What I discuss with Dr. Hemal Patel:
- How mitochondrial health can be tested through innovative kits for home, the in -depth role of mitochondria in energy production and cell fever, and their critical link with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure and neurodegeneration … 06: 12
- How the The mitochondria of the heart have different rolesFrom producing energy to responding to stress and regulating the cell function, depending on their location … 10: 56
- The role of mitochondrial efficiency in preventing chronic diseases, improving performance and supporting recovery … 14: 49
- The mescreen mitochondrial efficiency testThat a simple blood sample uses to analyze biochemical markers as a proxy for mitochondrial health …
- How blood plasma analysis, inspired by NASA’s twin studyoffers a scalable, non-invasive way to check mitochondrial health, predict organ dysfunction and assess stress fence … 18: 29
- The mescreen (Use code Ben to save 10%) Test makes simple mitochondrial health controls possible for home, plus its stability for global tests and studies on the transformative impact of meditation on mitochondrial health … 25: 51
- How the mescreen Test analyzes the mitochondrial function by simulating stress on muscle cells … 32: 47
- How the mescreen Test analyzes the production of free radicals and energy balance by measuring reactive oxygen species and energy paths such as mitochondrial breathing and glycolysis … 40: 03
- How the mescreen Test evaluates mitochondrial network dynamics by tagging mitochondria with glowing proteins to check their connectivity … 46: 44
- How the mescreen Test measures the effects of lifestyle changes, supplements and therapies, short -term mitochondrial boosts of psychedelics and the importance of consistent routines about chasing trends … 50: 21
- Ben’s routine And how it seems to support the optimum mitochondrial function, with an emphasis on the importance of personalized approaches … 55: 40
I recently discovered that there is actually an accurate method to find out how healthy your mitochondria are.
It’s hot “mescreen“And it is based on groundbreaking research with which you can assess the mitochondrial function via a simple blood test at home. Mescreen Decode your cellular performance to unlock the peak potential for optimum life. This is more than guesswork, it is the first, a precision path to discover your vitality based on your mitochondrial efficiency.
Mitochondria -efficiency scores that are measured and provided by your Mescreen test involve:
- The energy profile: Evaluates the core functions of your mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, which offers a basic line of your mitochondrial health and oxygen consumption for following over time. This assessment is crucial for understanding your energy production and resilience against stress and disease, which reflects the efficiency of your mitochondria in retaining your overall vitality.
- The Mito Ros scores: Offers refined insights into the ability of your mitochondria to manage and generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals under stress. Increased ROS production can lead to oxidative damage, which contributes to aging and various health problems such as neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular problems and diabetes.
- THe Mito Network -Scores: Gives a more detailed picture of the ability of your mitochondria to make and handle cellular stress, especially in terms of mitochondrial network function.
- The energy balance scores: Assesses four important aspects of mitochondrial health-glycolytic, aerobic, Q-score and energetic scores avoids your reaction to stress, energy saving and cellular repair efficiency.
Dr. Hemal PatelMy guest in this show is a regular professor and vice-chairman for research in the Anesthesiology department by the University of California, San Diegoand has a double appointment as a VA Research Career Scientist and VA Research Pharmacologist at the Va San Diego Healthcare System. He is also the most important scientific adviser for Verséa Discovery (the makers of Mescreen). He obtained his Ph.D. In pharmacology and toxicology of the Medical College of Wisconsin and did postdoctoral work at UCSD in the Pharmacology department under Paul Insel (2002–2005).
He has made important contributions in shaping new research areas on defining the impact of the membrane structure on cell, organ and organism physiology and metabolism with implications for cardiac ischemie reperfuselegsel, heart failure, diabetic cardiomyopathy, pulmonale, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areasing, areas, Cancer and cancer and neurodegeneration. His focus on energy in cell biology touches all this and is a control point for managing and empowering resilience of human health.