There are things in life that we take for granted. These are usually events that we experience regularly. We have become accustomed – or patterned – to living alongside them, so much so that they have become a regular occurrence in our lives, whether we can visibly see them or not. For example, the sun always rises in the morning and sets in the evening. The times of these events can change from day to day, but even with a backdrop of tumultuous weather, sunrise and sunset are constants we can rely on. Similarly, the moon will go through eight phases every month. Sometimes the moon will be hidden behind clouds. On other days it will be in the “new moon” phase and invisible to the eye unless it coincides with a solar eclipse. Still, we have faith that the moon is here and will complete its full cycle.
There are many more certainties in our lives. We know that winter weather is generally colder than summer weather, and that spring and fall are the transitional seasons with mild climates. Farmers plan their harvests around these cyclical constants. Your body is also a constant. It will always work to achieve an optimal state of health. Your Qi flows invisibly through an energetic network of meridians. When Qi flows freely, you experience good health. But when Qi is blocked and cannot flow, you may feel pain or develop symptoms related to illness or discomfort. Here we see how the invisible Qi flow affects our body on the visible or physical level.
Everything you see, feel or experience first happens on the invisible level. Physical reactions, or visible symptoms, are the body’s way of communicating the message that something is energetically out of balance. What is your body telling you? What’s happening underneath?
Learn to see beyond the visible level through Qigong practice.
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Qi Thursdays: Free, virtual Qigong practice led by a certified Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor, Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM EST.
Tao of Morning Qigong: Traditional-style virtual Qigong practice led by Grandmaster Lu on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM EST, with a support session on Sunday evening.