joints. In cases where this is necessary, marked pain occurs in the joints of the fingers. A characteristic pain is prominent in the finger joints. Swelling occurs in the finger joints, along with pain.
4. Arnica – For painful, swollen joints of feet and toes
Arnica is a suitable medicine to treat pain and swelling in the joints of feet and toes. The pain gets worse in the evening. The joints are sensitive and painful to the touch. After walking, swelling occurs in the feet. A burning sensation is also felt in the feet. It is also a top medicine for joint pain due to an injury.
5. Rhus Tox – For joint pain in hands, fingers and wrists
Rhus Tox is one of the most important medications for treating joint pain in hands, fingers and wrists. It is well indicated for pain in the finger joints with swelling. The pain gets worse in the evening. The tearing pain dominates. It is also suitable for pain in the hands, accompanied by stiffness in the morning. Swelling is also noted on the hands. It is also useful for joint pain in the wrist associated with swelling. The pain becomes worse after rest and cold treatment.
6. Colchicum – For minor joint pain and swelling due to gout
Colchicum is an important medicine for treating pain and swelling in small joints caused by gout. This medicine gives excellent results for pain in the joints of hands or feet due to high uric acid levels. In addition, swelling, heat and stiffness in the joints are clearly visible. Of the joints affected, it most prominently affects the joint of the big toe. The big toe is painful to touch and hurts when making movements. A person may scream in pain when the affected joints are touched. The pain can shift from one joint to another. The pain usually gets worse at night. This medicine is also recommended for treating cases where finger joints become deformed due to joint damage.
7. Pulsatilla – For pain and swelling in the joints of the hands and wrists
Pulsatilla works well for painful swollen joints of the hands and wrist. The joints of the hands are also red, along with pain and swelling. Pain is tearing or pulling in nature. Pain hinders hand movements. The wrist joint is painful, swollen and red. Pain disrupts sleep at night. The wrist is also painful and stiff with movement.
8. Ledum Pal – For ankle pain and swelling
Ledum Pal is a beneficial medicine for controlling pain and swelling in the ankle joint. In cases where this is necessary, the pain becomes worse when walking. In the morning, pressure is felt in the ankles. The pain gets worse with heat and better with cold applications to the ankle.
9. Lithium Carb – For pain in feet, toes, ankles and fingers
Lithium carb is another useful drug for treating minor joint pain, including that of feet, toes, ankles and fingers. The pain is most pronounced in the right foot, becoming worse at night. Pain in the ankle joint gets worse when walking. There is pain, swelling and redness of the finger joints with general puffiness around the affected limbs. Pain and swelling of the finger and toe joints get better by applying warm water to these joints.
What causes pain in small joints?
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis – The first most common type of arthritis that affects small joints is rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease that causes painful, swollen and stiff joints. It affects the lining of the joints and primarily affects small joints, especially finger joints on both hands at the same time. As the condition progresses, the large joint may also be affected. In later stages, joint deformity may occur and in addition to joints, other organs such as eyes, skin, lungs and heart may also be affected.
2. Osteoarthritis – This type of arthritis is caused by degeneration of a joint due to wear and tear of the cartilage at the ends of the bones. Cartilage is a cushion present on the bone surface where bones connect with each other to form a joint and allows smooth movement of bones in a joint. When cartilage is damaged, the ends of the bones rub against each other, leading to pain and stiffness in the joint. It can affect the finger joints and wrist joint, but especially the knee joint.
3. Gout – It refers to joint inflammation due to accumulation of urate crystals in joints due to elevated uric acid levels in the blood. It results in swollen, painful, red and warm joints, mainly of the big toe.
4. Psoriatic Arthritis – It is a form of arthritis (joint inflammation) that tends to affect some people who suffer from a skin condition called psoriasis. This is an autoimmune disease of the skin with red spots on the skin covered with silvery-white scales.
5. Injury to a joint can also lead to joint pain and swelling